the Up side of it
I used chantix and quit. No desire to smoke the whole time I was on it.
have not smoked a single cigarette since July.
the down side to it.
Chantix works by stimulating the same receptors that smoking does. It maintains about a 65 percent stimulation 24 hours a day.
this is why smoking does nothing for you, and why you really dont get any urges.
when you stop Chantix the effect, at least for me, is worse than stopping smoking cold turkey. the cravings were stronger and my attitude worse.
I was so bad that pan lady didnt even have the nerve to get near me with the 30 lb cast iron skillet.
I have been off of the chantix now since december 15, I am still getting strong cravings, and am still cranky as hell.
I think it is starting to get better.
the only reason I have not picked the cigarettes back up yet is that the extra buck per pack pisses me off and I refuse to give the money to the state.
well that and the fact that I have been away from cigarettes long enough now to realize that I will not die without them and I refuse to give in to the cravings.
use chantix with caution and understand how it works and what you are going to go through when you quit it.
do some internet searches on the effects that real people have had, dont just rely on the results from controlled testing.