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What love is all about
No No Didn't scare me away. Someone else wanted on the computer. As far as getting them reduced I plan on it when I got done having kids. Also Smooth does it matter if I am bi or not if your wife isnt?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
No No Didn't scare me away. Someone else wanted on the computer. As far as getting them reduced I plan on it when I got done having kids. Also Smooth does it matter if I am bi or not if your wife isnt?

I heard he doesn't do bipedal.


No No Didn't scare me away. Someone else wanted on the computer. As far as getting them reduced I plan on it when I got done having kids. Also Smooth does it matter if I am bi or not if your wife isnt?
Yeah, I did it backward... had the reduction (20" off) and then two months later got pregnant (unplanned).


What love is all about
Yeah, I did it backward... had the reduction (20" off) and then two months later got pregnant (unplanned).

I have breastfed both of my other two so I am thinking I will wait until I know I am done. Question for you. I have seen where people have to have their nipples replaced. Did you? I mean I am thinking that if I have it they will have to move mine and then I wont be able to. Now this may make me a retard.


I have breastfed both of my other two so I am thinking I will wait until I know I am done. Question for you. I have seen where people have to have their nipples replaced. Did you? I mean I am thinking that if I have it they will have to move mine and then I wont be able to. Now this may make me a retard.
They had to move my nipples up because they basically cut my chest in half.

I chose to not breast feed because I still wasn't comfortable with my new chest and I didn't want to pass on any of that to my child, who would've sensed that.

Milk did come in, though, and I leaked so I probably could've breast fed. My best friend had hers done at a young age and was able to breast feed both of her children. It's a 50/50 shot if you'll be able to breast feed and no one can say for certain until you try to breast feed.

OH, and to whomever sent me red karma accusing me of sending them red karma... I SIGN my red karma so you'll know when it's me... I haven't given anyone red or green karma in a bit.


They had to move my nipples up because they basically cut my chest in half.

I chose to not breast feed because I still wasn't comfortable with my new chest and I didn't want to pass on any of that to my child, who would've sensed that.

Milk did come in, though, and I leaked so I probably could've breast fed. My best friend had hers done at a young age and was able to breast feed both of her children. It's a 50/50 shot if you'll be able to breast feed and no one can say for certain until you try to breast feed.

OH, and to whomever sent me red karma accusing me of sending them red karma... I SIGN my red karma so you'll know when it's me... I haven't given anyone red or green karma in a bit.

Love nipples that are pointed up.........:howdy: