I did not proof-read, so if I have typos, sorry.
BUT, if I do, I may decide not to post this....
I happen to be pro-abortion.that is simply because I understand that sometimes there are circumstances. I know a girl who was raped by a friend and chose to have the baby. She made the right chioce for her, she is a wonderful mother and she also has a little girl now. She is also a lesbian, which doesn't matter but I also feel that gay people can make good parents too.
I know a girl who has had at least five abortions, most of them by her abusive boyfriend. I hate that alot of people think that abortion is poor folk birth control. Her Daddy is/was a very important guy in the Navy, he made nearly 150,000 a year, so i guess he could afford it. Rich girls have abortions too.
I have met girls who were impregnanted by basturd pedophile relatives, and had abortions.
A good friend of mine has spent half of her life, reovering from a botched self abortionat 16, from a rape by a black guy, because she couldn't tell her racist father.
I think that abortions should be done in hospitals, with a trusted doctor, not in clinics, with a bunch of people that you don't even know for sure if they are medically trained. If a doctor doesn't choose to perform them, that would be fine, but I think that an ethical dotor, would care more about his patients health and well being more than his own personal feelings.
I think that most girls under that age of 18 should have to tell their parents.I don't think kids should have sex, but they do. I didn't have sex untill I was 17 and I honestly wish I had waited longer. I do not regret my sexual activity, I just wish I had waited for the right guy instead of getting it over with because all my friends had already done it. I think that the father should always have a say in what goes on. I don't htink that drug addicts should be allowed to have babies. I think that you need a license to have kids.
I am sure that I will regret disclosing my sexual history in any way on these forums, but, I feel that people who don't know what it's like to be pregnant(men), those who steadfastly call abortion a sin or what ever, really need to understand that, those who are emotionally capable to handle it have the right to choose and those who are not( dopers, unstable little baby killers, and mental cases) need help in deciding. Abortion is gonna happen whether it's legal or not, better to make it safe and acsessable than to hide it in dirty back rooms or leave that 15 year old girl , who's boyfriend doesn't care and who is scared to tell her parents, use a coat hanger on herself and bleed to death in the bathroom at school.
I have been pregnant three times. It is not easy for me to get pregnant as I have scars and a tilted uterus. None of my pregancies were planned, I got pregnant the first tiem at the age of 21 and the first two times, DADDY hauled azz on me ASAP. My family tried to pressure me in to having an abortion, "I wasn't responsible, I partied too much, "daddy" was a dope head". I refused and have never regretted it. She is now a 2nd grader and smarted than alot of 30 year olds."Daddy" has never paid a dime, and thats all right with me. My son, I actually considered it, but refused to take it apon myself to make the choice alone."Daddy" didn't care at the time, but he loves his son, pays his support and there are no regrets. I had decided I was done having kids, so I went on the pill and had planned to get my tubes tied when my health was better. I got pregnant on the pill. My boyfriend and i had broken up, and I couldnt make the desision alone. HE couldn't handle it. Finally at 2 months, we sat down and jointly decided that this would not work. I was physically worn out and emotionally devastated, so I planned to have an abortion , which he would pay for and then pay to have my tubes tied. He went to the doctors with me, paid in advance, even though we had split up. We went together and did it all. Yes I had one, and it was the most horrific thing i have ever done, I hate myself , and will think about it every day. I regret that. I have to live with it for the rest of my life. I deserve to feel bad, I knew I would regret it and I will never do it again, as I have had my tubes tied.
Abortions are horrible, dirty, aweful things. I literally feel as though my own life was lost in a way. I am never gonna be the same person. I can say this, I will not hide it. It was the worst thing I have ever done, and my punishment is living with it and not hiding it. I was not ready for the emotional consequenses, and had I known how I would feel afterward, I would have changed my mind. He can't even talk about it. So we don't ,but our relationship is stronger in spite of this.
Since I DO know, I can have an opinion. It is aweful and if you have no soul, abortions are cool for you. Someone with a heart and feelings should never do it. It NEEDS to be legal and safe, for those who feel that is their only choice. It is not birth control, it is killing , but since realisticly, abortion will not stop, unplanned, unwanted pregnancies, rapes and incest will not stop, I know that abortion is still a necessary alternative to all the other actions and reactions that create pregnancies..