southern maryland


twobit said:
southern maryland 03-09-2007 12:18 PM nothing about that is amusing

Cry me a river. Was that your friend who tied up his girlfriend and jumped? You're probably the real reason he did it.

Sure was, made me laugh out loud and spit my soda!!! :killingme :lmao:


Richard Cranium said:
It is an okay area. Most of the people are's the 3% of the locals who make up 90% of this forum that cause outsiders to hate it.

Why don't you crawl back under that rock you came from?

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Roughidle said:
Sucks? Haven't noticed, I been too busy cruising the beautiful backroads and enjoyin' myself. :yay:

Now this I have to agree with....I just bought a new convertable roadster and the back roads have been a sh%$load of fun around here! Hardly no people or cops on the road...and I can speed and enjoy the drive through the twisties! I of course go slow through all the areas where there are homes and people (the last thing I want to do is hit anything or anyone) and I am very careful about how I drive. Anywho, when the summer rolls around it is going to be bunch more fun...

Richard Cranium

New Member
SMIB Sucks said:
Now this I have to agree with....I just bought a new convertable roadster and the back roads have been a sh%$load of fun around here! Hardly no people or cops on the road...and I can speed and enjoy the drive through the twisties! I of course go slow through all the areas where there are homes and people (the last thing I want to do is hit anything or anyone) and I am very careful about how I drive. Anywho, when the summer rolls around it is going to be bunch more fun...

I always enjoy it. Reminds me of the Dukes of Hazzard when I get some jackass Roscoe P Coltrane wannabe like smcop chasing me.
SMIB Sucks said:
Now this I have to agree with....I just bought a new convertable roadster and the back roads have been a sh%$load of fun around here! Hardly no people or cops on the road...and I can speed and enjoy the drive through the twisties! I of course go slow through all the areas where there are homes and people (the last thing I want to do is hit anything or anyone) and I am very careful about how I drive. Anywho, when the summer rolls around it is going to be bunch more fun...
It's just like any new area, meet people, get involved, do stuff. It's no entertaiment or cultural mecca, but if you like fishing, golfing, biking, hiking it's not bad. Oh and going to WalMart. Biggest activity in the area as far as I can tell. :lmao:

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Richard Cranium said:
Uh....ylexlot, I only have one name, and this is it. I don't know who SMIB sucks is and I really don't care. There's only one Richard Cranium. I've also been here for a while....

Yeah don't put me in his catagory, we're not the same. He's just funny as hell to me....

Richard Cranium

New Member
desertrat said:
It's just like any new area, meet people, get involved, do stuff. It's no entertaiment or cultural mecca, but if you like fishing, golfing, biking, hiking it's not bad. Oh and going to WalMart. Biggest activity in the area as far as I can tell. :lmao:

WalMart is about to become a 24 hour SMIB paradise. These little car club homos are gonna drag their pissed-off weedeater engines to one side of the lot pretty soon. We should put up bleachers in front of the store so we can laugh at the locals as they pass by.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Yeah, I thought it amusing for someone to accuse you of being me. If I did make another nickname I'd at least be nice to people and give myself green.

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Richard Cranium said:
WalMart is about to become a 24 hour SMIB paradise. These little car club homos are gonna drag their pissed-off weedeater engines to one side of the lot pretty soon. We should put up bleachers in front of the store so we can laugh at the locals as they pass by.

Yeah I posted about this a few months ago in that SOMD racing imposters thread...what a bunch of fags! I always laugh as I drive by...

Richard Cranium

New Member
They like it when you pour cheap orange and grape soda on their paint jobs. Personally I enjoy pulling up with a paintball gun and going to town.

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
You need to be careful though...they all hang out there and try to look tough. And if you spill the soda on their cars I'm sure you'll get a stern phone call from on of their mommies!

Richard Cranium

New Member
I love it when they're on 235 and they rev their engine next to me...and I don't take off like a bat outta hell from the light.

Another great thing to do is to watch them try to race on 235, and call up a buddy. Then we pull our cars up side by side and block off 2 of the 3 lanes. One of those racing homos usually loses his cool and tries to cut us off, and we're just laughing at their sorry asses.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Richard Cranium said:
I love it when they're on 235 and they rev their engine next to me...and I don't take off like a bat outta hell from the light.

Another great thing to do is to watch them try to race on 235, and call up a buddy. Then we pull our cars up side by side and block off 2 of the 3 lanes. One of those racing homos usually loses his cool and tries to cut us off, and we're just laughing at their sorry asses.

LOL, you and SMIB Sucks should get a room... :huggy: