SMYFL Supporters


New Member
Well, we lost 13-0. My fullback and Wingback just decided they weren't going to lead block and my tailback couldn't see any daylight. O-line looked decent though (a little slow) and picked up their blocks.

On defense my inside linebackers looked like they didn't want to make contact. Disappointing.

Notice to all smyffl supporters if you think week ones posted scores 39-0,26-0,31-0,36-0 are cool ,these scores are not for the kids or the people of this county.All you haters of pigskin i thought you were doing this to correct these problems in pigskin.I guess don jr may have in been right but still wrong in running up scores,but you now are just as guilty has him!!!!!!!(just a thought,) but still you degrate other small children, don sr would not have supported these scores and coaches would have been suspended for these outragous scores. Not a Don sr supporter but now i question your intentions.
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New Member
Great Opening weekend SMYFL

This was the best opening weekend I have seen since my kids started playing. Everyone seemed to have a great time.

Thanks for everything you guys put together.


New Member
Notice to all smyffl supporters if you think week ones posted scores 39-0,26-0,31-0,36-0 are cool ,these scores are not for the kids or the people of this county.All you haters of pigskin i thought you were doing this to correct these problems in pigskin.I guess don jr may have in been right but still wrong in running up scores,but you now are just as guilty has him!!!!!!!(just a thought,) but still you degrate other small children, don sr would not have supported these scores and coaches would have been suspended for these outragous scores. Not a Don sr supporter but now i question your intentions.

Please note that the above quote is in reference to the SMYFL NOT the SMYFFL.

Thanks! :howdy:


New Member
Please note that the above quote is in reference to the SMYFL NOT the SMYFFL.

Thanks! :howdy:

Im very sorry that i made a mistake in spelling. These high scores are directed at smyfl of northern st marys and has nothing to do with smyffl in charles county.Again im sorry hope i didnt upset anyone.BILL WILLIAMS


New Member
Blowout at smyfl

Anyone know why two coachs were sreaming,yelling and getting ready to fight last night in front of all the kids and parents at letti dent? One coach quit and now the kids are up in the air about if they have a team to play on now. I saw many children upset and crying over the specticule that happened last night.


New Member
Notice to all smyffl supporters if you think week ones posted scores 39-0,26-0,31-0,36-0 are cool ,these scores are not for the kids or the people of this county.All you haters of pigskin i thought you were doing this to correct these problems in pigskin.I guess don jr may have in been right but still wrong in running up scores,but you now are just as guilty has him!!!!!!!(just a thought,) but still you degrate other small children, don sr would not have supported these scores and coaches would have been suspended for these outragous scores. Not a Don sr supporter but now i question your intentions.

First, who said those scores were "cool". The reality of the situation is that you have to have 11 players on the field! Our team pulled back all of our "good" players after an early 21-0 cushion. What are you suppose to do, open a big hole in the middle and tell the opposing team to go??? That would be painfully obvious and embarassing to the opposing team. Do you tell your players to trip and fall?? How much fun is it for your own team, when the "good" players only get 2 series?? Did the parents pay money for that?? There is no fair answer, other than eventually one of the 39-0 teams will play the 31-0 teams.

Btw, your email and English skills are very similar to donkempjr, hmmmmmmmmmmm?


New Member
Anyone know why two coachs were sreaming,yelling and getting ready to fight last night in front of all the kids and parents at letti dent? One coach quit and now the kids are up in the air about if they have a team to play on now. I saw many children upset and crying over the specticule that happened last night.

LOL @ fishing74, "creating" an account just to post or is it just a different identity???


New Member
LOL @ fishing74, "creating" an account just to post or is it just a different identity???

No I dont think so I am new on here and want to voice my opinion! This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. My son is still upset and so are the rest of the kids that are on the team that go to school with him. He wants to play football and has of right now the 120lbs black has no coach. This isn't want the league promised or advertized to us. It's been very disappointing this year so far. Let Paki be the only head coach. He deserves it and has earned the respect of the children on the team!


No I dont think so I am new on here and want to voice my opinion! This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. My son is still upset and so are the rest of the kids that are on the team that go to school with him. He wants to play football and has of right now the 120lbs black has no coach. This isn't want the league promised or advertized to us. It's been very disappointing this year so far. Let Paki be the only head coach. He deserves it and has earned the respect of the children on the team!

Opposing coaches or coaches on the same team?


New Member
First, who said those scores were "cool". The reality of the situation is that you have to have 11 players on the field! Our team pulled back all of our "good" players after an early 21-0 cushion. What are you suppose to do, open a big hole in the middle and tell the opposing team to go??? That would be painfully obvious and embarassing to the opposing team. Do you tell your players to trip and fall?? How much fun is it for your own team, when the "good" players only get 2 series?? Did the parents pay money for that?? There is no fair answer, other than eventually one of the 39-0 teams will play the 31-0 teams.

Btw, your email and English skills are very similar to donkempjr, hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Sir i dont know the answers to your problems,but blow out scores are not accepted in any county from Maine to Flordia in all little league.I also have a copy of every thread including poof that don jr and chris pixon were battling on. I agree with so md community forums this kind of behavior will not be accepted,So they both and all that came with them are gone.Please dont try to read into something that you have no clue what your talking about.(Dont accuse me of being someone im not but i can assure im not Don kemp jr. but you think the new league is doing such a great job ma'am look at all the other threads before this on to see how unhappy the kids are with smyfl kids cry because of couchs arrguing i dont think that is professional, do you? And if you have kids in football you will be dealing with me very soon, Bill williams
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New Member
Sir i dont know the answers to your problems,but blow out scores are not accepted in any county from Maine to Flordia in all little league.I also have a copy of every thread including poof that don jr and chris pixon were battling on. I agree with so md community forums this kind of behavior will not be accepted,So they both and all that came with them are gone.Please dont try to read into something that you have no clue what your talking about.(Dont accuse me of being someone im not but i can assure im not Don kemp jr. but you think the new league is doing such a great job ma'am look at all the other threads before this on to see how unhappy the kids are with smyfl kids cry because of couchs arrguing i dont think that is professional, do you? And if you have kids in football you will be dealing with me very soon, Bill williams

Now if you read back I stated that our team got blew out 21-0 versus Laplata, a team NOT even in our organization. We sucked it up and kept it moving! Again you offer no "answers". Mercy rule?? A game can become 21-0 quick (kick-off return, fumble recovery, 1 offense series).

The coaches arguing is a totally different subject then blow-out scores. I think that is ridiculous and has no place in front of kids. MY point (again, if you READ) the user: fishing74, created an account to log on and ask "Anyone know why two coachs were sreaming,yelling and getting ready to fight?" Asking a question, but at the same time telling subliminally trying to tell people what happened.

Also, what does "ma'am look at all the other threads" mean?? THERE IS NO OTHER THREADS, just one post in here from fishing74.
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New Member
No I dont think so I am new on here and want to voice my opinion! This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. My son is still upset and so are the rest of the kids that are on the team that go to school with him. He wants to play football and has of right now the 120lbs black has no coach. This isn't want the league promised or advertized to us. It's been very disappointing this year so far. Let Paki be the only head coach. He deserves it and has earned the respect of the children on the team!
The BOD of SMYFL is aware of this particular issue. It is currently being investigated by the Management Committee. We take this issue very seriously.

From ARTICLE III of the SMYFL By-laws:

SECTION IV – Duties, Behavior and Conduct:

It shall be the duty of every member of this organization to foster and promote the objectives of the SMYFL through attendance at called meetings and cooperation with the Management Committee when called upon to perform volunteer duties necessary for the success of the organization. Members of SMYFL are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and in accordance with SMYFL By-Laws at all times when at or around SMYFL events. Behavior and conduct that will not be allowed from
SMYFL members and may be grounds for disciplinary action include:

1) Aggressive verbal or physical altercations between parents and coaches, especially when children are present.
2) Continued or excessive use of cursing, foul, or obnoxious language before, during, or after SMYFL events (practices, games, parties, competitions, events).
3) Threatening of any kind.
4) Reckless driving in parking areas at or near SMYFL events.
5) Demeaning or disrespectful discussions of parents, coaches, or children at or near SMYFL events by coaches, parents, or children.
6) Vindictive behavior or actions toward parents, coaches or children.
7) Use of alcohol at a SMYFL event (unless previously approved by the Management Committee for an event without children).

SECTION V – Progression of Disciplinary Actions:

There will be a standardized progression of punishment for violation of SMYFL By-Laws. However, the following is a recommended progression. Seriousness of the offense may be a mitigating factor and may require direct progression to suspension or removal, as recommended by the Parent’s Advisory Committee, reviewed by the Management Committee and determined by the Director (see Article IV, Section VII)

1) Verbal warning from Director or Commissioner – documented in Management Committee meeting minutes
2) Letter of reprimand, including conditions, restrictions, and consequences of further By-Law violations.
3) Suspension – Parent’s Advisory Committee will recommend period of suspension
4) Revocation of membership

Specific member actions at SMYFL events that will result in immediate and automatic suspension from SMYFL:

1) Physical assault, including throwing of a punch.
2) Actions that endanger or which could cause injury to children, parents, coaches or spectators before, during, or after any SMYFL event (including the areas of the practice fields, sidelines, game fields, concessions, and parking areas) including but not limited to: physical or sexual abuse, reckless driving, brandishing and/or use of a weapon.

This immediate and automatic suspension will remain in effect until the PAC reviews the alleged violations and makes recommendations to the Director for action. This action should be taken within 7 days of the suspension.


New Member
Now i dont support smyfl but i can voice my opinion so Don kemp sr has never done anything wrong to the kids maybe to the other people or couches i dont know i dont care its supposed to be about the kids not couch's or parents its for the kids an wat happened at that football field was not right i was there things were said that im not gonna repeat but its not right they should have talked it out or called later and talk it over but yell in front of kids isn't right don kemp wouldhave fired them both but thats him the kids never cried at dons field but what it all boils down to is its for the kids not for anyone else right?


Now i dont support smyfl but i can voice my opinion so Don kemp sr has never done anything wrong to the kids maybe to the other people or couches i dont know i dont care its supposed to be about the kids not couch's or parents its for the kids an wat happened at that football field was not right i was there things were said that im not gonna repeat but its not right they should have talked it out or called later and talk it over but yell in front of kids isn't right don kemp wouldhave fired them both but thats him the kids never cried at dons field but what it all boils down to is its for the kids not for anyone else right?

ALL the kids to whom I read your profound endorsement of Don Kemp (five - all played in Pigskin) have now stopped laughing and gotten of the floor.
Who are you trying to BS?



New Member
The BOD of SMYFL is aware of this particular issue. It is currently being investigated by the Management Committee. We take this issue very seriously.

From ARTICLE III of the SMYFL By-laws:

SECTION IV – Duties, Behavior and Conduct:

It shall be the duty of every member of this organization to foster and promote the objectives of the SMYFL through attendance at called meetings and cooperation with the Management Committee when called upon to perform volunteer duties necessary for the success of the organization. Members of SMYFL are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and in accordance with SMYFL By-Laws at all times when at or around SMYFL events. Behavior and conduct that will not be allowed from
SMYFL members and may be grounds for disciplinary action include:

1) Aggressive verbal or physical altercations between parents and coaches, especially when children are present.
2) Continued or excessive use of cursing, foul, or obnoxious language before, during, or after SMYFL events (practices, games, parties, competitions, events).
3) Threatening of any kind.
4) Reckless driving in parking areas at or near SMYFL events.
5) Demeaning or disrespectful discussions of parents, coaches, or children at or near SMYFL events by coaches, parents, or children.
6) Vindictive behavior or actions toward parents, coaches or children.
7) Use of alcohol at a SMYFL event (unless previously approved by the Management Committee for an event without children).

SECTION V – Progression of Disciplinary Actions:

There will be a standardized progression of punishment for violation of SMYFL By-Laws. However, the following is a recommended progression. Seriousness of the offense may be a mitigating factor and may require direct progression to suspension or removal, as recommended by the Parent’s Advisory Committee, reviewed by the Management Committee and determined by the Director (see Article IV, Section VII)

1) Verbal warning from Director or Commissioner – documented in Management Committee meeting minutes
2) Letter of reprimand, including conditions, restrictions, and consequences of further By-Law violations.
3) Suspension – Parent’s Advisory Committee will recommend period of suspension
4) Revocation of membership

Specific member actions at SMYFL events that will result in immediate and automatic suspension from SMYFL:

1) Physical assault, including throwing of a punch.
2) Actions that endanger or which could cause injury to children, parents, coaches or spectators before, during, or after any SMYFL event (including the areas of the practice fields, sidelines, game fields, concessions, and parking areas) including but not limited to: physical or sexual abuse, reckless driving, brandishing and/or use of a weapon.

This immediate and automatic suspension will remain in effect until the PAC reviews the alleged violations and makes recommendations to the Director for action. This action should be taken within 7 days of the suspension.

Thank you for your concern. I hope the matter is throughly looked into and that favortism won't happen just because one of the ones involved is one of your top level board members. I hope the rest of the year will improve from this point and ALL rules will be followed for now on. Thanks again.


New Member
Ok sir im not here to argue with you its for the kids an you read it to five kids try the other 5000 kids who love him to death. Your a smyfl supporter im just voicing my opinion you have nothing better to do then argue with me my opinion 5000 kids love him but everyone is intitled to there opinion an you are to but i know what i know you know what you know an bs is not professional sir


New Member
Ok sir im not here to argue with you its for the kids an you read it to five kids try the other 5000 kids who love him to death. Your a smyfl supporter im just voicing my opinion you have nothing better to do then argue with me my opinion 5000 kids love him but everyone is intitled to there opinion an you are to but i know what i know you know what you know an bs is not professional sir

Isn't it strange this guy and semiprofootball, BOTH call people "sir" in emails:

"Sir i dont know the answers to your problems,but blow out scores are not accepted in any county....."

Another one from this guy (from his new Pigskin post):

"sir that is on old one check the date we have facts on this thread....."

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You're a LOON :)
Now i dont support smyfl but i can voice my opinion so Don kemp sr has never done anything wrong to the kids maybe to the other people or couches i dont know i dont care its supposed to be about the kids not couch's or parents its for the kids an wat happened at that football field was not right i was there things were said that im not gonna repeat but its not right they should have talked it out or called later and talk it over but yell in front of kids isn't right don kemp wouldhave fired them both but thats him the kids never cried at dons field but what it all boils down to is its for the kids not for anyone else right?

What exactly did he do to/with the couches?
Ok sir im not here to argue with you its for the kids an you read it to five kids try the other 5000 kids who love him to death. Your a smyfl supporter im just voicing my opinion you have nothing better to do then argue with me my opinion 5000 kids love him but everyone is intitled to there opinion an you are to but i know what i know you know what you know an bs is not professional sir

You type like the son who was here before.. what's with the new user name?


New Member
The BOD of SMYFL is aware of this particular issue. It is currently being investigated by the Management Committee. We take this issue very seriously.

From ARTICLE III of the SMYFL By-laws:

SECTION IV – Duties, Behavior and Conduct:

It shall be the duty of every member of this organization to foster and promote the objectives of the SMYFL through attendance at called meetings and cooperation with the Management Committee when called upon to perform volunteer duties necessary for the success of the organization. Members of SMYFL are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and in accordance with SMYFL By-Laws at all times when at or around SMYFL events. Behavior and conduct that will not be allowed from
SMYFL members and may be grounds for disciplinary action include:

1) Aggressive verbal or physical altercations between parents and coaches, especially when children are present.
2) Continued or excessive use of cursing, foul, or obnoxious language before, during, or after SMYFL events (practices, games, parties, competitions, events).
3) Threatening of any kind.
4) Reckless driving in parking areas at or near SMYFL events.
5) Demeaning or disrespectful discussions of parents, coaches, or children at or near SMYFL events by coaches, parents, or children.
6) Vindictive behavior or actions toward parents, coaches or children.
7) Use of alcohol at a SMYFL event (unless previously approved by the Management Committee for an event without children).

SECTION V – Progression of Disciplinary Actions:

There will be a standardized progression of punishment for violation of SMYFL By-Laws. However, the following is a recommended progression. Seriousness of the offense may be a mitigating factor and may require direct progression to suspension or removal, as recommended by the Parent’s Advisory Committee, reviewed by the Management Committee and determined by the Director (see Article IV, Section VII)

1) Verbal warning from Director or Commissioner – documented in Management Committee meeting minutes
2) Letter of reprimand, including conditions, restrictions, and consequences of further By-Law violations.
3) Suspension – Parent’s Advisory Committee will recommend period of suspension
4) Revocation of membership

Specific member actions at SMYFL events that will result in immediate and automatic suspension from SMYFL:

1) Physical assault, including throwing of a punch.
2) Actions that endanger or which could cause injury to children, parents, coaches or spectators before, during, or after any SMYFL event (including the areas of the practice fields, sidelines, game fields, concessions, and parking areas) including but not limited to: physical or sexual abuse, reckless driving, brandishing and/or use of a weapon.

This immediate and automatic suspension will remain in effect until the PAC reviews the alleged violations and makes recommendations to the Director for action. This action should be taken within 7 days of the suspension.

I am glad to see that there is a system in place to handle any altercations that may arise. As with all organizations, there will be bumps in the road. It's how those bumps are handled that makes an organization. Let's give the BOD a chance to react.

Are the organizational by-laws available on line?