After I got up off the bench, the donkey comes over and says, "You know what will make you stronger?" I say, curiously, "what?" He says, "Flatten your back, that arch is hurting you. Bring your feet up on the bench and tuck your heels into your butt. This has helped me add 30 lbs on my bench. You won't even need that board thing. You'll be able to come all the way down to your chest." I said, "really?", just a little sarcastically. I knew this guy was just trying to be nice but....
So, basically what you are saying is that people should listen to your stupid advice because you are a weighlifting god, but you shouldn't have to listen to their advice. I think when you were in prison you got hit in the head with to many burritos. I hope all the counseling you have gotten lately has stopped you from your bestiality cravings.