

New Member
I would like to tell any and every person involved or not directly involved in the SMYF League that I am very proud of the performance of the Coaches, Team Mom, Parents and the kids. I think you are an outstanding group of people and the professionalism you display along with your love for the kids and the game are superb!!!
Your performance on Saturday at Lettie Dent was remarkable and you handled the negativity and lack of respect from the opposing team with dignity and class. I am proud to have all of you represent Lexington Park and our kids here. My son is proud of his teammates and his coaches. Thank you for a job well done.


New Member
its means that pigskin is doinn a grate job this year i know lots of peple complain abut evereything but i think this seanon has gone without a hitch or much complaning at all than you come on heere and just start stuff and me and thefbcritic needto stup all the lies.
Here we go again
its means that pigskin is doinn a grate job this year i know lots of peple complain abut evereything but i think this seanon has gone without a hitch or much complaning at all than you come on heere and just start stuff and me and thefbcritic needto stup all the lies.
Why don’t you two follow your own advice? For your reference, I have posted the applicable quote below.
…if you support smyfl stay off our theards well stay off yours no problem … I just want to keep the peace i dont talk bad about you at all. … dont start trouble


its means that pigskin is doinn a grate job this year i know lots of peple complain abut evereything but i think this seanon has gone without a hitch or much complaning at all than you come on heere and just start stuff and me and thefbcritic needto stup all the lies.

Sweet baby Ray :faint:


New Member
Why don’t you two follow your own advice? For your reference, I have posted the applicable quote below.

we ddindt say nothing bad i was just tryingto stup the lies befor someone starts to put tham up here that way we can get to the buttom of tham before they start an no on gets confused on the truth have a good day sir.


New Member
Displays of gross illiteracy make baby English teachers cry. :bawl:

ddindt know thiss was a high school speling test i have a buisness to run an dont have time to wory about the spel check since i have leave the librery in time to to gtet back to work so lets just stick to the facts.


New Member
I was asked nicely not to bad mouth SMYFL, so I won't but Walt what the hell are you talking about? You confuse the hell out of me with what you write.:doh:
lets just stick to the facts.
The fact is that this thread was directed to the SMYFL organization and its supporters. It was a "thank you for your hard work". Then you and fb had to come in here and spew your illiterate garbage ASSUMING that the original poster was going to bash pigskin. You two are not supporters of SMYFL, so you need to follow your own advice and get out of this thread. You are NOT doing pigskin any favors.

thefbcritic said:
if you support smyfl stay off our theards well stay off yours no problem … I just want to keep the peace i dont talk bad about you at all. … dont start trouble


ddindt know thiss was a high school speling test i have a buisness to run an dont have time to wory about the spel check since i have leave the librery in time to to gtet back to work so lets just stick to the facts.

At teh drive thru do thuy use werds or pikchures on deh register?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
ddindt know thiss was a high school speling test i have a buisness to run an dont have time to wory about the spel check since i have leave the librery in time to to gtet back to work so lets just stick to the facts.

Fact: Huntr1 was posting to bfcritic about his "stay on your thread" advice. Bfcritic violated his advice and Huntr threw the flag for encroachment.

Fact: You spelling and grammar (or lack thereof) goes way beyond spell check. If you are going to post, at least TRY to make some sense.

If you have a business to run then why are you at the library posting on the webs? Your business doesn't have web access? JPC is this you?


New Member
ddindt know thiss was a high school speling test i have a buisness to run an dont have time to wory about the spel check since i have leave the librery in time to to gtet back to work so lets just stick to the facts.

FACT: This post is about SMYFL.
FACT: Walt Kowalski and fbcritic are supporting st. mary's pigskin
FACT: Hunters post was right on Q.... If you don't want to be bashed on your thread then don't post negetives comments about an organization that you do not support on another thread. PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES

FACT: Both of these leagues are about the KIDS, not adults bickering about which is better!!!!

For the record I played in St. Mary's Pigskin from 1985 to 1994 and couldn't tell you a thing about SMYFL except what I have read on here, so these "FACTS" are completely unbiased!!!

Thanks for reading and hope you guys get the point.....ITS ABOUT THE KIDS!!


New Member
I think that Walt the DA, thinks pigskin and SMYFL are the same group. But hell if I know because I can't figure out what the DA is writing.