so, Johnny Depp....


Is it normal practice for couples to record so many of their conversations and interactions? It seems like there is a very large number of seemingly "private" conversations being played for the world to hear.

I've never recorded conversations with my husband. Perhaps because he's never hit me, nor do I have a desire to air my dirty laundry.

I know right... I think she was saying "he started it," and he was saying "she started it." So, they decided to start recording conversations for reference.

I am still in disbelief that I thought the strange dude was the bed/pillow pooper, and it was at this point, I got up and left the living room. I had enough of listening to the shi! show and I have tons of other things to do. My husband started laughing hysterically yelling that JD thought that also and that this weirdo dude said he accused him of pooping on the bed.


Well-Known Member
Who cares about Johnny Depp, and his private life? The coverage of a traitor elistist is out of control. The distraction of it all. God bless the USA.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
I know right... I think she was saying "he started it," and he was saying "she started it." So, they decided to start recording conversations for reference.

I am still in disbelief that I thought the strange dude was the bed/pillow pooper, and it was at this point, I got up and left the living room. I had enough of listening to the shi! show and I have tons of other things to do. My husband started laughing hysterically yelling that JD thought that also and that this weirdo dude said he accused him of pooping on the bed.
Is there a pic of this guy somewhere?


Well-Known Member
The evening news had a video last night of Depp slamming Heard around in the kitchen while he poured himself half a bottle of wine into one glass. Audio was of him cursing her out while he did it. Not so innocent, is he?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Tillett Wright - his video is all over YT

I was too busy today to watch so I have some catching up to do, or not. :lmao:
Not. Waste of time. He is in an adrenochrome coma. What a freaking joke Depp is. I will, also, say that Amber is a bad actress with the crying, “sniffing“, and all. This court case is another diversion. I wish they had televised the Ghislaine trial this much. God bless America is not part of the new regime. Take care, and lock and load, and all.


This is an important trial for many reasons:
  1. An man falsely accused of violence against a woman in a "woman is always believed over the man" society.
  2. The media and ACLU working in collusion with a known domestic abuser (Amber Heard) to do a career-ending hit piece on a successful person in the name of virtue signaling.
  3. The world can witness how a deranged, gaslighting individual can wreck their mate emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
  4. So the world can see how piss poorly many attorneys perform in court, even if they are paid the big bucks. Perry Mason was a fiction created by writers.
The fact that Depp was very successful in his career and may have indulged in alcohol and drugs throughout his life has no bearing on this IMO. Neither you nor I have lived his life and have no right to judge him. We can always put your life under a microscope and see how you fair. I would probably look pretty bad in several respects myself.


There was an entirely other side to the AH and JD relationship and now we all know about it and perhaps the ACLU shouldn't just use some celebrity as an ambassador for political purposes without unmasking that.

JD has a history of drug and alcohol use, nobody is denying that, but AH sat on that stand pretending to be JD's Lord and savior to get him clean all while enabling him. She never took any responsibility for her role at all, even when she said, "suck my D!ck" to him, called him a "big baby" and explained away another audio conversation where she admitted hitting him. At their wedding, she gave a schedule to the wedding planner that had "alcohol and drug time" listed on it and she did drugs and drank with JD. Hardly a person who is trying to keep JD clean. She waltzed into the relationship with JD knowing the ramifications, moved a crap ton of people over to the condos to freeload on JD's dime, did drugs and drank with him as did her friends and her sister and thus began JD heading down a path of absolute destruction much greater than in his past. Of course, JD allowed this to happen to himself and is responsible for his role but for her to be used as some ACLU ambassador to advance her career and for them to advance their politics is sickening. ACLU has morphed into a hard-left political advocacy group, IMO. They put AH out there to speak about sexual and domestic violence focusing on the confirmation hearing of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the accusations of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. :rolleyes:

Next week is the last week for all this as each side has been given a strict timeline on testimony. I think AH's side has 8 hours left and JD's side has 16 hours left. Judge wants everything to the jury before the Memorial Day weekend.

AH went to the press, not JD, so it will be very interesting to see how all this plays out with the jury and perhaps, people will think twice about evidence before going to the media in the future and charities will be more careful about who they stick on the front line as a spokesperson of sorts.


Here is a great summary posting on YT by a poster named Alex. A Reader's Digest version of what we have learned so far. This is who the ACLU deemed as an ambassador to speak on DV and sexual assault.



3 hours ago
Here are some quick facts about Amber that we know that are proven:

1) He wasn't the only alcoholic and drug abuser. She drank 2 bottles of wine a day, took drugs as well by her own admission.

2) Caught lying about using the makeup that didn't exist back then to "cover her bruises" frequently, which was refuted by the makeup company in court.

3) Past domestic violence arrest against her ex, literally charged and arrested. Plus admitted to domestic violence against Johnny. Plus suspicion of domestic violence against her own sister (her sister was discussing it with her friends by the poolside in a video clip), and assaulted her ex-best friend in public. In contrast Johnny has no history of being violent towards women, every single one of his ex gfs and spouses all speak highly of him, and has said he's never laid hands on them.

4) Audio recording of her admitting to cutting his finger in Australia (not allowed in this trial due to technicalities), proving again that her testimony was a lie. (one of the voices on the tape is now deceased and can't testify)

5) Her psychologist lied about Amber having no domestic violence history and was called out by Johnny's attorney. 6) Has NO witnesses or evidence (all conveniently random strangers that she doesn't know or deceased people like the bodyguard)

7) Her longtime assistant testified under oath that she did not once see or hear any physical abuse from Depp or ever saw any injuries on Heard in all the years. She also testified under oath that Heard spit ON her face when she asked for a raise

8) She visits Dr Kipper's office the day after an alleged incident where she was severely beaten, the doctor's medical report states her in perfect health, with no injuries of any kind on her, also state her skin was in perfect condition. Her explanation was "this was a partial report and I didn't have time to get into the details with the doctor about the injuries". (Day 16 of trial cross examination)

9) Allegedly got her nose broken, hit multiple times, her scalp and hair ripped off, penetrated by a bottle, dragged over broken glass and got her arms and legs "pretty cut up", then somehow felt safe enough to take sleeping pills with her "attacker" in the same house, woke up the next day and made him coffee, then went to James Corden's show miraculously healed. No marks, no scars, no pictures, no medical report . Hair stylist saw no signs of abuse, the hair stylist would've been inches away from her face looking at all the details while working on her appearance, and she saw 0 injuries. Multiple witnesses (including 3 cops) saw no signs of abuse.

10) Allegedly got raped and assaulted multiple times on her honeymoon, then wrote Johnny a love letter saying "it was the most amazing and beautiful honeymoon any girl could've ever dreamed of". (evidence presented in Day 18 of trial)

11) Claimed she wanted to leave Johnny, but in all the audio clips she was the one begging him to stay. Claimed she always tried to de-escalate, but in audio clips she was always the aggressor preventing him from leaving and taunting him .

12) In all her "crying", there's never a single tear coming out of her eyes, even when reciting the most "traumatic experience".

13) Allegedly feared for her life but bought him a large knife.

14) Testified under oath that she was beaten by Johnny with huge chunky rings on all his fingers, said she was "hit so many times in the face over and over again she lost count". The photos taken the next day shows her face completely spotless without any injuries, when cross examined, she answers "there do not appear to be any injuries on my face in that photo".

15) Caught lying under oath again saying she "didn't receive money" from Johnny when she got $7 million, and lying about "never assaulted" Johnny when she admits to it on tape.

16) Proven once again as a liar when she made public statement of donating 7 million dollars for children's hospital but in reality donated exactly 0 dollars before she was called out, also caught lying under oath about donating the money. Her sworn statement was "I donated the entire settlement of $7 million to charity", when cross examined, she states "I did not lie, I pledged the $7 million, "pledged" and "donated" are synonymous, they mean the same thing." (Day 16 of trial cross examination)

17) Blackmailing Depp with her attorney, trying to make a deal for 3 of the adjoining penthouses where they both lived, 50k monthly expenses, 500k in attorney fees and the SUV Depp let her drive in exchange for not filing the protection order.

18) Her publishing of the op-ed "domestic violence" piece is timed perfectly with the release of Aquaman film, it didn't get published when they divorced, or before, or right after, but instead it was published right when Aquaman was being released and when the "Me Too" movement was grabbing the most headlines.

19) Amber Heard's team desperately tried to stop the trial from being publicly broadcasted while Depp's team made sure it was made public

20) Long time friend and co worker of Amber Heard telling about her hardcore cocaine and drug habit dating all the way back to 2008 when they were close associates, (youtube show called "Steven and Jason" and in the newest episode titled "We need to talk about AH").

21) Amber testified about having injuries such as “gross colored puss coming out of her temple” and “suffering a broken nose”, but when cross examined she changes the lines to “gross colored puss UNDER HER SCALP” and “FELT like a broken nose”, because she knew the evidence is about to show ZERO injuries visible on her. (How does she see gross colored puss under her scalp? With an X-ray machine??)

22) Allegedly got beaten up for FIVE YEARS and not a SINGLE injury shown on her face, no doctor visits, no dentists, no surgeons, no photos, despite countless appearances in public events and countless photos taken given her celebrity status, many of those public appearances were the night after "the beating", keep in mind the beating were all allegedly done by Depp with "huge chunky" rings on all his fingers, yet after five years of beating, she didn't need to visit the doctors once or show on sign of injury on her face, sounds like her facial bone density and durability of her skin can match that of armor platings.

23) Alleges Johnny slashed the soles of her feet, but was seen the next day walking completely normal, again no doctor visits or treatments of any kind even though she has a personal doctor on retainer. 24) Constantly changing details of her stories and allegations, she's already given 4 different versions of the poop incident, she has said "1: told security guard that she pooped and it was a practical joke gone wrong. 2: Johnny did it to frame her. 3: said it never happened and Johnny was gaslighting her. 4: said the tiny puppies did it."

25) Her lying under oath is not even worth mentioning anymore, there is too many to list, just to list a few in this trial alone. Lying about not receiving any money from Johnny, when in fact she received $7 million. Lying about having donated the money, when in fact she has donated $0 so far. Lying about never assaulted Johnny, when in fact she was recorded admitting to it multiple times. Lying about never assaulted anyone before, when in fact she's assaulted at least 4 that we have evidence of. Lying about her injuries, when a medical record showed absolutely no injuries.

26) She put someone through hell for years, publicly shamed and destroyed his career and life, just so she can be seen as a noble victim and use the attention and sympathy to advance her career and profile. She claims she's never wanted to be seen as a victim and wanted to move on, but appears in countless TV shows and articles talking about her "abuse" and "donation" non stop, literally appeared on every show she could to talk about her being a victim and being noble on the donation that never happened.



I am not a big fan of JD, I am just *meh* about him, and I never heard of Amber Heard (Turd) before all this. Now, my other half is a fan of JD and is watching the trial, so I have caught sections of the trial here and there. The one thing that is crystal clear is JD drinks/drank too much and dabbled, often, in drug use. I think she dabbled as well, even though she denies that she did with JD. He doesn't deny any of his drug and alcohol behavior at all, but he does deny that he ever beat AH.

There are many audio recordings where JD is saying he isn't going to stick around and would leave when AH got violent. JD says that is why he left for days at a time. AH claims she covered up busted lips, a broken nose, black eyes with make-up. So far, she has provided zero proof that she was ever abused by JD. AH just began getting cross examined today and she is already looking foolish. I think it is going to be very interesting to see what a jury is going to do with all this.

On a side note, when AH described the first time she said JD hit her, she said she laughed. She wasn't sure he really hit her. I felt it screamed BS. She wasn't married to him at the time, only dating him. I dated and lived with a man who hit me when I was very young. All I kept thinking was girl, if you were hit, you would know it and wouldn't find it funny. One day when he was piss drunk, I packed up my shi! and left. After that, he went on and had several relationships, marriages, that resulted in DV charges. Nobody has ever claimed DV with JD before AH. :tap:

Even Ike didn't beat Tina's arse until after they were married so when somebody hits you and you are just dating, like she claims, you leave. You don't wait it out and marry them. What's love got to do with it? Nothing at all, but I am starting to believe AH saw nothing but dollar signs and opportunity with JD. :rolleyes:

BTW David, spot on! :buddies:
Yeah, I have heard that said a lot. But I was in a DV with a boyfriend when I was 19. I was dumb and I took him back. I had one of those attractions where I was so physically attracted to him, like a magnet.

Life coaches that specialize in this call it “trauma bonding.” But I left to join the military. That was the only way I was going to leave him. Then I went back to him on leave, had enough confidence built up within me from my schools, and I broke up with his @$$. It felt good. I learned my lesson, and the ugly b@$t… became the subject of my gross out nightmares. … different strokes for different folks I guess


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Here is what I have learned watching the #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmbertTurd trial so far:
  1. Amber Heard is a big liar
  2. Elon Musk had a threesome with Amber Heard and Cara Delevingne.
  3. Amber's dog once stepped on a bee.
  4. Most of the world seems to know #1 and supports Depp
  5. Amber Heard is a terrible actor
  6. Amber Heard is a big liar
  7. There is no physical evidence or credible witness to support her claim that he ever physically assaulted her. Quite the opposite. See #1 & #6.
  8. Amber Heard really hates the hashtag #AmberTurd
  9. Elon Musk had a threesome with Amber Heard and Cara Delevingne.
  10. Amber Heard's lead attorney Elaine performs really bad in court. Doesn't seem to understand "leading questions" or client-attorney privilege.
I wonder how Elon felt being the meat in a Batshit Crazy Sandwich?

This is the funniest TikTok I have seen yet!!!! 4:08 thru 4:33

Last edited:


Here is what I have learned watching the #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmbertTurd trial so far:
  1. Amber Heard is a big liar
  2. Elon Musk had a threesome with Amber Heard and Cara Delevingne.
  3. Amber's dog once stepped on a bee.
  4. Most of the world seems to know #1 and supports Depp
  5. Amber Heard is a terrible actor
  6. Amber Heard is a big liar
  7. There is no physical evidence or credible witness to support her claim that he ever physically assaulted her. Quite the opposite. See #1 & #6.
  8. Amber Heard really hates the hashtag #AmberTurd
  9. Elon Musk had a threesome with Amber Heard and Cara Delevingne.
  10. Amber Heard's lead attorney Elaine performs really bad in court. Doesn't seem to understand "leading questions" or client-attorney privilege.
I wonder how Elon felt being the meat in a Batshit Crazy Sandwich?

This is the funniest TikTok I have seen yet!!!! 4:08 thru 4:33

I think you should ask Elon, I “Heard” he likes bat crap crazy…


Gurps, these guys do bring up some great points.

Tomorrow, closing arguments, and the jury will have the case for a verdict.

I will be floored if AH wins this case. :confused: I just don't see how they won't rule in JD's favor.


After looking at the jury instructions, defamation of character is extremely hard to prove. Depp might not win this in court but in the court of public opinion, I think he did win.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
According the the NY Post, the jury has reached a verdict which will be read out in court at 3:00pm.


Well-Known Member
Will be a total surprise if the hammer falls full-force either way. I am more likely to believe that it will be a watered down verdict with minimal impact to either side.