Larry Gude
Strung Out
For those of you waiting breathlessly for the next chapter of my apnea travails, here we go.
I'll wait until the laughter passes.
OK. Last night was CPAP night which stands for Constant Positive Air Thingy That Allows You To Sleep Very, Very Well.
First off, it makes you feel like an old, sick man to have to put this thing on.
Second, you sleep like a baby, so, make your choice; Vanity or improved health.
Guys, if your old lady is telling you you sleep like ####, snoring, gasping and so forth, just GO GET IT CHECKED OUT.
This was one night and I already feel better. Way better. I woke up clear headed, rested, truly rested, way less AM 'git er moving' fumbling about and an incredibly clean mouth. I'm used to morning goop and slime, spit, mouthwash, blech.
My tech showed me all my data for the night and he explained everything very well. Good stuff. It all made sense except the part about why my ass was sore. He didn't have time for that as he suddenly remembered he had something really important to do. Anyway, I slept great and, as you can see, I type better.
So, all kidding aside, as they say, just do it. If not for yourself, for her.
For those of you waiting breathlessly for the next chapter of my apnea travails, here we go.
I'll wait until the laughter passes.
OK. Last night was CPAP night which stands for Constant Positive Air Thingy That Allows You To Sleep Very, Very Well.
First off, it makes you feel like an old, sick man to have to put this thing on.
Second, you sleep like a baby, so, make your choice; Vanity or improved health.
Guys, if your old lady is telling you you sleep like ####, snoring, gasping and so forth, just GO GET IT CHECKED OUT.
This was one night and I already feel better. Way better. I woke up clear headed, rested, truly rested, way less AM 'git er moving' fumbling about and an incredibly clean mouth. I'm used to morning goop and slime, spit, mouthwash, blech.
My tech showed me all my data for the night and he explained everything very well. Good stuff. It all made sense except the part about why my ass was sore. He didn't have time for that as he suddenly remembered he had something really important to do. Anyway, I slept great and, as you can see, I type better.
So, all kidding aside, as they say, just do it. If not for yourself, for her.