Skins / Patriots




:faint: I think I'm the only one but I still see it as unsportsmanlike to go for 4th down TWICE in the fourth quarter instead of kicking field goals when they were already 5 or 6 touchdowns ahead... it's not like we were going to start rattling off points :lol: The only thing we won was the coin toss and it went downhill from there on out. :lol: Patriots have now hit my "grudge level" :cussing:


You don't honestly think Campbell was the problem, do you? The Redskins are not as good as their 4-2 record would imply and their defense has feasted on weak teams. This was a wake-up call. Campbell's a good young QB, and one of the few non-knucklehead Foreskins.

Your right Campbell's performance was stellar :yay:



He better show something next week againest the Jets, or its time for the bench for him.
I believe New England could have run the ball more toward the end when they are up by 35 points.
Think Belichick is trying to run scores up againest everyone they have played so far, whats the saying what goes around comes around.
Like the Skins the year they lead the the NFL in scoring, then get blown out in the Super Bowl againest Oakland.
Next week will be interesting if they beat the Colts, they will proably go undefeated, unless Brady gets hurt.
Sorry azz pass rush of the Skins yesterday couldnt get to him, think Westlake or Patuxent could have done better.:lmao:

You sound like me :lol: I agree 110%. Anyone could have given the skins in the last 46 years one of their worst losses in history but most teams don't kick another team when they are down like that. Patriots ended up scoring more points in a game then they have in 28 years - at our expense. I hope we win all the games hereon out and see them in Superbowl :evil: :clap:


I know nothing
You sound like me :lol: I agree 110%. Anyone could have given the skins in the last 46 years one of their worst losses in history but most teams don't kick another team when they are down like that. Patriots ended up scoring more points in a game then they have in 28 years - at our expense. I hope we win all the games hereon out and see them in Superbowl :evil: :clap:



New Member
I agree. The Patriots have gotten beat up in the past few weeks in the press for "running up the score". That's BS. This is professional sports, not Youth League.

If you don't want the other team to score points, then play better football. Simple as that. I'd be embarrassed to know that the other team had to "dumb down" just to make my team look not as bad.

by running up the score, the Patriots are simply giving the other teams MULTIPLE, repeated opportunity to realize weakness and to correct mistakes.

LOTS of good film is created by such a huge loss. You better believe that the Redskins will come out stronger in the next couple of weeks...maybe. The opportunity is there. The schedule is ripe for it.

But the SuperBowl as a Grudge Match? :lmao: :roflmao


I was changing my clothes to go to pigskin football practice and grabbed a shirt out of the drawer. I noticed it was a Redskins t-shirt and put it back. I fear I have psychological damage from Sunday's game. :bawl: Who should I sue?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I was changing my clothes to go to pigskin football practice and grabbed a shirt out of the drawer. I noticed it was a Redskins t-shirt and put it back. I fear I have psychological damage from Sunday's game. :bawl: Who should I sue?



Running up the score?! That's BS. It's a game, some people take this too seriously.

:rolleyes: I don't care who they played yesterday, I'd still have to agree they ran the score up. :shrug: They could have went for two field goals in the fourth quarter instead, they went for it on fourth down. That's a smack in the face in my opinion. I am entitled to one.

There was no implicit need to go for the jugular. To be honest with you I'm suprised the closing seconds wasn't a bunch of hail mary's to the endzone by their 3rd string quarterback. :yay: Redskins were obviously no threat of scoring 5 or 6 touchdowns in the last quarter, especially when we can't even move the ball - why not run down the clock when you are in that much of a lead as has been common practice in football for eons - you know - hand the ball off - actually run the ball to take down the clock. Instead they kept going for it on 4th downs even - as if it was a close game.

There's others that agree with this and some Redskin players, just obviously not alot of folks on here. I don't feel there was much of ANY good sportsmanship, down to illegally spiking the ball on touchdowns.

Yes, its not the Youth League but I'll be darned if they dont' watch the NFL and see this as a poor example.


Supper's Ready
:rolleyes: I don't care who they played yesterday, I'd still have to agree they ran the score up. :shrug: They could have went for two field goals in the fourth quarter instead, they went for it on fourth down. That's a smack in the face in my opinion. I am entitled to one.

There was no implicit need to go for the jugular. To be honest with you I'm suprised the closing seconds wasn't a bunch of hail mary's to the endzone by their 3rd string quarterback. :yay: Redskins were obviously no threat of scoring 5 or 6 touchdowns in the last quarter, especially when we can't even move the ball - why not run down the clock when you are in that much of a lead as has been common practice in football for eons - you know - hand the ball off - actually run the ball to take down the clock. Instead they kept going for it on 4th downs even - as if it was a close game.

There's others that agree with this and some Redskin players, just obviously not alot of folks on here. I don't feel there was much of ANY good sportsmanship, down to illegally spiking the ball on touchdowns.

Yes, its not the Youth League but I'll be darned if they dont' watch the NFL and see this as a poor example.
I definitely see your point, dems. Especially on the "running down the clock" being a more strategic option for sure. The continued frequent passing with that much of a lead I did not agree with at all.
But I'm also thinking that if I have that much of a lead as a coach, why not go for it on fourth (on the ground, of course), what do I have to lose except possession at that point. A three pointer adds on the points, too (recognizing of course, that the practice of kicking for three has always been the typical play).:buddies:


Nothing to see here
:rolleyes: I don't care who they played yesterday, I'd still have to agree they ran the score up. :shrug: They could have went for two field goals in the fourth quarter instead, they went for it on fourth down. That's a smack in the face in my opinion. I am entitled to one.

There was no implicit need to go for the jugular. To be honest with you I'm suprised the closing seconds wasn't a bunch of hail mary's to the endzone by their 3rd string quarterback. :yay: Redskins were obviously no threat of scoring 5 or 6 touchdowns in the last quarter, especially when we can't even move the ball - why not run down the clock when you are in that much of a lead as has been common practice in football for eons - you know - hand the ball off - actually run the ball to take down the clock. Instead they kept going for it on 4th downs even - as if it was a close game.

There's others that agree with this and some Redskin players, just obviously not alot of folks on here. I don't feel there was much of ANY good sportsmanship, down to illegally spiking the ball on touchdowns.

Yes, its not the Youth League but I'll be darned if they dont' watch the NFL and see this as a poor example.

Had no problem whatsoever with any of it, tho I do remember the skins being penalized in the Dolphins game for 2 guys doing a leaping high 5 after a TD for illegal celebration. See it all the time and not once have I seen it called again. You got a lead, let the scrubs play, never know when you might need em in a pinch. Having your scrubs kneel on the ball doesn't help your team.


Spiking the ball after a touchdown isn't illegal. Spiking it on non-scoring plays is, such as after a first down, etc.

You are correct. :yay: They have gone from a -99999999 on my puke scale to a -99999998.5 somewhere obsurely down on my list with Dallas. :lol:


I like the running up of the scores. I think it's amazing to actually see how good a team really is, rather than just seeing them get enough of a lead and protect it.

It's interesting to see the differences in etiquette between pro football and pro baseball:

In football, it is ok to celebrate wildly and humorously after a touchdown, and to taunt the other team after tackles and sacks, but in baseball it is considered extremely bad form to throw up your hands and watch your home run fly out of the park, or to give high fives to the fans (remember the flack Lastings Milledge got?)

In football it's rude to continue to score as many points as you are able but it's okay to win 30-3 in baseball.

WTF? Why are people so sensitive about this stuff? Personally I have Brady and Moss on my FFB team so I say keep it up.

In past seasons the Patriots never did this stuff, they scored just enough to win. Bill Belichick didn't want to have all of his plays on tape for other teams to prepare so they did just enough to win. Now he's been slighted and ridiculed and he's on a mission to show that he's the best effing football coach who ever lived. Meanwhile Brady is putting a stop to the "Who's better, Brady or Manning?" debates: forget about the 30 TDs for a minute... only 2 interceptions!?! And Moss is out to show up everyone who thought he would still be a team cancer.

These Pats are a team on a mission and they won't be stopped.


New Member
Had no problem whatsoever with any of it...You got a lead, let the scrubs play, never know when you might need em in a pinch. Having your scrubs kneel on the ball doesn't help your team.

So why not let the 1st line players, as well as the scrubs just play, and practice those "special needs" plays in a real game situation when you have the chance such as the 4th down touch down. The playoffs and superbowl are quickly approaching. Those are the plays that need to be perfected for close, important games. Those are the plays that can't be adequately practiced mid-week. There's no tension to perform and win like there is in a real game situation.


So why not let the 1st line players, as well as the scrubs just play, and practice those "special needs" plays in a real game situation when you have the chance such as the 4th down touch down. The playoffs and superbowl are quickly approaching. Those are the plays that need to be perfected for close, important games. Those are the plays that can't be adequately practiced mid-week. There's no tension to perform and win like there is in a real game situation.

Yeah, Sunday we really prooved we were MUCH MUCH better than their practice squad :killingme: :killingme: :killingme:
