SOYG (Sick of Your Gym)


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Big Fatty

SOYG #3,456,432 (Dedicated to Warnutz and MightyM)

Q&A Time

Question: Jay, I figured you would have some good advice on these questions. First of all, my buddy does the eliptical machine for cardio. Isn't that a little gay for a man to be doing? I mean, isn't any kind of cardio in the gym a little gay? Is it ever acceptable to wear old school sweat pants to train in? What about wind pants? Just wanted to get your thoughts on these subjects. Thanks buddy.
Marty T

Answer: Marty, the eliptical machine is unacceptable for a man to ever be seen on. In fact, I would tend to agree with you that any in the gym cardio work is highly questionable for those who whish to keep their manhood status. You and I both know that men drag sleds and push The Prowler or their car for cardio. Sprints are also acceptable. Using the Stair Climber while watching Rikki Lake, or whatever people watch these days, is not.

Old school sweat pants? I wouldn't recommend it. Wind pants? Absolutely never.

I like the way you think, stay in touch, my friend.

Taken from Jason Ferruggia Uncensored
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Well-Known Member
Big Fatty said:
Q&A Time

Question: Jay, I figured you would have some good advice on these questions. First of all, my buddy does the eliptical machine for cardio. Isn't that a little gay for a man to be doing? I mean, isn't any kind of cardio in the gym a little gay? Is it ever acceptable to wear old school sweat pants to train in? What about wind pants? Just wanted to get your thoughts on these subjects. Thanks buddy.
Marty T

Answer: Marty, the eliptical machine is unacceptable for a man to ever be seen on. In fact, I would tend to agree with you that any in the gym cardio work is highly questionable for those who whish to keep their manhood status. You and I both know that men drag sleds and push The Prowler or their car for cardio. Sprints are also acceptable. Using the Stair Climber while watching Rikki Lake, or whatever people watch these days, is not.

Old school sweat pants? I wouldn't recommend it. Wind pants? Absolutely never.

I like the way you think, stay in touch, my friend.

Taken from Jason Ferruggia Uncensored
( )

:confused: I gave up on the elliptical awhile ago... Unless I'm on the silver one, my knees hit the machine and then I can't do cardio for days anyway. If I do the bike for too long my butt goes numb and the step machine kills me (but it's a decent sweat)... I hate cardio.
Wind Pants? :confused: Breakaways? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Big Fatty said:
Q&A Time

Question: Jay, I figured you would have some good advice on these questions. First of all, my buddy does the eliptical machine for cardio. Isn't that a little gay for a man to be doing? I mean, isn't any kind of cardio in the gym a little gay? Is it ever acceptable to wear old school sweat pants to train in? What about wind pants? Just wanted to get your thoughts on these subjects. Thanks buddy.
Marty T

Answer: Marty, the eliptical machine is unacceptable for a man to ever be seen on. In fact, I would tend to agree with you that any in the gym cardio work is highly questionable for those who whish to keep their manhood status. You and I both know that men drag sleds and push The Prowler or their car for cardio. Sprints are also acceptable. Using the Stair Climber while watching Rikki Lake, or whatever people watch these days, is not.

Old school sweat pants? I wouldn't recommend it. Wind pants? Absolutely never.

I like the way you think, stay in touch, my friend.

Taken from Jason Ferruggia Uncensored
( )

:lol: That's what I first called that machine when I saw it, "The Gay Machine". I use it all the damn time now though. There is nothing else that will give you that good of a cardio workout! Your just hating because your big ass can't hang :lol:


Well-Known Member
smoothmarine187 said:
:lol: That's what I first called that machine when I saw it, "The Gay Machine". I use it all the damn time now though. There is nothing else that will give you that good of a cardio workout! Your just hating because your big ass can't hang :lol:

I do remember hearing some dude say "I love this machine, it really helps target my butt... my glutes are coming in nice" :rolleyes:

That falls under a sharing violation, I believe.


Well-Known Member
warneckutz said:
I do remember hearing some dude say "I love this machine, it really helps target my butt... my glutes are coming in nice" :rolleyes:

That falls under a sharing violation, I believe.

:roflmao: The definetely wasn't me :lol:

Big Fatty

warneckutz said:
:confused: I gave up on the elliptical awhile ago... Unless I'm on the silver one, my knees hit the machine and then I can't do cardio for days anyway. If I do the bike for too long my butt goes numb and the step machine kills me (but it's a decent sweat)... I hate cardio.
Wind Pants? :confused: Breakaways? :confused:

Sucks that machines aren't universally adjustable for people that are 8ft tall, huh? :lmao:

Big Fatty

smoothmarine187 said:
:lol: That's what I first called that machine when I saw it, "The Gay Machine". I use it all the damn time now though. There is nothing else that will give you that good of a cardio workout! Your just hating because your big ass can't hang :lol:

It's still "The Gay Machine". :lmao:

I choose to keep my man card thru alternative conditioning means. I pull my truck, drag my sled w/3-4 plates, push my Prowler, do Farmer's Walks, lift stones, etc.
Less monotonous and much more beneficial to my goals. :yay:
I do occasionally walk on the treadmill. :boo:

Big Fatty

warneckutz said:
I do remember hearing some dude say "I love this machine, it really helps target my butt... my glutes are coming in nice" :rolleyes:

That falls under a sharing violation, I believe.

Musta been MightyMouse. He has the butt all the girls fight over. I have even caught him flexing it in the mirror after a tough set of 8 with 30lbs on the leg press. :lmao:

Big Fatty

SOYG #9mil

I cannot believe I have not written about this sooner.

How about the wannabe powerlifter/bodybuilder/fitness (whatever!) poser dude who buys all the posh gear to wrokout in? You know, he has the latest craze in shoes (like Shox or Air Jordans), Under Armour (matching) shorts and sleeveless top, Nike padded lifting gloves and weightlifting belt, IPOD MicroMiniInvisibleNanoMP3 (likely listening to some EMO crap) Player, and the huge water bottle (with creatine) and personal towel that says "Tough" or "Get Huge". :burning: :cussing: :tantrum

This moron then procedes to load the bench up with a whole 95lbs and goes for a BIG 3 rep max. Needless to say, he does the 3 reps by bouncing the bar off his chect or coming down just halfway. Shakes to lock out the weight and barely returns the bar to the rack. Jumps up off the bench like he did something spectacular. Sits back down and tries to flex a little before his next ALL OUT demonstration to the ladies. Sip some GET HUGE juice. Repeats.

Big Fatty

SOYG 9mil and 1

Getting tired of the "Just got off work, head to the gym, workout in work clothes" syndrome. Wearing jeans and Timberlands to workout in is ghey. It is no longer "hardcore".
Bring a pair of shorts and tennis shoes with you for Christ's sake. Not hard to do.

Big Fatty


Friday, September 14, 2007
Sick of Your Gym?

I was in public gym training last night; a situation I don't like to be in. I walked in and right past all the girls and douchebags on the treadmills and stairclimbers. Immediately I was pissed off. Don't these morons know that there are endless roads to walk on and plenty of stairs to run up?! Why would you possibly get in your car and drive 15 minutes across town to WALK ON A GODDAMN TREADMILL?! Why not just walk to the gym and back? Are people really this stupid? You're gonna pay the gym 50 bucks a month so you can...walk? Either I am insane or there are a lot of dumb people in the world. And why not go run the stairs at your local high school football stadium and get some fresh air and sun? Do people really need to have this pointed out to them?

For the first time in years I had to squat in front of a mirror. For those that don't know, you should never squat in front of a mirror. It throws off your form and is just all wrong on so many levels. Because of this my squat sucked and I tweaked my knee. When I moved onto deadlifts I noticed that everyone in the gym watched every set I did above 405. To be surrounded by so many weak people who were impressed with such an embarrassing weight infuriated me.

When I finished my deadlifts early because my grip failed due to a ####ty bar and no chalk I was too pissed off to continue and decided to go home.

For all of those who have no other option but to train in a public gym, I feel for you. I really do. I honestly don't know how you get by. Being surrounded by weak people with tank tops and spiked blowouts doing curls in the power rack is not conducive to getting stronger. And as much as I would love to have Shakira do that little ass shaker move on my lap, I do not want to see it on 17 TV's while I'M TRYING TO DEADLIFT!!!

If you train with people who think a 455 deadlift is a big deadlift than you will be tricked into thinking a 455 deadlift IS a big deadlift and will always remain weak. If you train in a gym like mine where a 455 deadlift wouldn't even get you on the high school board then you think differently and thus get far better results from your training.

If you can't find a real gym I highly suggest you get a few friends who want to train hard and get strong and set up a garage or warehouse gym somewhere. Maybe your wife will be pissed that she now has to park in the driveway but the screaming you may have to endure will be well worth it in the end.

Call up Jim Wendler at Elite Fitness Systems (1-888-854-8806 or tell him you are setting up a garage gym and need some good stuff. Tell him you can't take watching Beyonce and her freshly waxed upper lip singing in your face while you are trying to squat. Tell him you need a power rack, barbells, dumbbells and a few other essentials because if you see another tanned, waxed, perfume wearing, blowout-connected-to-a-chin-strap having, 153 pound dude in a wife beater moaning his way through ten sets of concentration curls while you are trying to get fired up for a set of rack pulls that you are going to commit a serious crime. And tell him I sent you.

I promise you it will be the best thing you ever did.

Click HERE to escape purgatory now!

And if your gym is gonna play videos while you train, tell them to at least play stuff like this.

Big Fatty

SOYG #Infinity

Just when you think you have seen it all (Isn't that how it always goes?).

White Male, low to mid twenties, 5'9", not fat but not skinny wearing brown CROCS in the gym to workout in. The next day he is seen wearing brown slippers. Laughed out loud and I didn't care. I felt kinda like Cartman in the SouthPark episode about the midget. I just laughed right in front of the poor dude. I'm an ass but he is worse for 1. being in the gym with footwear other than what is appropriate, 2. being a male and wearing CROCS.
Damn, anyone over the age of ten who wears CROCS should be shot for that matter. I think they look cute on my daughter (who is less than 2 years of age) but on adults, come on!!

Note to self: Stop being so damn observant.


Well-Known Member
SOYG #Infinity

Just when you think you have seen it all (Isn't that how it always goes?).

White Male, low to mid twenties, 5'9", not fat but not skinny wearing brown CROCS in the gym to workout in. The next day he is seen wearing brown slippers. Laughed out loud and I didn't care. I felt kinda like Cartman in the SouthPark episode about the midget. I just laughed right in front of the poor dude. I'm an ass but he is worse for 1. being in the gym with footwear other than what is appropriate, 2. being a male and wearing CROCS.
Damn, anyone over the age of ten who wears CROCS should be shot for that matter. I think they look cute on my daughter (who is less than 2 years of age) but on adults, come on!!

Note to self: Stop being so damn observant.

I think this may be worse than the dude that wears jeans and workboots in my gym :doh:


curiouser and curiouser
I think this may be worse than the dude that wears jeans and workboots in my gym :doh:
There was a guy at my gym that wore (every day) high waisted shorts, a tight t-shirt (tucked in) and combat boots with slicked back hair. Strutted around like some Mortal Kombat reject like he owned the place. :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
There was a guy at my gym that wore (every day) high waisted shorts, a tight t-shirt (tucked in) and combat boots with slicked back hair. Strutted around like some Mortal Kombat reject like he owned the place. :roflmao:

:lol: I would look forward to seeing that guy everyday.