Ummm... when Obama presents himself as a duck, say such as when he acts like a Liberal, talks like a Liberal, and supports Liberal causes, I call him a Liberal. But when others try to paint him as a duck.. say a racist..., such as trying to make views of Rev. Wright those of Obama (which there's zero evidence of), of that Obama should never have listened to 20 years of racist sermons (which there is zero evidence of) , I have to say that maybe he's not a racist.
So, the evidence is at least 6 years, even though Wright says himself it's more than that, that he's been teaching it for 26 years (6 before Barry chose him as his pastor). Are those 6 years enough to convince you? Does it have to be 20? Does it have to be more than once, to understand he agreed (and financially supported) this?
You see... I look for trends of behavior and results in the abscence of stimuli. Folks like you are desperate to believe Obama is a racist, so you accept without question any allegation. If someone says Obama has been sitting in on 20 years of racist sermons, it makes no difference that all of these sermons were videotaped and not a single videotape but the initial three have ever shown any racist comments.
So, three aren't enough? 26 years of teaching Black Liberation Theology (per Wright himself) isn't enough to demonstrate that the man chosen as spiritual mentor and financially supported for years, etc., etc., isn't racist? Or, was he behind the scenes telling Wright not to be so racist? Was he actively trying to demonstrate unity by declaring himself bi-racial, or did he pick a side and openly, knowingly, consciously choose to reject the side that raised him? OPEN YOUR EYES
The fact that the Clintons dug like mad for some trace of racist comments or additional sermons and found nothing, the Republicans found nothing, FNC found nothing... all of that means nothing to you.
They found enough to go on, they didn't need more (unlike you and Barry, several instances were more than enough to sicken the rest of us)
You want to believe that Obama is a racist, and has been cheering Wright on for 20 years as he preached hate, and so you believe regardless of the evidence.
No, you deny regardless of the evidence
And as I have said, I would be glad to call Obama a racist if someone would just show me one supportable claim that he is one.
Re-read above, and declare away
I don't need to see him dressed up like a blank panther, or video up on stage with Wright saying "death to whitey!" Just show me where some white guy he was with in the Illinois Senate says Obama once made racist remarks, or where he wrote a paper in college that was racist, or anything that shows he's a racist.
Read Dreams of My Father. Heck, just read the introduction, page XV:
When people who don't know me well, black or white, discover my background (and it is usually a discovery, for I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect I was ingratiating myself to whites), I see the split second adjustments they have to make, the searching of my eyes for some telltale sign. They no longer know who I am.
He decided at 13 (I'll give him the BOD of the one year) to be a racist against whites. In his own words.
Compare that to my view of McCain. It would be super if I had thousands of hours of videotape. or even some paper records, to review, but McCain refuses to release a shred of this information. So all I can look at is what the outcomes of his career have been, what has been written about him that he has said was right, and use my military experience to draw some rational conclusions.
You could also use the long time of voting records, like people use Barry's short list of voting records. That would give an actual "yeah, he says this, but what does he actually DO when tested" point of view
Let's look at the POW question again. There are a lot of guys who say McCain collaborated with the his captors and wasn't tortured... okay, that's just talk.
And makes so much sense given his injuries. What did he do, get those windsurfing?
McCain and his supporters claim he was tortured so bad by his captors that he couldn't raise his hands above his head, which is total BS given he was cleared for flight after being a POW and looked pretty heathy and well fed when he got released... unlike most of his fellow POWs. When he gets to the Congress he acts as an advocate for the Vietnemese by agressively denying that any POWs are still being held and is the leader of the effort to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam... very unusual positions for someone who was brutally tortured by a regime to take.
Takes a lot of character, moral strength, I agree. Good point for McCain
So once again, another aspect of McCain's life where there's no smoking gun but an open gun case and an empty box of bullets.
For what? having moral and personal strength of conviction? I agree.