So I Guess I'll Be Needing A Good Lawyer...

Nanny Pam

I am not a lawyer, but I try to watch Judge Judy ever day, so based on that expertise, I can tell you that if there is no witness or physical evidence that you are indeed the one that took the money, then mere speculation and assumption is not enough to convict you. But if you keep talking and in your confusion, you change your wording each time they can use that to say you keep changing your story and can use that as circumstancial evidence against you. Stop talking and go see a lawyer.

Do you get the feeling that you're talking to the wall?

Could this be a nitwit MPD?


Lovin' being Texican
I am not a lawyer, but I try to watch Judge Judy ever day, so based on that expertise, I can tell you that if there is no witness or physical evidence that you are indeed the one that took the money, then mere speculation and assumption is not enough to convict you. But if you keep talking and in your confusion, you change your wording each time they can use that to say you keep changing your story and can use that as circumstancial evidence against you. Stop talking and go see a lawyer.

Surprisingly (or not) she refuses to listen to that advice. I suspect she wants the attention.


Cyber Bully Victim
The folks that brought us the Patriot Act.

...yet! The Democrats in the Congress want to change that little agreement with the Service members.

Can you back that up with a source? Or, is it just more of your Dem bashing rubbish?

Does that make the Republicans soft on crime then? Who came up with the Patriot Act?



New Member
I've already agreed to take the polygraph...My have been a bad mistake but was thinking that would help me not hurt me.


Lovin' being Texican
Can you back that up with a source? Or, is it just more of your Dem bashing rubbish?

Does that make the Republicans soft on crime then? Who came up with the Patriot Act?


Actually, it was Congressman Shey (R) who floated that idea 16-18months ago. Don't know where it stands now the hybrid is coming on scene.


Cyber Bully Victim
I've already agreed to take the polygraph...My have been a bad mistake but was thinking that would help me not hurt me.

You can't be this dumb. Polygraphs are not admissible in court to prove you are innocent.

Don't take it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lovin' being Texican
I've already agreed to take the polygraph...My have been a bad mistake but was thinking that would help me not hurt me.

Don't do it! It's not admissable but it is evidence and they can turn it into anything they want. Get a friggin' lawyer and get off the forum if you want to stay out of court.


Equestrian :)
I would ask to see the physical evidence.
And if I were you and completely innocent of everything I would take the polygraph. Refusing to do it will make you look guilitier well on CSI it does :lmao:


Guess what else...The "accusing" is the one the owns this craphole that won't put any money into it because she wants me to get out and believe me, I wold have left a long time ago if I only could have afforded it.

You just answered your question. :yay:

Accuser has no legal reason to evict you? :shrug:

They have no evidence.

Don't speak. Don't say anything. Don't let them in your house unless they have a warrant. And have a good lawyer ready in case they do have enough evidence to obtain a warrant (hearsay doesn't count as evidence).

Remember, innocent until proven guilty.


New Member
Looks like, I make too much for help from the Legal Aid Bureau. Sucks, that it's going to cost me out the a** due to some jealous, controlling, mentally and emotionally abusive family member.

Well if you make $30K and don't have any housing expenses you must be loaded :yay:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I've already agreed to take the polygraph...My have been a bad mistake but was thinking that would help me not hurt me.
Change your mind. No one has ever been found not guilty by a lie detector, but they have helped find many people guilty.


I've already agreed to take the polygraph...My have been a bad mistake but was thinking that would help me not hurt me.

Polygraphs do not help. They are not admissable in court.


You'll be happy to hear that I do not live in a trailer anymore. Also just because one does or did live in a trailer does not make them trash. It makes them someone who lives or lived within their means. :yay:



you go girl.


Main Streeter
#1. you cannot afford to NOT have a lawyer.
#2. stop posting any more information on this forum
#3. stop talking to the police
#4. if they come to arrest you, go to #1.

From the Maryland,gov Website:

How do I get a lawyer?
If you wish to hire a lawyer but do not know one, or if you wish to defend yourself but want to consult with a lawyer, the Lawyer Referral Service of the local Bar Association can help. Check the Yellow Pages under Lawyer Referral Service.

If the offense is one that is punishable by imprisonment and you want to hire a lawyer but cannot afford one, the state may supply you with a lawyer free of charge, if you meet eligibility requirements. Contact the Office of the Public Defender at 877-430-5187.
If you do not meet eligibility requirements for a public defender, many organizations and law firms provide free or low cost legal services. Contact the Maryland State Bar Association or a local bar association for assistance.