So go ahead and laugh. I'll just be happy to know that when this is all over, and guys like you are pissing and moaning in 2012 about all the nasty things Dems are saying about your candidate... and how unfair the attacks are... and how there's nothing funny about this or that... I'll still be able to hold my head high and say I didn't lower myself back in 2008.
Well good on you then. Holding the moral high ground is fine when it's just you, but you can't expect to hold it for everyone else who holds your views. No matter what social or political view you embrace, you can bet there's someone on your side who's being a jerk about it.
As someone else on here noted, I don't think it IS funny, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either - ESPECIALLY if it is the same joke being hurled back.
A little while back, Pat Sajak wrote an interesting piece contrasting two then current news items - Harvard President Larry Summer's bit about women in science, and Ward Churchill's comment about "little Eichmanns". The gist of it was that Summers ought to be silenced because it was gender biased hate speech, but that Ward Churchill was free to say whatever he wanted. The article went on to mention that libs felt free to insult rednecks and red-staters, because they're all a bunch of ignorant, incestuous morons - but were just as quickly incensed should the tables be turned on them.
And this arises from an observation I've declared for years and seen in forums for nearly as long. Left wingers do not see the political spectrum; they're the center, and there's this huge group of insane, bigoted nut jobs strangely called the "right-wing" (right of WHAT, I wonder?). They don't see the right as the flip side or the balance of their views. They see their own views as mainstream, centrist and normal, and the right as the cancer on the political scene. Not adversaries - a collection of bigots, racists, rednecks and religious whackos. All extremists are right-wing.
As such - their views do not merit free speech consideration. (Sajak's article amusingly reads that Summers' job ought to be in jeopardy because what he said was "sooooo wrong"). You're free to insult them just as much as you would any other group of insane religious whacko, racist, ignorant redneck people. Ridiculing the right as "the extra chomosome right-wing" is not ridicule. It is acceptable.
Thus, you CAN call Bush shrub, chimp, retarded. You can call him the world's worst terrorist, Hitler, Nazi, Stalin. You can lump him in with history's worst despots. He's been marginalized to this group of crazy people.
You can call Reagan an enfeebled warmonger. You can call Bush I a d!ckless wimp. Doesn't matter. Just don't turn around and make fun of Hillary's thighs or Bill's backside. That's not being fair.
I don't play that game. But I ain't crying over it. They earned it, especially when it is the same joke.