First, you say the evidence shows six years, but what the evidence shows is three times... once in 2001, and twice in 2007. If someone gets a speeding ticket in 2001, and another in 2007, does that mean they were speeding for six years? I know... you're thinking "Heck yea... he just didn't get caught!", but suppose you had a radar gun on you everytime you drove during those six years? Every one of Wright's sermons was videotaped... every one... and yet no one can find a single one aside from those three that have him making any hateful statements.
I don't need any others. He has a consistent history of hateful, racist statements. Whether it's three in six years, or a million in one year, it's a demonstrated history.
Use your same example - if you had three speeding tickets in 6 years, or none in six years, which one will have worse insurance rates? And, can you figure out WHY that one is worse?
As for the 20 years thing, all I've been asking is that if people are going to claim "Obama has been listening to hate speech for 20 years!" don't you think there should be some evidence of that? The truth, which seems to be a concept getting more and more alien to some folks, is that Wright was Obama's minister for 20 years, and anything else is just an assumption without basis in fact. It's like the Dems who claim "Cheney was connected to Halliburton, so he's giving them all these contracts" absent the fact that the VP can't award contracts even if he wanted to.
Well, when Wright says he's been teaching Black Liberation Theology for 26 years, I can say he's been teaching hate for 26 years based upon his own words. But, you keep ignoring the obvious.
That's more than enough to show that Wright is a racist, but the charge is Obama has been sitting in the church listening to racist sermins (sic) for 20 years. You listed lots of things Wright did... how about listing some things that Obama did?
Read Dreams of My Father, it's full of racist crap. He lists himself starting with his introduction that he's been racist since he was 12 or 13 years old.
He was a community organizer... can you find one mention of him rallying blacks against whites? How about teaching BLT, or calling for it, or supporting it, in any forum?
Every tithe he gave to church - so, 20 years of financially supporting BLT.
I can't help but imagine that if he had, the Clintons would have found out about it and mentioned it durign the campaign. By all accounts, Obama joined Wright's church as a matter of political expediency, not because Obama supports BLT, so if he were converted, don't you think there would be some kind of a mention of that somewhere over the past 20 years?
By all accounts he joined for political reasons? Can you show me where he said that? Because, if a guy turns his spiritual life over to a hate-filled preacher for political reasons, I sure don't want him to be president. If he spent 20 years in church not believing in any way what's being taught, but sat there just to appease people that he's "black enough", I sure don't want him to be president. If he's teaching his kids lies about his own religious beliefs, I sure don't want him to be president. Or, are you just full of ####?
Interesting outlook. Reminds me of the Dems who said that Cheney had been affiliated with Halliburton and that was enough to go on... or Bush haters when they said that since Bush had connections to Saudi Arabia he must have been in on 9/11... or how Condi Rice must be sleeping with Bush because why else would she get promoted... or Bush worked in the oil buisness so all he wants to do is steal oil from poor countries... and on and on and on. There's no difference here. They found all they needed to go on too, which doesn't make them one bit more right than you. This is why I'm a bit more skeptical when I hear charges being made. It's become very easy for someone to rattle off an allegation and sucker some folks into swallowing it without question because it's made against someone they're already looking to dislike or distrust. You guys love to chalk this up to being in the tank, or "loving" someone, or just wanting to be blind to the facts... I call it having integrity.
Integrity? You're going to have to explain that. I can usually follow your misguided "logic", but that makes no sense.
If you want to say that Obama's minister (and marrier, or karma king, or spiritual compass, or whatever) is a racist, I agree with that. You want to say that Obama spent 20 years at a church where the minister believed in BLT, I agree with that. You want to say Obama's minister (and marrier, or karma king, or spiritual compass, or whatever) gave a hateful sermon in 2001 and two more in 2007, I agree with that. You want to make the unsubstantiated jump that Obama has been sitting in church listening to racist sermons for 20 years, then I'll call you on it just as fast as when someone claims Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen. You want to claim that Obama supported the BLT nonsense even though he's never endorsed it in any forum that anyone can fond, I'll call you on it just as fast as I do the folks yelling "blood for oil!"
So, he's racist. His own words were that this racist man was his spiritual mentor. So, he's saying he's been mentored in racist thoughts. He financially supported and attended the racist man's sermons for 20+ years, thereby endorsing the man and, logically, what the man had to say (he wasn't forced to go there, remember).
Call me on it. You'll just be wrong