Oh you must have missed the memo.....
Southern Maryland's best kept secret is its crime rate. Thats why I don't even watch the news anymore, I mean you figure, you watch Montgomery County and they talk about how bad the car accident was, or how bad it was when the pedestrian was struck. Or PG had this or that happen.
But in Charles, we have a motorcycle accident a week, at least a flyout every day, a pedestrian hit about every week and a half, a rising crime rate in which alot of the individuals committing the crimes aren't caught, gangs, robbery, drive by shootings, shootings, the works. We have murder for hire plots in St. Mary's, we got addicts drunk on methadone driving around our highways, and yeah... im sure I left something out. We've had car accidents in waldorf every single day, causing gridlock and delays. Thats normal. Get used to it. If you don't like it, move to Virginia where you can legally arm yourself to defend against the animals.