I bowl overhand
...opossums will do such things if they're hungry enough and food is scarce; they will suck the blood out of a chicken and leave the body.
DOes that mean possums are dirty c*** suckers??
...opossums will do such things if they're hungry enough and food is scarce; they will suck the blood out of a chicken and leave the body.
DOes that mean possums are dirty c*** suckers??
DOes that mean possums are dirty c*** suckers??
Does it work??
I came home from work two nights ago at around 10pm and found my Rooster (who was a very large one) laying in my yard. He was decapitated and there was no head anywhere. There was also no blood. Something tried to tear off his leg..or so it appeared and his chest was very bruised up. He also had a hole in his back.. What the hell did this? I live on the Mattawoman. Would Raccoons do this? I have two other chickens that were in the bushes in shock and they will not even go outside now. Any Ideas?