Smirking Chimp fires first salvo.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So go ahead and laugh. I'll just be happy to know that when this is all over, and guys like you are pissing and moaning in 2012 about all the nasty things Dems are saying about your candidate... and how unfair the attacks are... and how there's nothing funny about this or that... I'll still be able to hold my head high and say I didn't lower myself back in 2008.

Well good on you then. Holding the moral high ground is fine when it's just you, but you can't expect to hold it for everyone else who holds your views. No matter what social or political view you embrace, you can bet there's someone on your side who's being a jerk about it.

As someone else on here noted, I don't think it IS funny, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either - ESPECIALLY if it is the same joke being hurled back.

A little while back, Pat Sajak wrote an interesting piece contrasting two then current news items - Harvard President Larry Summer's bit about women in science, and Ward Churchill's comment about "little Eichmanns". The gist of it was that Summers ought to be silenced because it was gender biased hate speech, but that Ward Churchill was free to say whatever he wanted. The article went on to mention that libs felt free to insult rednecks and red-staters, because they're all a bunch of ignorant, incestuous morons - but were just as quickly incensed should the tables be turned on them.

And this arises from an observation I've declared for years and seen in forums for nearly as long. Left wingers do not see the political spectrum; they're the center, and there's this huge group of insane, bigoted nut jobs strangely called the "right-wing" (right of WHAT, I wonder?). They don't see the right as the flip side or the balance of their views. They see their own views as mainstream, centrist and normal, and the right as the cancer on the political scene. Not adversaries - a collection of bigots, racists, rednecks and religious whackos. All extremists are right-wing.

As such - their views do not merit free speech consideration. (Sajak's article amusingly reads that Summers' job ought to be in jeopardy because what he said was "sooooo wrong"). You're free to insult them just as much as you would any other group of insane religious whacko, racist, ignorant redneck people. Ridiculing the right as "the extra chomosome right-wing" is not ridicule. It is acceptable.

Thus, you CAN call Bush shrub, chimp, retarded. You can call him the world's worst terrorist, Hitler, Nazi, Stalin. You can lump him in with history's worst despots. He's been marginalized to this group of crazy people.

You can call Reagan an enfeebled warmonger. You can call Bush I a d!ckless wimp. Doesn't matter. Just don't turn around and make fun of Hillary's thighs or Bill's backside. That's not being fair.

I don't play that game. But I ain't crying over it. They earned it, especially when it is the same joke.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree with SamSpade (you're shocked, I know :jet:). Turnabout is fair play.

Actually, Michelle Obama is quite attractive, but then Bush doesn't look like a monkey, either, and that didn't stop the leftwing masses from comparing him to one. And, BRUZILLA, I didn't notice you rushing to defend Bush when all those Chimpy comparisons came out.



......................:killingme nice try, again you fail!!!

Hmmm... just like how you pointed out how I was so wrong about McCain, and then you repeatedly weaseled out of answering some simple questions because you knew you were wrong?

Like I said... I hope you're enjoying the smell.


Well good on you then. Holding the moral high ground is fine when it's just you, but you can't expect to hold it for everyone else who holds your views. No matter what social or political view you embrace, you can bet there's someone on your side who's being a jerk about it.

As someone else on here noted, I don't think it IS funny, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either - ESPECIALLY if it is the same joke being hurled back.

A little while back, Pat Sajak wrote an interesting piece contrasting two then current news items - Harvard President Larry Summer's bit about women in science, and Ward Churchill's comment about "little Eichmanns". The gist of it was that Summers ought to be silenced because it was gender biased hate speech, but that Ward Churchill was free to say whatever he wanted. The article went on to mention that libs felt free to insult rednecks and red-staters, because they're all a bunch of ignorant, incestuous morons - but were just as quickly incensed should the tables be turned on them.

And this arises from an observation I've declared for years and seen in forums for nearly as long. Left wingers do not see the political spectrum; they're the center, and there's this huge group of insane, bigoted nut jobs strangely called the "right-wing" (right of WHAT, I wonder?). They don't see the right as the flip side or the balance of their views. They see their own views as mainstream, centrist and normal, and the right as the cancer on the political scene. Not adversaries - a collection of bigots, racists, rednecks and religious whackos. All extremists are right-wing.

As such - their views do not merit free speech consideration. (Sajak's article amusingly reads that Summers' job ought to be in jeopardy because what he said was "sooooo wrong"). You're free to insult them just as much as you would any other group of insane religious whacko, racist, ignorant redneck people. Ridiculing the right as "the extra chomosome right-wing" is not ridicule. It is acceptable.

Thus, you CAN call Bush shrub, chimp, retarded. You can call him the world's worst terrorist, Hitler, Nazi, Stalin. You can lump him in with history's worst despots. He's been marginalized to this group of crazy people.

You can call Reagan an enfeebled warmonger. You can call Bush I a d!ckless wimp. Doesn't matter. Just don't turn around and make fun of Hillary's thighs or Bill's backside. That's not being fair.

I don't play that game. But I ain't crying over it. They earned it, especially when it is the same joke.

I don't expect to be able to hold the moral highground for everyone. Each person is responsible for doing that themselves. My simple point is that I am seeing an increasing number of people, who used to denounce lots of acts made by the fringe groups, suddenly embracing these same acts because they are no longer the target of it. And their excuse? Well, the other guy did it first! I mean... my parents informed that this was not an acceptable excuse for bad behavior back when I was about five or so.

You think of Pat Sajak, I think of the movie "Letters From Iwo Jima", where the dying Marine's mother writes "Do what is right because it is right." I think that's a good way to look at things. The right thing to do is denounce crap like this when it's against my guy, and it's the right thing to do to denounce it when it's against anyone else. I think trying to justify it with the bad behavior of someone else is wrong, but that's just my opinion. But I do wonder... how does one earn the right to bad behavior? If someone robs me, does that earn me the right to rob someone? If someone steals my car, do I earn the right to steal someone else's car? How exactly does this earning of bad behavior thing work?

I admit... I used to be right there in the thick of this stuff. If someone attacked a Republican, I would be denouncing the attacker. And if someone on my side slammed someone on their side unfailry, too effin bad for them. Maybe I'm getting soft, tired, wiser, or sick of sleazy debate as I get older, but I just can't do it anymore. You want to attack someone on the issues, fine. You want to attack someone on the something documeted in their past, like drug use or crashing airplanes, fine. But attacking like this post does? How does that make Republicans any better than Democrats who do this stuff?

All I'm seeing is the same thing I saw when I used to watch a bunch of drunks humiliating themselves. They all thought they were a hoot, the life of the party, cool, etc., but to folks who weren't drunk they were just pathetic.


I agree with SamSpade (you're shocked, I know :jet:). Turnabout is fair play.

Actually, Michelle Obama is quite attractive, but then Bush doesn't look like a monkey, either, and that didn't stop the leftwing masses from comparing him to one. And, BRUZILLA, I didn't notice you rushing to defend Bush when all those Chimpy comparisons came out.


Please... excuse me while I throw up in shock and surprise. :hurl: Now that that's over, how in the blue fluck can you sit there and make a statement like that? You've been reading, and responding to, my posts denouncing attacks on Bush and Republicans since 2001! My word... are there any depths too low for you to sink to these days???


NOT Politically Correct!!
Hmmm... just like how you pointed out how I was so wrong about McCain, and then you repeatedly weaseled out of answering some simple questions because you knew you were wrong?

Like I said... I hope you're enjoying the smell.

That's because you are trying to attack McCain's military service which NObama wouldn't dare do because it would be political suicide. You love pointless dead end arguments thus your rhetoric doesn't require addressing.
In hindsight you're the only one swallowing your own sh!t and I enjoy much more sitting back watching you get pecked to death by 99% of the people on this forum. Smells like a successful move to me!!! :howdy:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well good on you then. Holding the moral high ground is fine when it's just you, but you can't expect to hold it for everyone else who holds your views. No matter what social or political view you embrace, you can bet there's someone on your side who's being a jerk about it.

As someone else on here noted, I don't think it IS funny, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either - ESPECIALLY if it is the same joke being hurled back.

A little while back, Pat Sajak wrote an interesting piece contrasting two then current news items - Harvard President Larry Summer's bit about women in science, and Ward Churchill's comment about "little Eichmanns". The gist of it was that Summers ought to be silenced because it was gender biased hate speech, but that Ward Churchill was free to say whatever he wanted. The article went on to mention that libs felt free to insult rednecks and red-staters, because they're all a bunch of ignorant, incestuous morons - but were just as quickly incensed should the tables be turned on them.

And this arises from an observation I've declared for years and seen in forums for nearly as long. Left wingers do not see the political spectrum; they're the center, and there's this huge group of insane, bigoted nut jobs strangely called the "right-wing" (right of WHAT, I wonder?). They don't see the right as the flip side or the balance of their views. They see their own views as mainstream, centrist and normal, and the right as the cancer on the political scene. Not adversaries - a collection of bigots, racists, rednecks and religious whackos. All extremists are right-wing.

As such - their views do not merit free speech consideration. (Sajak's article amusingly reads that Summers' job ought to be in jeopardy because what he said was "sooooo wrong"). You're free to insult them just as much as you would any other group of insane religious whacko, racist, ignorant redneck people. Ridiculing the right as "the extra chomosome right-wing" is not ridicule. It is acceptable.

Thus, you CAN call Bush shrub, chimp, retarded. You can call him the world's worst terrorist, Hitler, Nazi, Stalin. You can lump him in with history's worst despots. He's been marginalized to this group of crazy people.

You can call Reagan an enfeebled warmonger. You can call Bush I a d!ckless wimp. Doesn't matter. Just don't turn around and make fun of Hillary's thighs or Bill's backside. That's not being fair.

I don't play that game. But I ain't crying over it. They earned it, especially when it is the same joke.


Exactly - politics ain't beanbag. The Dems dish it out - but good. They should keep their yaps shut about getting it dished back to them.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
What makes me laugh is you have the nerve to comment about me when you lack the courage to even answer my questions. But, I hate to burst your bubble but this particular story doesn't piss me off... it saddens me. I think it's sad that so many Republicans have been so willing to adopt the behaviors of Democrats and Liberals that they had so vigorously decried in the past. Even sadder is their defense of their actions with the childish excuse of "well they hit me first!"

So go ahead and laugh. I'll just be happy to know that when this is all over, and guys like you are pissing and moaning in 2012 about all the nasty things Dems are saying about your candidate... and how unfair the attacks are... and how there's nothing funny about this or that... I'll still be able to hold my head high and say I didn't lower myself back in 2008.

Well, aren't you the santimonious one? :lol: You've done nothing BUT demean and insult Cindy McCain for months! You've called her nothing more than a trophy wife with a major in cheerleading who's done nothing with her life except inherit daddy's money. I have pointed out her biography to you on several occasion - but yet you ignore it and repeat your inane, derogatory comments of her.

You know... the guy who gets all drunk and pisses himself thinks he's real funny too... so do all his drunk friends who are pissing all over themselves, but to the sober folks you all look like a bunch of losers who have pissed all over themselves. I know you won't get that analogy, but I do and that's really all that's important to me.

What a vile thing to say. You seem to be incapable of having a civil discourse with anyone without using this kind of vitriolic nastiness against anyone and everyone who disagrees with you, or calls you out on something.


I'm the Boss of Me
christ, don't you have some puppies to throw off a cliff or something else to do?

They've been contriving Bush-Chmp similarities for years. Now, in their first 2008 salvo they seem to have missed their mark (or did they?)


No Use for Donk Twits
Well good on you then. Holding the moral high ground is fine when it's just you, but you can't expect to hold it for everyone else who holds your views. No matter what social or political view you embrace, you can bet there's someone on your side who's being a jerk about it.

As someone else on here noted, I don't think it IS funny, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either - ESPECIALLY if it is the same joke being hurled back.

A little while back, Pat Sajak wrote an interesting piece contrasting two then current news items - Harvard President Larry Summer's bit about women in science, and Ward Churchill's comment about "little Eichmanns". The gist of it was that Summers ought to be silenced because it was gender biased hate speech, but that Ward Churchill was free to say whatever he wanted. The article went on to mention that libs felt free to insult rednecks and red-staters, because they're all a bunch of ignorant, incestuous morons - but were just as quickly incensed should the tables be turned on them.

And this arises from an observation I've declared for years and seen in forums for nearly as long. Left wingers do not see the political spectrum; they're the center, and there's this huge group of insane, bigoted nut jobs strangely called the "right-wing" (right of WHAT, I wonder?). They don't see the right as the flip side or the balance of their views. They see their own views as mainstream, centrist and normal, and the right as the cancer on the political scene. Not adversaries - a collection of bigots, racists, rednecks and religious whackos. All extremists are right-wing.

As such - their views do not merit free speech consideration. (Sajak's article amusingly reads that Summers' job ought to be in jeopardy because what he said was "sooooo wrong"). You're free to insult them just as much as you would any other group of insane religious whacko, racist, ignorant redneck people. Ridiculing the right as "the extra chomosome right-wing" is not ridicule. It is acceptable.

Thus, you CAN call Bush shrub, chimp, retarded. You can call him the world's worst terrorist, Hitler, Nazi, Stalin. You can lump him in with history's worst despots. He's been marginalized to this group of crazy people.

You can call Reagan an enfeebled warmonger. You can call Bush I a d!ckless wimp. Doesn't matter. Just don't turn around and make fun of Hillary's thighs or Bill's backside. That's not being fair.

I don't play that game. But I ain't crying over it. They earned it, especially when it is the same joke.

Exactly right! Hurts when it's throw against your candidate, but ok when throw against the candidate you can't stand.

I think McVain's an ass. But bru, you are so in the tank it's gotten to the point you arent't being coherent. Reread your points, you aren't convincing anyone that they are wrong or right. You're just attacking.

In the end of the election, your guy just might win. But you sure aren't convincing anyone here of why just why he should win. Same ole spin. Maybe you should be on Keith Olderman's show representing all SOMD redneck, gun carrying, bitter, racist folks on just why this Chicagoan politician should be our President. To date, he really hasn't shown me anything other than he can read a teleprompter well.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
christ, don't you have some puppies to throw off a cliff or something else to do?

Don't you have a bunch of articles and photoshopped pictures of W to post on internet forums? You're slacking. :killingme


No Use for Donk Twits
christ, don't you have some puppies to throw off a cliff or something else to do?

When you finally graduate from middle school, or ROK SPEC OPS school or something other than being able to semi-type, other than shortcuts of CRL-C, CRL-V, come see me, I can afford to hire you when you get a skill. OTHERWISE, get an education, learn to read, learn to reason, learn a foreign language other than Spanish, and for gosh sakes, learn some LOGIC.

I hate our education system, if this is the best they can turn out!

Chinese, Korean anyone?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Please... excuse me while I throw up in shock and surprise. :hurl: Now that that's over, how in the blue fluck can you sit there and make a statement like that? You've been reading, and responding to, my posts denouncing attacks on Bush and Republicans since 2001! My word... are there any depths too low for you to sink to these days???

Wah wah wah. :rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy makes my heart hurt. forestal has had a Bush/Chimpy avatar since forever, and you didn't have a thing to say about it. But now that it's against your hero Obama you're all crying and being outraged.

I'm disappointed in you. Hypocrite.

I didn't delete forestal and I'm not deleting Michelle. Deal with it.


New Member
Wah wah wah. :rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy makes my heart hurt. forestal has had a Bush/Chimpy avatar since forever, and you didn't have a thing to say about it. But now that it's against your hero Obama you're all crying and being outraged.

I'm disappointed in you. Hypocrite.

I didn't delete forestal and I'm not deleting Michelle. Deal with it.
You have a fread that requires your urgent attention.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Wah wah wah. :rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy makes my heart hurt. forestal has had a Bush/Chimpy avatar since forever, and you didn't have a thing to say about it. But now that it's against your hero Obama you're all crying and being outraged.

It's not against his hero it's against his hero's consort who just happens to be showing off her rather simian DSLs. :lol:



NOT Politically Correct!!
As if anyone here is really going to worry about "redeeming themselves" to a tw@t like you!!!! You are beneath contempt with your abhorrent attacks on McCain and his service record while you swallow anything from the Obama campaign like you're teabagging his balls.

"Oh no! However shall we redeem ourselves to mighty Bruzilla? He may never forgive us and go away forever now!" :TheScream: Get stuffed you pompous f#cktard, you are the new JPC these days.

Oh SNAP, now that's a pretty distinctive honor, Bruzilla, first recipient of the JPC Award..............:killingme


Wah wah wah. :rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy makes my heart hurt. forestal has had a Bush/Chimpy avatar since forever, and you didn't have a thing to say about it. But now that it's against your hero Obama you're all crying and being outraged.

I'm disappointed in you. Hypocrite.

I didn't delete forestal and I'm not deleting Michelle. Deal with it.

My hipocrisy? LOL Lord you are getting more and more pathetic every day! Yes I have commented on Forrestal's comments on Bush, and his avatar. I've also been one of the few who challenged him on the merits of what he was saying vice just calling him names like so many on the forum are finding is the new way to debate... just like on DU.

And I have never called for anyone to be deleted. My objection was to people sitting there and thinking the Obama chimp picture was funny. These are the same aholes who object to this stuff being done to Bush, and make a ruckus about it, then they turn around and do it themselves. And come 2012, when Rice runs, someone is going to do this to Condi and you and all the other hypoctites will be all up in arms about it. Talk about hypoctites!

And I have no problem with dealing with it. I'm not the one who's lowering themself and doing things that I used to decry in the past. The folks who are on here defending this sort of crap are the ones who will have to deal with their own selling out of their dignity.


So... why won't you answer my questions about McCain?

Probably because there is no answer. He nor anyone else, YOU included have any proof he was not fit to fly, or why he didn't move on to a bigger command, or how he got flight orders being ranked near the bottom of his class. You have plenty of unsavory speculation you have no problem shoveling out but you don't have any proof at all either.

Bru lets just go ahead and stipulate that because his dad and grandad were high powered Admirals he got a boost. Lets also go ahead and agree that because he was a high profile POW he also got a bone thrown to him.

Big friggin whoop! It was 30 years ago! Who gives a rats ass besides you.

Here are the indisputable facts.

McCain was the kid of an Admiral and got a boost because of who he was just like many people out there.
McCain did graduate from the USNA.
McCain was not the greatest student in the world.
McCain is not be the best pilot in the world.
He did fly combat missions.
He did get shot down.
He did endure 5 1/2 years as a POW.
He did command a large squadron.
He did get elected to the House.
He did get elected to the Senate.
He did get divorced.
His wife was/is an attractive rich chic who may have gotten hooked on happy pills.

I see nothing in there that disqualifies him OR makes him the horn wearing and forked tailed devil you continue to insist he is.

P.S. Does Ted Sampley know you steal his shiat almost verbatim? :lol:


Probably because there is no answer. He nor anyone else, YOU included have any proof he was not fit to fly, or why he didn't move on to a bigger command, or how he got flight orders being ranked near the bottom of his class. You have plenty of unsavory speculation you have no problem shoveling out but you don't have any proof at all either.

Bru lets just go ahead and stipulate that because his dad and grandad were high powered Admirals he got a boost. Lets also go ahead and agree that because he was a high profile POW he also got a bone thrown to him.

Big friggin whoop! It was 30 years ago! Who gives a rats ass besides you.

Here are the indisputable facts.

McCain was the kid of an Admiral and got a boost because of who he was just like many people out there.
McCain did graduate from the USNA.
McCain was not the greatest student in the world.
McCain is not be the best pilot in the world.
He did fly combat missions.
He did get shot down.
He did endure 5 1/2 years as a POW.
He did command a large squadron.
He did get elected to the House.
He did get elected to the Senate.
He did get divorced.
His wife was/is an attractive rich chic who may have gotten hooked on happy pills.

I see nothing in there that disqualifies him OR makes him the horn wearing and forked tailed devil you continue to insist he is.

P.S. Does Ted Sampley know you steal his shiat almost verbatim? :lol:

Of course there are answers? If McCain were actually tortured so badly by the NV that he couldn't raise his arms above his head, how could he possibly pass a flight physical? The only answers are either he wasn't tortured so badly that he couldn't raise his arms, or he never passed his flight physical, which would be extremely unlikely.

Why was he not selected for higher command? There are several undeniable truths here: first, he was never given a fleet command, just a training command, and that he got without the prerequisite fleet command. After that he was stashed to the basement of the Senate Office Building. He was a double legacy and a former POW, his admiral's flag should have been an automatic, but it wasn't. You're right, I have no proof of why this was, but McCain refuses to release the sections of his service record that would document why he got stashed. I can't see the stimulus, but I can see the response, and the response very strongly suggests McCain had problems as a CO.

So... if someone has 23 years of experience as a naval officer, I would think they should at least be able to provide some insight into the second question, and certainly to the first of they were in aviation.