Some info about Abortions...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Partial Birth Abortion! Bush enacted it into law, and then it was overturned by the court system. Thank God. We don't need biblical law governing this nation.
It has been blocked by only one court (the 9th Circuit of Whackos in California) and that ruling is under appeal and has not been further acted upon as of this time. So it has not as of yet been overturned, just merely blocked.


ceo_pte said:
typical... you can't justify murdering babies by attacking me with an accusation about controlling women. A baby has rights too. The last time I checked it took a man and a woman to make a baby. It's MURDER, not question about it. Murder is a crime in the USA and it comes with a hefty sentence. So I guess all the babies that are delivered 4, 5, or 6 months into the pregnancy(premature) are not real babies. If they are, and they are, then it's murder!

The Scott Peterson trial will change alot of this too. I think he is being tried for 2 murders. If found guilty, the partial birth abortion ban will definitely be made into law.

Let Jesus worry about. You mind your own business, and I will too.
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ylexot said:
Ok, now that we have a common base, what is your definition of life? When does life begin? (In your opinion)

I believe in the last trimester. That's when the fetus is most likely to survive on it's own.(of course it needs parental involvement to survive)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You got that right...

There's a lot more at play here then just race. You have to look at how they grew up, and were they in a safe family structure, and so

If you look at environment for what it is then you see cities and you see liberal Democratic control and you see liberal Democratic social policy for generations and you see what would be called genocide if it was happening anywhere else on the globe.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
If you look at environment for what it is then you see cities and you see liberal Democratic control and you see liberal Democratic social policy for generations and you see what would be called genocide if it was happening anywhere else on the globe.

There is a great book that I read by Mason Weaver, titled "It's Ok to Leave the Plantation." It talks about what you mentioned.

Mason is a former liberal activist and a black american who figured out what the Democratic Party is trying to do, to Black Americans.


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UrbanPancake said:
I believe in the last trimester. That's when the fetus is most likely to survive on it's own.(of course it needs parental involvement to survive)

Kerry, like a good Catholic, believes life begins at conception. But he nevertheless favors abortion.


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PREMO Member
ceo_pte said:
One more link on how many...

And the Democratic party is suppose to be the party of 'black americans.' Looks to me like the don't mind killing off their constituents...

"The abortion rate for black women is approximately three times that for white women." The race of those aborting, looking at total numbers, is 63% white, 33% black and 4% "other."

From Ann Coulter's current column:

"Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was quite explicit about using abortion as a tool to reduce the minority population. She said the goal of Planned Parenthood was to "give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization." Even today, talk to any white liberal about abortion and within 60 seconds he will raise the black "overpopulation" problem."

"We hear a lot about the 2 million people in America's jails and how many of them are black, but we rarely talk about the 35 to 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade and how many of those babies were black. When your position on black abortion is identical to the Klan's, maybe it's time to reconsider. "


Not too talkative
Tonio said:
The way I see it, because I'm a man, I don't have the right to even an opinion on whether a woman should have an abortion. I don't have a womb and I will never be faced with an unwanted pregnancy.

I feel the same way about terminally ill people who are kept on life support after all hope of recovery is gone. I've never had a family member in that situation, so I have no right to an opinion on what families should do in that situation.

So, by your reasoning, since I was never killed nor do I know anyone who was murdered, I should not be able to have my opinion count as to the validity of our current laws against murder?


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Makavide said:
So, by your reasoning, since I was never killed nor do I know anyone who was murdered, I should not be able to have my opinion count as to the validity of our current laws against murder?

Exactly. If the issue has NOTHING to do with ending a life, then men don't have a right to an opinion on the matter. This is the position of those who state such things - they believe it is their *privacy* that is being invaded, because it's not a life being terminated. Those who believe it IS murder have the same reaction, more or less, as to that woman in Lusby who stuffed a sock in her baby's mouth and killed it. Male OR female, if it's an issue of murder, than anyone has a right to form an opinion on it.

When someone states that argument, it's not hard to guess which side of the issue they're on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
The way I see it, because I'm a man, I don't have the right to even an opinion on whether a woman should have an abortion. I don't have a womb and I will never be faced with an unwanted pregnancy.
This is another reason why I'm pro-abortion. Guys like Tonio who think pregnancy is the woman's problem and the man has nothing to do with it. Just some blood blob cramping your style, eh Tonio? Nothing to get excited about - just kill it and be done, right?

Guys like Tonio - "who gives a rats ass? Ain't got nothing to do with me" - and women like these skeezers running around - "ooh! How am I supposed to get laid tonight if I'm preggers by someone else?" - make me thrilled there's such a thing as abortion.

Hell, I wish more people would do it! :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
Makavide said:
So, by your reasoning, since I was never killed nor do I know anyone who was murdered, I should not be able to have my opinion count as to the validity of our current laws against murder?
I don't think that's a valid comparison. Is it right or wrong to keep a terminally ill person alive on a machine, especially when he or she's in a coma? I don't know. My general feeling is that it's a heartbreaking situation either way. If I had a relative in that situation, I would have my own opinion as to whether my relative had a right to live or had a right to "die with dignity." Still, there's no way I would tell other people what to do in that situation.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
This is another reason why I'm pro-abortion. Guys like Tonio who think pregnancy is the woman's problem and the man has nothing to do with it. Just some blood blob cramping your style, eh Tonio? Nothing to get excited about - just kill it and be done, right?

Guys like Tonio - "who gives a rats ass? Ain't got nothing to do with me" - and women like these skeezers running around - "ooh! How am I supposed to get laid tonight if I'm preggers by someone else?" - make me thrilled there's such a thing as abortion.

Hell, I wish more people would do it! :yay:
Oh, bite me long and hard! Don't accuse me of being callous when you know next to nothing about me. I never intended to say that abortion is "not my problem" because of my gender. I'm saying that I have no right to pass judgment on other people and their actions, especially when it's a situation that I will never face.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I believe in the last trimester. That's when the fetus is most likely to survive on it's own.(of course it needs parental involvement to survive)
And that is when the partial birth abortion ban would take effect in the third trimester. Did you ever read the law that Congress passed?


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
However that is, in fact, what you said.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said "Because I'm a man, I don't have the right to even an opinion on whether a woman should have an abortion." I may, or may not, want to make some woman's abortion my business. But I believe it would be wrong for me to do that, no matter what I might want to do. Do you understand the distinction? The only person I have a right to judge is myself.


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
This is another reason why I'm pro-abortion. Guys like Tonio who think pregnancy is the woman's problem and the man has nothing to do with it. Just some blood blob cramping your style, eh Tonio? Nothing to get excited about - just kill it and be done, right?

Guys like Tonio - "who gives a rats ass? Ain't got nothing to do with me" - and women like these skeezers running around - "ooh! How am I supposed to get laid tonight if I'm preggers by someone else?" - make me thrilled there's such a thing as abortion.

Hell, I wish more people would do it! :yay:
:shockshock: Good point.

If we were to take all of the abortions and unabort them who would take care of all of these babies? With all of these new babies wouldn't there be more of an outcry for social services. I say keep abortion and keep it as a right. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


It’s also debatable that nowadays kids are having sexual aspirations at younger ages. They're bodies are old enough biologically in the body and sexual organs but not in the mind to hold this type of responsibility.<o:p></o:p>


I do believe we should try to lessen abortions but in order to do that you must lessen sexual activity. Ha! IMO if your going to have an abortion you best get it done early or not get it at all. If you’re uber-religious and feel strongly against abortion then speak your mind and try and convince others but don't take away their right of choice. If God supposedly gives you the 'choice' to make the decisions in your life then let each individual make them. If you believe they will suffer a horrible afterlife then so be it, that was their choice, no need to worry yourself.


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BuddyLee said:
:shockshock: Good point.

If we were to take all of the abortions and unabort them who would take care of all of these babies? With all of these new babies wouldn't there be more of an outcry for social services. I say keep abortion and keep it as a right.

Why stop there? Why not just FORCE abortions on all those poor pregnant women who *will* require social services from the government? Wouldn't THAT save a lot of money, than let the population and taxpayers be burdened by unwanted children?

Then again, we could go the Jonathan Swift "A Modest Proposal" route and insist they be carried to term so they can be killed to feed the hungry. That way, they're not a burden AND they help to feed those without food.

But if this seems too barbaric for a civilized society, you could always bash their brains open and suck it out with a vacuum. Well, *before* they're born, anyway.


Super Genius
I just think that people need to learn that there are consequences for their actions. It's not like pregnancy is accidental.


New Member
SamSpade said:
From Ann Coulter's current column:

"Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was quite explicit about using abortion as a tool to reduce the minority population. She said the goal of Planned Parenthood was to "give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization." Even today, talk to any white liberal about abortion and within 60 seconds he will raise the black "overpopulation" problem."

"We hear a lot about the 2 million people in America's jails and how many of them are black, but we rarely talk about the 35 to 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade and how many of those babies were black. When your position on black abortion is identical to the Klan's, maybe it's time to reconsider. "

Absolutely..... Margaret Sanger was a known racist....