Big Fatty said:
Yeah, there are two instances:
1. The guy who sweats buckets on the crosstrainer. He is foul.
2. The 4 Indian guys that just joined. They don't wear deoderant. It is bad, real bad. They are probably doctors too and could afford a stick of some to share with each other.
That's why I go outside to drag my sled or push my truck. The trash cans smell better out back. lol
Well, thanks to whoever gave me some green for this post. You didn't sign!
SOYG #'s 5 & 6
I am bored at work today so I'll serve up two SOYGs for ya'll.
#5 This is an oldie but a goodie. I don't know if he still trains at PF or is even in the area anymore, but there used to be this older, English fella when I was working at PF. He was a nice guy. Real personable. Chattie like any Brit. Must have held an executive-type job, always came in to the gym in suits.
The funny thing about the guy was his workout attire. He wore these shorts (OMG, I'm laughing already

) that were "runner style". Can you picture it??
Well, one day I'm working with a client in the stretching area and he sits down to stretch next to us. I happen to glance over and whattayaknow? You guessed it. His hairy sack is hanging out. I thought it was pretty funny.
Moral of this story. Don't go commando at the gym.
#6 People who are below the age of 60 with no medical conditions that hold on to the handrails of the treadmill. Why does this suck? How about you burn less calories, you kill your posture, and you ruin your chances of improving yourself, and it's also ghey. Solution? Slow the speed down so you don't have to hold on and walk/run as you normally would if you weren't on the treadmill. How funny does it look to see the numbnut running on the treadmill and holding on for dear life?