So I Guess I'll Be Needing A Good Lawyer...


New Member
It's funny how you choose to mention my language, but you speak nothing of the insult he called me. Um...little biased there huh? Don't be so obvious.

dumbass = %aggot

I was so wrong.... You are not 11, you are 5 and I just got this image of you in my mind pointing your finger with your hand on your hip next to your plastic gun and your Lone Ranger badge saying in a bratty whine.... we'll Merlin started it.... quite nauseating image actually..


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
No I didn't. You are a moron.
Guilty / not guilty, those are terms used in your line of work aren't they? Maybe you've just got a reading comprehension issue and aren't a dumbass. Either way how does that make me the moron?


Stop Staring!!!!!
I guess I'll be needing a good lawyer now...

I've never had any problems with the law or been in any kind of trouble. Heck, I have a good not so great but decent job, a clean background and even a securlty clearance.

Today, I find out I being accused of theft. That's right, theft. Theft of apparently a very large sum of money from a residence. Best of all, framed by my own close relative.

So, now I've been questioned by the police that claim my stories are conflicting and they have DNA evidence that to prove that I'm guilty. Now, I'm being asked to take a polygraph test to prove my innocence.

For someone that's never been in trouble with the law, quite frankly I'm pretty darn scared. I can't afford a lawyer right now and I'm in desperate need of legal advice.

Can anyone here offer any advice or a place to turn to for help?

Feel free to PM me.

Don't sweat it until AFTER the COPS have put the cuffs on ya. If they haven't already you are simply a suspect. And there is more than likely one suspect, if not, you would have had the cuffs put on ya.


Everyone I know that has taken a polygraph has had to do it several times because the results came back "inconclusive" more often than not. The tests were administered by real experts, not some St Marys County hack.


New Member
Guilty / not guilty, those are terms used in your line of work aren't they? Maybe you've just got a reading comprehension issue and aren't a dumbass. Either way how does that make me the moron?

That doesn't make you a moron, God made you a moron you idiot!


You have to slow down and realize what's going on here. Our buddy the cop, SOMMPD, who's known to lie, shows up and reads how everyone in the thread has advised this lady not to talk to the cops or take a lie detector test. So what's he do? He tells the big lie of how the cops will let her off if she's telling the truth. What he isn't saying is maybe it isn't about the test, but about the questions they'll get to ask during the test, and her answers to those that just might put her in jail anyway. The cops have nothing to lose and everything to gain. - Lie detectors are likely lying themselves

I absolutely agree with you! Most polygraph examiners are grossly under qualified.

Trust me I know. I watch Dr. Phil and he has the worlds best FBI polygraph examiner. This guy constantly warns that lie detectors are deadly in the wrong hands.


Cyber Bully Victim
Be Very Afraid

I absolutely agree with you! Most polygraph examiners are grossly under qualified.

Trust me I know. I watch Dr. Phil and he has the worlds best FBI polygraph examiner. This guy constantly warns that lie detectors are deadly in the wrong hands.

Now picture SOMMPD with a lie detector box, a bullet in his shirt pocket, plastic gun, fuzzy pink handcuffs, Cracker Jack shield, and full police powers.



May I add that when my son was applying for the Sheriffs Dept. He kept failing the following questons:

Date of Birth
Mothers Madien Name

Took the test 3 times, continued to fail.... Thank God his examiner liked him! Baby got the job.


Now picture SOMMPD with a lie detector box, a bullet in his shirt pocket, plastic gun, fuzzy pink handcuffs, Cracker Jack shield, and full police powers.

Is he the polygraph examiner at St. Mary's? If so, I already know he's a douche.


Cyber Bully Victim
Take the money and run!

And this little ditty goes out to SOMMPD and the tards like him on behalf of all the folks that kept their mouths shut and got away.



Cyber Bully Victim
Breaking the What???

And for those of you still awake that just can't stay away from this train wreck of a thread, the carnage continues.
