Smokers Unite!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
RadioPatrol said:
and some George town law professor files an anti smoking lawsuit - he is currently trying to work over fast food joints as pushing death on a tray - like that dumazz who ate McD's for 30 days straight - eating food morning, noon, and night from any fast food joint is just plain dumb, of course the grease and fats are gonna make you sick .......

they have killed the one thing that made McD's Frys better than anyone else - beef tallow [fat] in the fryer oil .....
:hangingheadlow: Just terrible, I know... :frown:


elaine said:
This is an old argument, too. If you are so offended by smoke, go to restaurants that don't allow smoking. And don't even say they're not out there, because most restaurants don't allow smoking at all.

didn't i hear Charles County baned smoking in restaurants ? a while back?

I can't smoke @ Hooters between plates of wings ...........

of course next the'll try to close Hooters down for serving only Fried Foods

:lalala: :lalala: :lalala:


itsbob said:

I have no problem with anyone smoking, it's their life, their lungs and their money going to pay for it, and in return paying $1 something in taxes that I don't have to pay.

But just like car stereos, or neighborhood stereos.. I don't care what kind of music you like, listen to whatever you want, but I don't want to hear it, don't force me to listen to it.

isnt a proven fact smokers dont live long enough to collect all the SS, from dying sooner and overall are less of a burden on medicare for the same reason ........


Yeah that .........

SamSpade said:
How hard could it be to set up a test subject? I mean, I always thought the same about asbestos or coal dust, because no one breathes that any other way but secondhand.

What smoking I did / do now only about a pack every other month Pfft.

I ripped down more Asbestos off of water pipes and hydronic [hot water radiator systems] and Steam heating lines in the 5 yrs i was a plumber working in old DC Apt Bldgs, built in the 40's, 50's, 60's and old homes as well .........

its that gray circular cardboard looking stuff ...... if it hasn't been removed - and what Radon that biggie from 70's I actually saw this house in Takoma Park MD, that had a Radon Ventilation system 6" PVC pipe going into the slab in the basement ......... :whistle:

Doesn't Radon cause lung cancer ......... :lalala: :lalala: :lalala:


Same thing could be said for playing Russian Roulette with a .38

PsyOps said:
And I'm trying to figure out why it is so hard for smokers to accept the fact the sucking smoke into your lungs is bad for you. Seems perfectly clear to me.

the same could be said for Crack Smokers, Reefer Smokers ........ people snorting coke, heroin - of shooting up .......


PsyOps said:
In the end, all I ask for is a little common courtesy. But I know that isn’t going to happen. Smokers are going to smoke and make everyone around them smoke so they can keep their filthy addiction alive and then justify it as some sort of right.

if i do smoke in public outside i make sure my smoke is not drifting into someones face ....... or will move off to one side so's not to offend.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
RadioPatrol said:
isnt a proven fact smokers dont live long enough to collect all the SS, from dying sooner and overall are less of a burden on medicare for the same reason ........
That's where the argument falls apart. "Smoking causes early death." "However smokers will cost us more in medical care in their old age."

So which is it? Are we going to die or are we going to cost money?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And that depends...

Toxick said:
I've never met a smoker who's regretted quitting.

However, I've often heard that withdrawal is worse than they were led to believe, and the benefits - such as enhanced sense of smell and food tasting better - are greatly exaggerated.

I've watched the quitting process once or twice firsthand and along with a couple of psychotic episodes, there was a great deal unpleasantness including when the lungs start to "eject" things. I suppose that nicotine and tar deposits collected within the lungs begin to get expelled after a period of non-smoking which translates into very painful coughing that yeilds black .... things and a small amount of blood.

It's not as bad as heroin withdrawal, perhaps, but a heck of a lot worse than kicking a habit such as coffee.

...on the individual as well. I went from two packs a day to zero in one day. I was just done with cigarettes and how they made me feel. From day one I felt better, much better even through the few runny noses and the cat thing. The simple joy of taking a deep breathe is, to this day, a simple joy very much like the joy of that first drag on a cigarette.; just an 'ahhhh' thing.

It's a tough thing for people who have a hard time quitting but it is my opinion that part of the reason it is so hard is because they want to smoke more than they want to quit; they enjoy smoking. I know I did. I just got sick of it.

I actually know someone who laments quitting. It, smoking, has put him in the hospital any number of times over the last 18 some odd years with heart related issues the doctors say is due to smoking, culminating with a quintuple bypass last year; he still misses it.


Larry Gude said:
...on the individual as well. I went from two packs a day to zero in one day. I was just done with cigarettes and how they made me feel. From day one I felt better, much better even through the few runny noses and the cat thing. The simple joy of taking a deep breathe is, to this day, a simple joy very much like the joy of that first drag on a cigarette.; just an 'ahhhh' thing.

It's a tough thing for people who have a hard time quitting but it is my opinion that part of the reason it is so hard is because they want to smoke more than they want to quit; they enjoy smoking. I know I did. I just got sick of it.

I actually know someone who laments quitting. It, smoking, has put him in the hospital any number of times over the last 18 some odd years with heart related issues the doctors say is due to smoking, culminating with a quintuple bypass last year; he still misses it.

I miss it too after almost 7 years...but I don't miss getting bronchitis several tims a year and trying to smoke while coughing .
When my dad died, I wanted a cigarette, but I didn't. I figure I got thru that major stressfull event without smoking, I can get thru anything.


RadioPatrol said:
the same could be said for Crack Smokers, Reefer Smokers ........ people snorting coke, heroin - of shooting up .......
Yes, the same is said for those things as well. Actually, even more so. None of it makes sense to me. You destroy your health all for some substance; a substance that controls you. Very backwards.


Main Streeter
flomaster said:
Years ago in the early 90's I read an article in a British paper that hospitals were going to refuse patients with illnesses related to smoking that wouldn't give up the habit. We should do that here!!!!



Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
Get a bubble. :coffee:

Excuse me, dear, but I PAY for my health insurance so I think I have a right to use it. Ever wonder why the Lefties don't insist that those who *don't* pay for their health care (read: the ones who REALLY cost the rest of us money) be forced to adopt a healthier lifestyle, put down the Doritos and smokes, jog every day and eat more fiber?

It’s not that simple. Just like auto insurance if a lot of claims are made, premiums go up across the board. If your lifestyle causes you have more doctors visits each year, it means more claims are being submitted and the insurance companies will adjust the premiums accordingly. Most of us probably get insurance through our employers which means there’s no differential in premiums between smokers and non-smokers, just single; employee+spouce; and employee+family. So if smokers cause rates to go up, the rate go up for everyone. If you buy insurance as an individual, than things change. They go into your life style habits (i.e. smoking) medical history, etc. and make a decision on whether or not to cover you and, if so, for how much $$s. I think Bush’s plan might make since here. He’s proposing that we move away from getting health insurance through employers in favor of having everyone go on the open market with the help of tax deductions ($15K for family/$7k for individual). This way everyone would pay premiums based on their own medical history and life style (smoker/non-smoker). Folks who don’t smoke would pay less.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
If you buy insurance as an individual, than things change. They go into your life style habits (i.e. smoking) medical history, etc. and make a decision on whether or not to cover you and, if so, for how much $$s.
This is exactly what I have, and I DO pay more because I'm a smoker. So far I haven't used a dime of my insurance in the last 7 years I've had it. I have deductible that I've never been sick enough to meet.


professional daydreamer
awpitt said:
This way everyone would pay premiums based on their own medical history and life style (smoker/non-smoker). Folks who don’t smoke would pay less.

Works for me. Then I won't have to pay for Orka's heart attack.


Super Genius
awpitt said:
I think Bush’s plan might make since here. He’s proposing that we move away from getting health insurance through employers in favor of having everyone go on the open market with the help of tax deductions ($15K for family/$7k for individual). This way everyone would pay premiums based on their own medical history and life style (smoker/non-smoker). Folks who don’t smoke would pay less.
I never heard of Bush proposing that...bastard stole my idea! :lol: