Smokers to pay for public health insurance in Maryland?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Holy cow!!! And I pay my health insurance premiums on top of that!!!


That's another question - are smokers less likely to carry health insurance? Is that why they're supposedly such a financial drain on society?

I'll try to find that info...could be hard to track something like that down. In the meantime here are some interesting tidbits on costs to employers (and their attempts to pass them on).


:Jeepin' in NC:
Smokers squeezed by soaring cigarette costs and workplace smoking bans are increasingly being hit with another cost increase — this time for health insurance.
A growing number of private and public employers are requiring employees who use tobacco to pay higher premiums, hoping that will motivate more of them to stop smoking and lower health care costs for the companies and their workers.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Employers say the surcharges are incentives rather than penalties, but that's not the way many smokers see it.

They could be the first step down a very dangerous road," Maltby said. "Do we really want to live in a world where employers penalize us for everything in our private lives that isn't healthy?" he said.

Some employers have turned to even stronger measures to discourage smoking. Weyco Inc., an Okemos, Mich.-based medical benefits administrator, fires employees who smoke even if it is on their own time.

I understand some of this. Its really hard for me to make my point and use the right words.

They are doing this to smokers because were and easy target, they cant charge overweight people more because they cant prove that they are eating more than 4k calories a day.

Its wrong that we should be told how to live our lives, damnit if you want us to pay for it just say PAY FOR IT, dont say " oh we want it to make you want to quit"

" Excuse me Mr. somd, your wearing blue today that means I will have to take an extra $20 out of your pay this week"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
So, in other words, health insurance DOES cost more for smokers. So we're picking up our own tab by paying higher premiums - no point in more taxes, right?

I think employers should do away with health care. Give that money back to the employee and let THEM decide what to spend it on and buy their own health insurance. Then they can jack the premiums up all the want for smokers, and it will be directly on the smoker themself, not their employer.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
So, in other words, health insurance DOES cost more for smokers. So we're picking up our own tab by paying higher premiums - no point in more taxes, right?

I think employers should do away with health care. Give that money back to the employee and let THEM decide what to spend it on and buy their own health insurance. Then they can jack the premiums up all the want for smokers, and it will be directly on the smoker themself, not their employer.

Health insurance does cost more for smokers in states where that kind of stuff is allowed and in companies who have just begun going down this road.

Getting rid of employer-subsidized health care is an interesting thought. I would think that individual health coverage (for an average healthy person) is probably more than an employers plan, no? The above average cost people (big claimers) might be getting a pretty good deal with group coverage, and a healthy person who doesn't make any claims might be getting a little screwed.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
The above average cost people (big claimers) might be getting a pretty good deal with group coverage, and a healthy person who doesn't make any claims might be getting a little screwed.
That's the problem with ALL health insurance - some people use it, some people don't, but ALL pay the same rate. So you basically have healthy people paying the freight for the sick people.

And, rather than refuse to employ smokers, why wouldn't an employer just make the employee make up the difference in the premiums? Of course, a privately owned business can discriminate against anyone they choose, in my opinion. But it seems like a simple solution. And an even simpler one would be to do away with employer-paid health insurance altogether.


Super Genius
dck4shrt said:
Getting rid of employer-subsidized health care is an interesting thought. I would think that individual health coverage (for an average healthy person) is probably more than an employers plan, no?
For the moment, yes. If there are no "employer's plans", then they will all be equal and the people that are not on employer's plans will not be subsidizing those that are.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
That's the problem with ALL health insurance - some people use it, some people don't, but ALL pay the same rate. So you basically have healthy people paying the freight for the sick people.

And, rather than refuse to employ smokers, why wouldn't an employer just make the employee make up the difference in the premiums? Of course, a privately owned business can discriminate against anyone they choose, in my opinion. But it seems like a simple solution. And an even simpler one would be to do away with employer-paid health insurance altogether.

It all seems reasonable to me. Individual premiums would be based on your own health 'score' and that would be the end of the story. No one would have anything to complain about then.


This Space for Rent
Smokers squeezed by soaring cigarette costs and workplace smoking bans are increasingly being hit with another cost increase — this time for health insurance.

Okay, I understand the rest of the angst in the thread. I have no problem with that... actually, I could really care less on the issue since I don't smoke. It sucks, but it doesn't hurt me.

But, as for the quote above... that is stupid. The implication is that smokers are having a hard time financially because of all these levies on their cigarettes and such. Well, tough. That is as ignorant as the guy who was b1tching about barely being able to afford his gas while he was ordering a $5 coffee in front of me at Starbucks.

If it is really hurting you so bad that you are having a hard time getting by with your other necessities, then maybe its time to do something about it. If you smoke and stop feeding yourself and your kids normal foods, or you smoke and don't drive yourself to work because you can't buy gas, then you are just stupid. Sure, the tax just isn't fair because its not your problem. Sure, you would be just giving in and doing what the damn Nazis wanted you to do (i.e. quit). But - continuing to smoke when it is jeopardizing your ability to afford your necessities and care for yourself or your family is even stupider.

That is just the impression that headline gives... so, my problem is with the subtext in that headline and anyone who actually gripes about the cost because its hurting them in necessary parts of their life instead of trying to quit.


New Member
ylexot said:
For the moment, yes. If there are no "employer's plans", then they will all be equal and the people that are not on employer's plans will not be subsidizing those that are.

Do people on individual plans subsidize people on employer's plans? Or are you talking about people that are completely uninsured?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
If it is really hurting you so bad that you are having a hard time getting by with your other necessities, then maybe its time to do something about it.
No no no, now. :nono: Nobody is complaining about the REAL cost of cigarettes - they're complaining about being TAXED so highly on cigarettes and paying some fat heart attack waiting to happen's health care simply because they choose to smoke.

It's about fairness, not affordability.


New Member
Obesity is the #1 cause of death today, so I think we should tax the hell out of fast food, Twinkies (sorry DoWhat) and candy. :biggrin:

Fair is fair. :peace:


:Jeepin' in NC:
Pandora said:
Obesity is the #1 cause of death today, so I think we should tax the hell out of fast food, Twinkies (sorry DoWhat) and candy. :biggrin:

Fair is fair. :peace:
Thats what I said!!!!!!!


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
No no no, now. :nono: Nobody is complaining about the REAL cost of cigarettes - they're complaining about being TAXED so highly on cigarettes and paying some fat heart attack waiting to happen's health care simply because they choose to smoke.

It's about fairness, not affordability.

I defined the difference by saying:

Sure, the tax just isn't fair because its not your problem. Sure, you would be just giving in and doing what the damn Nazis wanted you to do (i.e. quit).

But... the point still being... if the writer of the article feels people are really being so burdened that it is causing them financial hardship (the impression the opening statement/headline of the piece gives), then they need to rethink their habit whether it is fair or not. If they raised the price of beer through taxation by 10000% just to stop drunk drivers, and it would cause me financial distress to buy one, I wouldn't buy one. Would it be fair? No, because someone just wants to make me quit my habit which is my personal choice. However, it does not change the fact that objecting by continuing to do it even though it doesn't allow me to be financially sound is stupid... no matter how right or wrong the tax is.


:Jeepin' in NC:
:yay: True, but were not talking $10.00 a pack are we????

If it got that bad, hell yeah I would quit screw that.


This Space for Rent
Somdmommy said:
:yay: True, but were not talking $10.00 a pack are we????

If it got that bad, hell yeah I would quit screw that.

You don't have a problem with it right now. I am just saying if someone does. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
But... the point still being... if the writer of the article feels people are really being so burdened that it is causing them financial hardship (the impression the opening statement/headline of the piece gives), then they need to rethink their habit whether it is fair or not.
That's what I'm hoping will happen. I've always been fairly rebellious when it came to smoking. Wasn't that invested in it until the fascists decided they were going to make it tough on me, then I was like Oh yeah??? :rubbingeyewithmiddlefinger:

I have a different view now. I think we should all stick it to the fascists and quit smoking and putting money in the coffers. That'll teach 'em a lesson.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Everytime I think about this thread I think about Demolition Man, where everything thats bad for you is illegal...smoking, drinking, salt, sugar, sex.....


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
That's what I'm hoping will happen. I've always been fairly rebellious when it came to smoking. Wasn't that invested in it until the fascists decided they were going to make it tough on me, then I was like Oh yeah??? :rubbingeyewithmiddlefinger:

I have a different view now. I think we should all stick it to the fascists and quit smoking and putting money in the coffers. That'll teach 'em a lesson.

So, if I get all the people on the boards to start running around like fascists and saying, "Don't you dare sleep with Tex, Vrai!" you might start feeling a little rebellious... :biggrin: