
Larry Gude

Strung Out
??? How many would start for any of the dozen or so upper echelon teams? So far, the only player I've seen performing at a high level is Fletcher..


Fat Albert
Smith (I'm desperate, here)
Maybe Rocky

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It starts at the top. Snyder treats all of his employees like crap from the janitor to the quarterback. He is all about the money. Players aren't stupid. Snyder will never have a winning team.

Yup. It's the Cattotter principle.

I was having a chat this am with step mom who asked what their problem is and I said that very thing.

After explaining wtf 'cattotter' principle means, she said 'well, there is always the ravens...'

Which was a perfect analogy; she has NO clue who the owner is, when/if Tom Cruise was ever at his box, what super signing he's done, the name of his airplane or anything other than they are a long time good, solid team.


My Sweetest Boy
Yup. It's the Cattotter principle.

I was having a chat this am with step mom who asked what their problem is and I said that very thing.

After explaining wtf 'cattotter' principle means, she said 'well, there is always the ravens...'

Which was a perfect analogy; she has NO clue who the owner is, when/if Tom Cruise was ever at his box, what super signing he's done, the name of his airplane or anything other than they are a long time good, solid team.


We were with the insider yesterday watching the game...he thought the loss was hilarious.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

We were with the insider yesterday watching the game...he thought the loss was hilarious.

It's getting so bad, I started rooting FOR the Lions midway through the 3rd.

They were playing hard, wanted to be there and the kid QB was exciting to watch. The Redskins all pretty much looked like "Hey, at least we're getting paid..."


This is interesting; Boswell

Thomas Boswell - In Big Picture for Washington Redskins Organization, Focus Disappeared Long Ago -

They have the view of their worth based on WHAT THEY GET PAID.

This IS an incredibly talented group of players, as usual. Maybe the most talented in the league. However, that is irrelevant. We've all seen talented teams get beat time and time and time again by better...teams.

The Redskins are not a good team. They're always good at this position, weak at that one, great at this position, horrible at this one. It's a mish mash collection full of shiny baubles and over looked duds.

The team, every team, is a reflection of the owner and his values, of how he does business and what he values.

Slow and steady? Not us?
Best coaching? Nope.
Get it done or else? No.
Just win, baby? Ha.

Dan Snyder likes the splash and the shiny things and the big signings. That is what he wants to do, that is what he does. He sees this from the promotional side of a business and that's what he does. That is what he's done since day one be it Dion, Bruce Smith, Spurrier, Gibbs, Portis, Lloyd and Archuletta, all the flashy #1's who all play the same position, DB's, Rogers, Springs, Taylor, Hall, Landry, or the latest and, perhaps, biggest of them all, Haynesworth and his record contract.

Even now, everyone expects that Snyder is working on the next BIG THING, Cowher or Shanahan or, who knows, Knute Rockne?

There are great players galore. There's just no team in all of this.

This IS an incredibly talented group of players, as usual. Maybe the most talented in the league. Are you for real? "The most talented in the league" I can't stop laughing. Their starters would not start for 99% of the teams in the NFL!! Wake up and smell the coffee. Fletcher and Haynesworth ( who will play maybe 10 games if your lucky) are the only ones worth a damn. Two playoff wins in 17 years, and you think they have the most talent in the league? As long as Snder and CeROTa are making the calls, the daeadskins will NEVER amount to anything! GO BIG BLUE!!!!!


It's getting so bad, I started rooting FOR the Lions midway through the 3rd.

They were playing hard, wanted to be there and the kid QB was exciting to watch. The Redskins all pretty much looked like "Hey, at least we're getting paid..."

Had to stop myself ... but had the same feeling about the paycheck mentality Skins.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
This IS an incredibly talented group of players, as usual. Maybe the most talented in the league. Are you for real? "The most talented in the league" I can't stop laughing. Their starters would not start for 99% of the teams in the NFL!! Wake up and smell the coffee. Fletcher and Haynesworth ( who will play maybe 10 games if your lucky) are the only ones worth a damn. Two playoff wins in 17 years, and you think they have the most talent in the league? As long as Snder and CeROTa are making the calls, the daeadskins will NEVER amount to anything! GO BIG BLUE!!!!!

Wow, you are clueless aren't you? The skins are lucky to get 10 plays out of Haynesworth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Had to stop myself ... but had the same feeling about the paycheck mentality Skins.

I do NOT blame the players. It's a brutal game and they have very limited careers to make as much as they can. The game goes on and does NOT care about them in any way other than when they are on the field.

I actually don't have hard feelings towards Snyder, either. He pays the guys. I just think you can do that secondarily to winning and still be good to the players.

The only thing that truly annoys me with Snyder is when he low balls some guy like Sellers amidst all this showering with gold of new guys.


Dancing Up A Storm
I just caught a segment on ESPN, where the Redskins/Lions game was replayed(again), and then Hannah Storm brought Jim Schwartz, (NFL Commentator) on the show for a review of the game and his thoughts.

Usual stuff, that everybody else has mentioned, in one way or another, but then Schwartz added that - in the last few days - Sonny Jergensen(sp?) and John Riggins, have blasted the Redskins owner/management and coaching staff efforts, with some very harsh words.

They'd like to see Jim Zorn let go, but they don't think that will happen anytime soon. Mainly, because the Redskins would then have to hire 3 new coaches, and they don't see that as a possibility.

Turmoil afoot, within the Redskins veteran players midst?
I just caught a segment on ESPN, where the Redskins/Lions game was replayed(again), and then Hannah Storm brought Jim Schwartz, (NFL Commentator) on the show for a review of the game and his thoughts.

Usual stuff, that everybody else has mentioned, in one way or another, but then Schwartz added that - in the last few days - Sonny Jergensen(sp?) and John Riggins, have blasted the Redskins owner/management and coaching staff efforts, with some very harsh words.

They'd like to see Jim Zorn let go, but they don't think that will happen anytime soon. Mainly, because the Redskins would then have to hire 3 new coaches, and they don't see that as a possibility.

Turmoil afoot, within the Redskins veteran players midst?

Extremely high turmoil in the veteran player camp. I was a huge supporter of Zorn but that is quickly dissipating... I see a lack of discipline on both sides of the ball. This lack of discipline starts at the top and is now being reflected in blown assignments and mental errors.

Before they fire Zorn they should let go Carlos Rogers, his ass has been burnt one too many times. :boo:
How is this team ever going to get better, when no one wants to confront the real problem? We just want to complain about all this incidental stuff, meanwhile we remain in denial about the most important issue.

The cheerleaders for this team just don't cheer hard enough, and the Redskins will never return to their rightful place among the esteemed NFL teams until they start to.