so bored...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Kizzy said:
Now, I'm depressed. :bawl: A&E has a story on a 6-year old raped and murdered. :bawl: It was in 70's, I think 77.

Is that what I have on TV? Chick and I have been working on her homework, so it has been on in the background.

Now to go finish making dinner...


New Member
pvineswinger said:
Is it TOO much to ask to have some hot French guy living in downtown LP to "service" sex-crazed women? Geesh...
Why would you want a coward to service you? :confused: :shrug:


pvineswinger said:
Is it TOO much to ask to have some hot French guy living in downtown LP to "service" sex-crazed women? Geesh...
*cough cough* I talked to 2 guys last night that said they were willing to do the deed! :getdown:


Swinging on Vines
Ok this is a "bored" thread so it's not REALLY off-topic, but...
Why is it so tough to get a freakin' job with Nascar?


pvineswinger said:
Is it TOO much to ask to have some hot French guy living in downtown LP to "service" sex-crazed women? Geesh...
how about an Italian.......


New Member
pvineswinger said:
Ok this is a "bored" thread so it's not REALLY off-topic, but...Why is it so tough to get a freakin' job with Nascar?
Because you're not that great of a driver...:shrug: :lmao:


But wait, there's more...
pvineswinger said:
Ok this is a "bored" thread so it's not REALLY off-topic, but...
Why is it so tough to get a freakin' job with Nascar?
What are you trying to do with them? I've established a few contacts an depending on what happens in the next month or so here, I am heading south for that very reason.


Swinging on Vines
crabcake said:
What are you trying to do with them? I've established a few contacts an depending on what happens in the next month or so here, I am heading south for that very reason.
My degree is in Communications (marketing/PR) but I'll cook dinner and clean out trailers if they want me to!!


pvineswinger said:
HMMMM...anyone I know?

Do they have your DNA? hee hee
No I do not have their DNA but one is a "would ya" I will :gossip: in a


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
pvineswinger said:
that I'm seriously thinking about ordering the Ultimate Love Songs Collection the next time the 1-800 number comes up!!
It includes Richard Marx!! :duh:
I saw Richard Marx in concert once. His bass player was hot!