southern maryland


New Member
LOL. this is my first post here :howdy: but i had to jump in on this one. Waldorf does SUCK. i moved here 2 years ago from the eastern shore... i want to be further down in the middle of BFE I love it further south.

My poor DH is sick of me comlaining about how much i hate where we live... :)


All Up In Your Grill
vabuchanan said:
LOL. this is my first post here :howdy: but i had to jump in on this one. Waldorf does SUCK. i moved here 2 years ago from the eastern shore... i want to be further down in the middle of BFE I love it further south.

My poor DH is sick of me comlaining about how much i hate where we live... :)

If you are living in Waldorf, you are living in the armpit of Somd...

Life is what you make of it. Seems to me like the loser who started this thread, wasn't all that into moving here in the first place. Instead of :bawl: about where you are living, why don't you check out the area. There is a lot of history in Somd. and a LOT to do in surrounding areas. DC, Annapolis, Baltimore, Richmond, all within a 1 to 2 hour drive. And if you can't find something to do in those cities, then you have a serious problem.

Plus, it's near the end of winter. There really isn't much to do around here in the winter, unless you have things to keep you busy. Spring's approaching, and that's when you can start to take in the beauty that is somd.


Watch it
vabuchanan said:
LOL. this is my first post here :howdy: but i had to jump in on this one. Waldorf does SUCK. i moved here 2 years ago from the eastern shore... i want to be further down in the middle of BFE I love it further south.

My poor DH is sick of me comlaining about how much i hate where we live... :)

Waldorf is a different story. LOL. Move down to the Lexington Park/Solomon's Island/Great Mills'll be happier. :howdy:


New Member
I do get out away from Waldorf and i have lived in MD my whole life so i know what it has to offer... i go to DC everyday for work so there is no way i am going to spend anymore time there then i have to. i do get out and find things to do, that wasn't my complaint, not mater what i do to keep myself entertained I still have to come home to Ghetto-dorf. That's all i'm sayin'.... DH and i didn't really know better though and hopefully within another year or two we will sell and move somewhere more pleasant... :)


New Member
jenbengen said:
Waldorf is a different story. LOL. Move down to the Lexington Park/Solomon's Island/Great Mills'll be happier. :howdy:

I'm looking for a new job down around there so when we do move it will be an easy transition ;) But i can't get away for a while :(


New Member
blackmoondevil said:
i just moved here and it sucks big time :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
You obviously haven't taken the time to see everything that this area has to offer. For example, have you been across the Gov. Johnson bridge? It gives you a breathtaking view of the Patuxent River and surrounding areas. Why not drive over there, park your car near the foot of the bridge (don't want to cause any unnecessary backups on the bridge!), walk up to the highest point, and take in the view just before you jump off?


blackmoondevil said:
i just moved here and it sucks big time :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:

If you JUST moved here, then you remember where you came from and how to get back there. You do have options to get the hell out.


New Member
southern maryland 03-09-2007 12:18 PM nothing about that is amusing

Cry me a river. Was that your friend who tied up his girlfriend and jumped? You're probably the real reason he did it.


New Member
southern maryland 03-09-2007 02:25 PM you need a good smack loser

Tell you what...PM me and we'll meet somewhere so that you can smack me. But I'm guessing you won't since you're too chickenshiat to even sign your karma.


New Member
crzy1 said:
There is tons of stuff to do in SoMD. You just have to get out and do it. :jameo:

Below quote in blue was in my karma box and I though it was funny, because there is so much more to somd than "Target, Walmart and Lowes" I live in Calvert-I like traveling to solomons and just walking around. Sit out on the boardwalk and watch the water and the sun and the bridge. Go to the museum. Go to the little stores. When its warm, get an ice cream cone.

Look at this site: I am sure there are others our there, but everytime I get on here, my boss walks over! :whistle:

"There's nothing to do here, unless you consider Target, Walmart and Lowes "something to do."

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
And to my red karma giver...

jazz lady said:
Really? I'm both and I find plenty to do around here. :confused:

southern maryland 03-09-2007 02:27 PM Take out the drinking part and you're left with....

You're left with an area with tremendous natural beauty, tons to do on and around the water, easy access to DC and Baltimore, and a whole lot of great people. Try living your life instead of just existing.