Put you to sleep cigar box guitar.
Free downloads. These are from my youtube tracks so they're not the highest audio quality.
Just enter 0 for the amount proceed to checkout. It shouldn't ask for your email address.
Part of the obscure cover phase I'm in at the moment.
Thinking of my old friend who passed this summer. My brother from another mother, he taught me how to hear the music and I'm eternally grateful.
R.I.P. Dave. You'll be sorely missed.
I just love you so much. Your music is beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. Never stop posting.and
Thanks tutu.
It was 30 years ago when we played our first shows together at fifteen years old. I spent the last few days listening to the recordings (still on analog cassette tapes) and just broke down. Plan on converting them to digital in the coming weeks. Just need to figure out how.
He was way too young to leave and had so much more to do in this life.
Fretted four string frying pan.