get outta my head!

I was just about to say that.
I use to live over in Wakefield (moved over to Carrington last spring). Rookshead is right next to Robinson I know that ice cream truck.
I know for a FACT if you seen a ice cream truck after dark riding through the neighborhood or even parked with people in it, it was up to no good. Who in their right mind would rob a ice cream truck? How much profit is on that sucker for a day...not a lot unless with a creamsicle your buying some crack.
I'm all for Waldorf being a great place to live, but there are some neighborhoods that just need to be upgraded. Wakefiled is one of them...the circle is full of beautiful houses (all for sale) because of the drama in the nearby townhouses. But its all about who you put in those homes. Landlords nowadays because of the foreclosure rate don't care who they put in their homes....they just need to pay their if its gotta be a secion 8 be it. Without doing a background check or anything....they'll just put them in there. If the tenant isn't working, what do you think will be going on during the day and night at your place of residence?
It is soooo sad this happened to this lil girl but I refuse to beleive that something "illegal/foul/trifling" wasn't going on.....