I agree.
I'm banking on Trump's instincts on this.
Vance has a JD from Yale > he can take Kamala and her abysmal past record, and will be able to challenge her on ANYTHING that she's not accomplished.
He's from Ohiya > the Rust Belt and that help with PA, et al.
He's a Marine
He's YOUNG, but he's a Millennial > and that will help with that demographic
He's a MAGA convert, and I guess I believe that. Trump does -so it will help further that MAGA movement
He's Blue Collar > not an elitist
He's young enough that he will keep his place as VP, but I have NO DOUBT he will carry out every part of the mission POTUS sets out for him.
I don't know that he will have the 2028 automatic ascension to run again, but... if he does well, OK. He can prove himself and we'll see!