Smokers squeezed by soaring cigarette costs and workplace smoking bans are increasingly being hit with another cost increase — this time for health insurance.
Okay, I understand the rest of the angst in the thread. I have no problem with that... actually, I could really care less on the issue since I don't smoke. It sucks, but it doesn't hurt me.
But, as for the quote above... that is stupid. The implication is that smokers are having a hard time financially because of all these levies on their cigarettes and such. Well, tough. That is as ignorant as the guy who was b1tching about barely being able to afford his gas while he was ordering a $5 coffee in front of me at Starbucks.
If it is really hurting you so bad that you are having a hard time getting by with your other necessities, then maybe its time to do something about it. If you smoke and stop feeding yourself and your kids normal foods, or you smoke and don't drive yourself to work because you can't buy gas, then you are just stupid. Sure, the tax just isn't fair because its not your problem. Sure, you would be just giving in and doing what the damn Nazis wanted you to do (i.e. quit). But - continuing to smoke when it is jeopardizing your ability to afford your necessities and care for yourself or your family is even stupider.
That is just the impression that headline gives... so, my problem is with the subtext in that headline and anyone who actually gripes about the cost because its hurting them in necessary parts of their life instead of trying to quit.