Someone save me


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I learned my lesson a few years ago. Had undiagnosed high BP, and was taking a strong decongestant. Got dizzy, couldn't get up off the floor for 45 min. Went to emergency care in San Souci. 200/100.

They told me not to take the decongestant anymore and sent me home. Gee... thanx.

Got another doctor and got real treatment.

That is quite a scare.

No one in my family has high BP. Mine was brought on by major amounts of stress.


New Member
My kids.... :cds: MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!! View attachment 96021

youngest just threw his robot at my head and it hit me in the eye :mad: That's going to fun to explain... people are going to think I have finally made my husband crack... they're going to think I have driven him to beat me by being such a pain in the ass!! View attachment 96021 It has just been one of those days. :cds:

My anxiety has been so bad that I have been able to feel my pulse throughout my body when I am sitting down and my headache is almost unbearable :jameo:

I decided to check my blood pressure....


My head is pounding and I keep losing my peripheral vision. :banghead:

I am going to have a ####ing STROKE. :cds: I took a Xanax over an hour ago and I am still :jameo:

I feel bad saying this, but I just want bedtime to get here so I can clam the #### down!! View attachment 96021

I am so blessed to have these kids that are trying to kill me. :cds:

Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.

Not nice. :nono:


Active Member
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.
You can't tell me that you've never had it up to your eyebrows with your kids!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.

So you don't actually have children.

Good to know.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.

You sir or madam, are an idiot.


Having Fun!
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.

Even the best parents have moments like this. Out of all of the posts that WR has made, this is the only one I remember that actually expresses a smidgen of not being happy with the God-given children.

Ease up. If more parents actually admitted that parenthood is not all sweetness & light, baby powder & smiles, perhaps so many of our kids and parents wouldn't be so stressed out trying to live up to impossible standards. It is okay to be upset with your kids and to acknowledge that you need a timeout for a short time. Doing that is so much better than locking all of that up inside until it explodes somewhere and something regrettable happens.

Parents are people.
People are human.
Humans are not perfect.

God understands that.


Active Member
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't know how old your kids are, but if you're sitting around feeling bad, and feeling bad about yourself, maybe your kids are bored stiff! Put their clothes on them, comb their hair, wash their faces and take them outside and wear their little asses out so that when they come back in the house they will play quietly, instead of throwing things around.

I feel like an old fart by saying this, but we never allowed any throwing in the house. They were told throwing was outside fun. Kind of cut down on tantrums that included throwing, and accidents that were caused by throwing things, because no throwing in the house became a rule. Kind of like not pooping in your pants becomes a rule. :killingme

The reason I mentioned combing hair and washing face wasn't a reflection on how you take care of your kids, but to use it more as a change of activity, to add some anticipation to the prospect of going outside for awhille.

I am as guilty as anyone of plopping my kids down to watch tv so that I could have a moment's peace, but it never seemed to work out as welll as I wanted it to. By the time I had one quiet, another one was fighting or wanting something and I rarely got that moment of peace (and truthfully, I was probably wishing for an hour, not a minute, so I was frustrated too). Kids have hella more steam than we do and we try to coral them inside and be like mini adults. They're full of energy because it's a time when they're learning motor skills and coordination and outside's the best place to do it - that way they learn inside is for quieter activities. I hope your day has gotten better, feeling out of sorts and having rambunctious kids can be a rough day.
I'm fine.

And I don't feel the need to defend myself about getting frustrated with my kids.

As for the "let them outside and play" comment... we have a playground in the back yard....We are constantly outside...... except for when it rains all ####ing day. Maroon. :smack:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'm fine.

And I don't feel the need to defend myself about getting frustrated with my kids.

As for the "let them outside and play" comment... we have a playground in the back yard....We are constantly outside...... except for when it rains all ####ing day. Maroon. :smack:

I'm just checking on your health. I'm pretty sure you are a great Mom. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
And sorry for not answering sooner... I was playing with my kids. :coffee:


It's not legal to kill the little darlings, and I'm pretty sure selling them into slavery (despite their claims of having been born into it!) is frowned on.

Cheer up, though! Remember: sooner or later, they'll start having children of their own! Mrs BOP and I refer to that as a parent's revenge.



Obama destroyed America
Pretty sad comments you make about your God given children.
I doubt you really feel "blessed" by your ranting over and over and over...

I guess no one told you it is Ok NOT to have kids.
Oh look, one of our clueless, liberal, anti-gun lunatics decides to chime in and remind us what a dumbf*ck he is. Where ya been dumbf*ck?


mama to two
I agree that there should be no name calling; especially from someone who is the OP. I think advice was given here, under the circumstances that most of us don't know each other, personally, and suggestions were made here out of experience, kindness, and concern. Afterall, wr, you did ask for someone to save you. I hope your BP is back to normal. We, who are parents, have lived through what you described here. I know you are frustrated, but, please take a step back, and look at the concern offered you. No one has their arm twisted behind their back, and is forced to post. I was going to use the gun pointed to one's head reference, but that is not politically correct, anymore. JMO. Take care.

Note: I guess I will never be a full fledged forum member because I detest forum speak; maroon, tread, inorite, meamie, smow, ghey, etc. Just tell it like it is, and use real English. No wonder spell check blew up.
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