Skins / Patriots



Touchdown! :yahoo:

This is it, folks! They're back in the game!

:yeahthat: Cooley did that Riggins-esq style :yahoo:

Seriously though, I do feel bad for the Jets in advance next week. We will avenge this. That's one thing Redskins have historically done after a bad, really, really bad loss like this.


:killingme: Anyone see at the end when Pats coach was looking for Gibbs to shake his hand and wondering where he was? :lol: I wouldn't shake his hand either - he ran the points up when he didnt need to. He went for it on 4th down on the 6 yard line when then were up 38 points in the fourth quarter, kept passing instead of running the ball to kill the clock and then the final slap in the face was putting in not only the second string quarterback for even more passing yards (again not running and killing the clock) but then their freakn' THIRD string quarterback. I don't blame Gibbs at all for not shaking hands. That was just rude. :mad:


New Member
Skins fans he did the same thing to us, he ran the ball on fourth down and scored a touchdown with something like 14 seconds to go at Home nontheless. But Wade Phillips still shook his hand, I think that makes Joe Gibbs look bad. Go up to the man, look him in the eye, and ask him.................................................................................................................................... 'So do you still have the copy of the game film (the skins signals) from the first half of tonight?'


Supper's Ready
:killingme: Anyone see at the end when Pats coach was looking for Gibbs to shake his hand and wondering where he was? :lol: I wouldn't shake his hand either - he ran the points up when he didnt need to. He went for it on 4th down on the 6 yard line when then were up 38 points in the fourth quarter, kept passing instead of running the ball to kill the clock and then the final slap in the face was putting in not only the second string quarterback for even more passing yards (again not running and killing the clock) but then their freakn' THIRD string quarterback. I don't blame Gibbs at all for not shaking hands. That was just rude. :mad:

Definitely goes against the grain of common practice. I think Belichick (having this well-oiled machine) is thinking record numbers all the way, besides winning.

Watching the Giants-Dolphins game earlier, the British fans didn't seem to like the kneeling bit that the NFL does. I know the goal is winning, and preserving the team to win again by reducing unnecessary risk. I like the idea of playing to the end, though.


I know nothing
:killingme: Anyone see at the end when Pats coach was looking for Gibbs to shake his hand and wondering where he was? :lol: I wouldn't shake his hand either - he ran the points up when he didnt need to. He went for it on 4th down on the 6 yard line when then were up 38 points in the fourth quarter, kept passing instead of running the ball to kill the clock and then the final slap in the face was putting in not only the second string quarterback for even more passing yards (again not running and killing the clock) but then their freakn' THIRD string quarterback. I don't blame Gibbs at all for not shaking hands. That was just rude. :mad:

So they should just give up because the skins suck??? Heck thats even a bigger slap in the face.

The only one to blame is the Skins for allowing this team to kick the crap out of them...


So they should just give up because the skins suck??? Heck thats even a bigger slap in the face.

The only one to blame is the Skins for allowing this team to kick the crap out of them...

No, its just common courtesy and class not to kick a man when he's down.


I know nothing
No, its just common courtesy and class not to kick a man when he's down.

Aww, poor wittle skins got dare feelwings hurted becasue thier top ranked defense didnt show up to play today.

Im sorry, but I think it shows less class to not keep playing football. If the skins didnt want to be embarrassed, they should have played better ball.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I've been fighting the urge to do just that since 430..:lmao:

The Chargers, on the other hand, have RETURNED! I didn't pick them because of the spread and the fires and the :jameo: They played well today but I think it is because DR bought me a Tomlinson jersey and I wore it during the game.


What comes around goes around. Wasn't Billick already called for cheating earlier on in the season? There's just common sportsmanship and he didn't show it.