SMYFL Supporters


New Member
Well i have news for you.1st pigskin hasent gone anywhere.If someone locked up something that belonged to you and didnt let you use it,how is that dead?????? The equipment is locked up until court. After this is over you will see pigskin back next year 2010 stronger than ever.The amount of people unhappy priceless.Equipment bought from st marys sports for kids in the football leagues now,that doesnt fit properly,sales up 30% helmets,shoulderpads and on and on.These kids on fields today with improper equipment.Insurance problems.This sounds great to me. Let me sign up now,(NOT).Coaches on fields fighting using the NNNNNNNN word please people get a grip.You wanted it ,you got it and it ain't good.See you at sign ups
What does equipment bought from St. Mary's sports have to do with anything? Are you implying that it was the same as buying it from Pigskins?


You're a LOON :)
The equipment you have put on kids doesnt fit ,and parents had to purchase equipment from st marys sports.Kids playing for smyfl.THANKS FOR THE BUSINESS.

Do you seriously think that people reading the crap you post are going to run and sign up for Pigskins? Do you think you posting here has really helped to promote your league?


New Member
Which organization are you affiliated with? I will make sure to stay away from it and travel out of county if I need to. You see, when I sign my child up for football I expect him to learn the great game of football as well as life skills. What you fail to realize by acting and representing yourself on this forum as being a pompus a$$ on this forum, you push people away from the organization you represent. You would do yourself, your family and the organization you represent well by using proper English and grammar in your posts. If that is not possible, then stay off and make yourself available via an email address or cell phone number.

Keep up the good job!
one question why do you have to have good english and grammer online your not writing a paper for the government your not turning it in for a grade and no one but you people cares meaning smyfl supporters and what is lusbymom doing on any of these sites you said your kids dont even play football i already said and i will say it again im not on here to fight im here to promote pigskin and for the record you started on our site first we said nothing to you all so why are we being picked appart and being told were not professional if you started with us again IM NOT HERE TO FIGHT SO PLEASE STOPthank you for your time


New Member
The equipment you have put on kids doesnt fit ,and parents had to purchase equipment from st marys sports.Kids playing for smyfl.THANKS FOR THE BUSINESS.

Of course someone who's sole focus is to sell sports gear would say the gear doesn't fit. If you said the gear was fine you would not make a sale!! How many times have you ever walked into a car dealer and had the salesman say your car is fine you dont need a new one.

Dont worry I know you are going to say its about keeping the kids safe and that St. Mary's sports is the only place in the world that knows how to fit gear .......but somehow every other league in the world manages to get by.

All I can say is that I like my kids gear much better this year than any other year he has played.
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New Member
one question why do you have to have good english and grammer online your not writing a paper for the government your not turning it in for a grade and no one but you people cares meaning smyfl supporters and what is lusbymom doing on any of these sites you said your kids dont even play football i already said and i will say it again im not on here to fight im here to promote pigskin and for the record you started on our site first we said nothing to you all so why are we being picked appart and being told were not professional if you started with us again IM NOT HERE TO FIGHT SO PLEASE STOPthank you for your time

You dont want a fight....then don't bash SMYFL on a forum titled "SMYFL SUPPORTERS". Why dont you go post on the Pigskin forum and tell everyone what Pigskin is doing to make more that 80 people register next year. I'm sorry 40 people since half of those 80 had already registered for SMYFL when Pigskin went under.


New Member
You dont want a fight....then don't bash SMYFL on a forum titled "SMYFL SUPPORTERS". Why dont you go post on the Pigskin forum and tell everyone what Pigskin is doing to make more that 80 people register next year. I'm sorry 40 people since half of those 80 had already registered for SMYFL when Pigskin went under.
He cries and tells folks to stay out of the threads for organizations he's affiliated with but comes into this one and makes a mess with incoherent posts. Hypocrisy is definitely his forte.


You're a LOON :)
one question why do you have to have good english and grammer online your not writing a paper for the government your not turning it in for a grade and no one but you people cares meaning smyfl supporters and what is lusbymom doing on any of these sites you said your kids dont even play football i already said and i will say it again im not on here to fight im here to promote pigskin and for the record you started on our site first we said nothing to you all so why are we being picked appart and being told were not professional if you started with us again IM NOT HERE TO FIGHT SO PLEASE STOPthank you for your time

I am on this site because I CAN BE! I have children that are old enough to play football and want to play. I plan on signing my son up. I can tell you now that someone needs to put a muzzle on Junior. From this drama it makes me leary to even sign my kids up at all. But I do know that it will never be for Pigskin.

When you represent a league you dont' come online and talk the way several of you pigskin supporters do.. you don't talk that way if you are trying to increase your league. I have been on the board for a local sports league for 5 years now and I can't even imagine acting and talking the way you people do.


New Member
You dont want a fight....then don't bash SMYFL on a forum titled "SMYFL SUPPORTERS". Why dont you go post on the Pigskin forum and tell everyone what Pigskin is doing to make more that 80 people register next year. I'm sorry 40 people since half of those 80 had already registered for SMYFL when Pigskin went under.

you came to the pigskin site first bashing us so how are you going to tell me not to bash you, I neverhave. You were on our site messing with us.


You're a LOON :)
This is me stupid if you keep it up ill make you go poof to so keep on.YES I HAVE THAT POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You address me make sure you have the right person and stop talking about people get a life.

:roflmao: You just get stupider and stupider


You're a LOON :)
Glad i got your attention.Now stop talking about me,or things you know nothing about.When u refer to me it will always say junior or something i dont hide from who i am. Like you people.

Are you kidding? I will talk to you on this PUBLIC forum when you come on here and can't even type so that people can understand you. You come on here bragging about business that you think the Pigskins will get. You are here to represent them and you are doing a poor job of it. You have steered me away from ever joining the Pigskin league again.

You want to threaten me? Make me go poof? :killingme


New Member
Are you effin kidding me!!!!! :killingme I did not know it was a prerequisite that you had to be a retard to be on the board of a local youth league. :cds:


New Member
I would like to say thank you to all of those dedicated people of SMYFL and Pax River Raiders since football is once again enjoyable in St. Mary’s County!!!! To make things even better, I hear you two are going to be working together next year. I personally can’t wait.


New Member
I really have steered clear of this and other threads like this because it truly is not what the game is about on a coach to child level in the Raiders organization. Also, for what I see, the SMYFL practice fields are run well too. In other words, the teams I see and coaches out there have been outstanding at Dorsey. I am in hopes that both organizations can and will work together. Where was this information gathered?

For parents who do not want to put their kids in football please understand you are seeing a very negative tip of the iceberg on this forum and others. These forums start out with good intentions but get negative very quickly. What I see each practice is two organizations working their tails off to give the kids a happy outlet for exercise and accomplishment. All I ask is that you weigh that factor in before you decide to not try football especially if your child wants to play.

I can't reply about pigskin because I have seen nothing. I will definitely say nothing negative about the former organization. I have nothing to go on. I just think the 2009 versions of SMYFL and Pax River are functioning very well. I am proud to be affiliated with the Raiders and work very hard for my kids and their parents to have an enjoyable experience.


New Member
To make things even better, I hear you two are going to be working together next year. I personally can’t wait.

I am not saying this is your idea (or a bad idea), but my question is WHY do the leagues have to "work together"? Little League doesn't play Babe Ruth, Northern Soccer only plays St.Mary's Soccer in RecPlus division.

I'm simply stating that everyone is doing their own thing successfully, what is the rational behind working together???


New Member
I am not saying this is your idea (or a bad idea), but my question is WHY do the leagues have to "work together"? Little League doesn't play Babe Ruth, Northern Soccer only plays St.Mary's Soccer in RecPlus division.

I'm simply stating that everyone is doing their own thing successfully, what is the rational behind working together???

After second thought you are right, they shouldnt work together. everyone should just do thier own thing.
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New Member
I am not saying this is your idea (or a bad idea), but my question is WHY do the leagues have to "work together"? Little League doesn't play Babe Ruth, Northern Soccer only plays St.Mary's Soccer in RecPlus division.

I'm simply stating that everyone is doing their own thing successfully, what is the rational behind working together???
Well, I guess it all depends on what "work together" means...hopefully we'll all find out soon.