Slavery reparations gaining momentum


Nupe2 said:
The de facto segregation more often than not occurs when "white flight" occurs. However, I have to admit that "black flight" from the inner city by middle class blacks may have had an equal effect on those remaining behind, mostly black and poor in many neighborhoods. Black flight removed another layer of the tax base and reduced funding available for schools, etc. and also reduced the visibility of those who had advanced through education and hard work. I also have to admit that you are right regarding access to extra help, etc. (I hate it when you're right)
Come on man, are you serious? First, taxes are collected state wide and then redistributed by the state government. Not all the tax money collected in ST Mary's stays in ST Mary's, even the Federal government redistributes tax money from wealthier regions to poorer regions.. People moving out of a neighborhood does not affect the tax base(unless they move out of state) except in the number of students that must be paid for.

"White flight" and "black flight" are reactions to "circumstances" more than "racism". What factors are common as a whole between all inner cities? Crime, violence, blight and drugs. People are fleeing getting mugged, robbed, killed or having their kids lured into being a crack head. Simple fact is danger sucks so they leave. :shrug: It matters not who is perpetuating the violence and danger, black, white, Russian, or Asian, getting beat and robbed hurts no matter what color the hand is beating you. You even point out that "middle class blacks" are fleeing too. Can blacks be racist against other blacks? Does it make you racist if you flee an area where you do not feel safe?

I agree on the visibility issue to a certain degree, but I believe for the most part that shiat is all Hollywood. If a person REALLY wants to succeed they will. The fact of the matter is that the inner cities you talk about are inhabited by thugs and animals. The people who leave, leave for a "better" life not because they live next to a black person.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Come on man, are you serious? First, taxes are collected state wide and then redistributed by the state government. Not all the tax money collected in ST Mary's stays in ST Mary's, even the Federal government redistributes tax money from wealthier regions to poorer regions.. People moving out of a neighborhood does not affect the tax base(unless they move out of state) except in the number of students that must be paid for.

"White flight" and "black flight" are reactions to "circumstances" more than "racism". What factors are common as a whole between all inner cities? Crime, violence, blight and drugs. People are fleeing getting mugged, robbed, killed or having their kids lured into being a crack head. Simple fact is danger sucks so they leave. :shrug: It matters not who is perpetuating the violence and danger, black, white, Russian, or Asian, getting beat and robbed hurts no matter what color the hand is beating you. You even point out that "middle class blacks" are fleeing too. Can blacks be racist against other blacks? Does it make you racist if you flee an area where you do not feel safe?

I agree on the visibility issue to a certain degree, but I believe for the most part that shiat is all Hollywood. If a person REALLY wants to succeed they will. The fact of the matter is that the inner cities you talk about are inhabited by thugs and animals. The people who leave, leave for a "better" life not because they live next to a black person.

No major disagreement there....and don't call me Shirley! (that's my wife) :lmao:
Quick couple of questions:
#1 They are proposing to pay $$ to decendants of all slaves in America, correct?
#2 Where do I sign up to get my $$? I can PROVE that 3 of my ancestors were sold on the block in Oxford, MD as slaves by the British Crown after losing the battle of Culloden Moor and thus the battle for Scottish Sovereignty.
I think the ones that have an interest in reparation money, do not have much of an interest in being compensated for slavery and years of racial segregation.
thakidistight said:
I think the ones that have an interest in reparation money, do not have much of an interest in being compensated for slavery and years of racial segregation.
Repeat after me...SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nupe2 said:
With that being said, a check from the government (you and I as taxpayers) is not going to undo history, is not going to change the minds of those who do not believe that blacks have suffered in this country, is not going to make it easier for the next generation and is not going to make this a better, more unified America. That will not happen until black folks and white folks can do something that I very rarely see here on these forums, try to walk in the other guy's shoes, try to see their point of view and try to understand. Instead, we tend to attack, refer to "them" or "they" and in doing so, drive the wedge even further.

Bingo. Couldn't say it better.

It's hard to disagree w/ the idea of reparations without sounding callous (I don't mean to imply that slavery wasn't bad, or that blacks haven't dealt with racism since then), but nobody has managed to get me behind the idea that I owe anybody $. Particularly because my ancestors were farmers, blacksmiths, etc., worked hard for their money - keeping others down wasn't real high on their list of priorities.

And that's not to mention that it would ridiculously hard to verify who's ancestors were actually slaves and who's weren't - do we take peoples' word for it? Furthermore, should people other other backgrounds get some money too? For instance, Chinese americans, who's ancestors weren't enslaved here but faced their own variety of discrimination....should they get 60% of what blacks get? 70%? What about the Irish?

"All right - we'll take the ******s and the chinks, but no Irish!" (God, I hope everybody gets that reference or the red karma's gonna rain on me) :lmao:


Well-Known Member
bohman said:
Bingo. Couldn't say it better.

It's hard to disagree w/ the idea of reparations without sounding callous (I don't mean to imply that slavery wasn't bad, or that blacks haven't dealt with racism since then), but nobody has managed to get me behind the idea that I owe anybody $. Particularly because my ancestors were farmers, blacksmiths, etc., worked hard for their money - keeping others down wasn't real high on their list of priorities.

And that's not to mention that it would ridiculously hard to verify who's ancestors were actually slaves and who's weren't - do we take peoples' word for it? Furthermore, should people other other backgrounds get some money too? For instance, Chinese americans, who's ancestors weren't enslaved here but faced their own variety of discrimination....should they get 60% of what blacks get? 70%? What about the Irish?

"All right - we'll take the ******s and the chinks, but no Irish!" (God, I hope everybody gets that reference or the red karma's gonna rain on me) :lmao:

I ought to send you red karma for butchering that line! :lmao: Signed, Sheriff Bart :yay:


Well-Known Member
Nupe2 said:
I ought to send you red karma for butchering that line! :lmao: Signed, Sheriff Bart :yay:

Crud, I'm sorry, it's been a while since I watched that movie. What did I mess up? Guess I'll have to go rent it or buy it.


New Member

Someone said it earlier, but its a great idea...

Lets agree on a settlement. Pay them reparations...with the understanding that this FULLY settles the debt.

* No more affirmative action
* No more special programs for blacks (i.e the united negro college fund)
* No more whining about discrimination all the time.

This settlement would effectively "pay off" any past, present, and future claims of anti-black racism. They would be compensated and any cases - past, present, and future would be dismissed quickly.

This means:

* no more preferrential college admissions
* no more hiring preference
* no more government minority contracts
* no more minority subsidies (scholarships, grants, etc)
* no more minority-based section 8 housing
...and on, and on

i honestly the settlement would save the tax base BILLIONS in the long run.



Reparations what a crock of sheot.
First off, just because someone is black don't mean their ancestors were in slaved.
Second.. Why should anyone's tax dollars be used that isn't from the descent of a slave owner.

WTF is next, blacks filling suit against all whites the have ancestors that were slave owners. What about the blacks that captured and sold them?
As I recall the Africans introduced slavery to the English.
So lets all suffer because the Africans were in slaving each other and decided to start selling them to the whites.
Allot of races were sold into slavery to get here, including whites.

I am' so sick and tired of how Blacks cry about their poor injustices, like they were the only ones that suffered.
What about the Pilgrims? Does anyone really believe that they got on a boat on their own free will, to sail across a world that was believed to flat, where there was absolutely nothing.
And what about the Irish, the Italians,the Mexicans The Chinese, and lets not forget about then Indians. Personally I think we owe them a hell of allot more than we do blacks.
And does anyone remember the Grapes of Wrath. What about the OKIES and the ARKIES? What about their suffering?

Fact is every race has suffered and lost to be here in America.
And the fact is every race is grateful to their ancestors for the suffering they endured to insure their life in the land of the free.
But nooooo not Blacks, we suffered more!
Bottom line is any Black that wants or thinks they deserver any reparations is a POS zit on society.
If ones nature is not to get over and con in the name of sympathy, wouldn't one be more app to be grateful?
Because honestly if it were not for slavery, wouldn't some certain race still be chasing rabbits with sticks and eating termites out of logs.
I mean lets get a real bite of reality sandwich here.. Don't Africans still live in grass huts? Don't they still heard goats half naked. Don't African womens tits hang to their belie button at age 20. Do not some of them still eat each other. No Cadillacs, no AC, No radios, no cell phones, no TV.
And everyday you got to go kill some critter with a stick so you can eat , while your woman grinds up some grub worms.
So if it were not for slavery, were would you be? Do you think that if you're ancestors were to have stayed in Africa,that African society would be any different?
Be proud of your ancestors, be proud to be an American, Americans
don't take hand outs and play on the sympathy of others.
The Indians suffered allot more injustice than blacks and I don't hear them crying half as much.

Life is good..Live it


It's incredible that there are really people in today's world that think we owe today's black americans something special. If you want more money, go make your own. I'm not going to take on a third job, to pay higher taxes so anyone else can sit around and collect on something as crazy as slavery reparation.