Spoiled Rotten Brat Men



Vince said:
I always look for the one that has a flat spot on the tire so I can go through the store and hear the clunk..clunk...clunk. :shrug:
not that i'm in there often (i hate grocery shopping) but on the rare occasion you do find one that 1...doesn't squeek, 2...no flat spot, 3....no wierd crap clinging off of the handle, or 4...doesn't wobble
the dayum thing wants to steer left for some strange reason


Well-Known Member
(((echo))) said:
not that i'm in there often (i hate grocery shopping) but on the rare occasion you do find one that 1...doesn't squeek, 2...no flat spot, 3....no wierd crap clinging off of the handle, or 4...doesn't wobble
the dayum thing wants to steer left for some strange reason

I love the ones that have the front wheels that go all over the place, that way I can go grocery shopping while I'm drunk and no one will ever notice. :lol:


Soul Probe
residentofcre said:
I bet he thought to himself "these Talaban guys have the right idea"....

Someone has got to tell these spoiled rotten brat men that this type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.... there should be a law that allows us to reach us and bop them in the head! :coffee:

Maybe the male Taliban thought that about their spoiled rotten brat women at one time. Then laws were enabled so they could bop their women in the head. Oh the irony! Heh. :rolleyes:


This abhorrent behavior will continue until the government shuts down the baby mills people are running in their backyards all over this country.


My Sweetest Boy
It would be nice to have my husband actually go to the grocery store with me...and he could hog the cart if he wanted to. :yay:


New Member
smoothmarine187 said:
:lol: Sounds to me like you just aren't dedicated enough. I usually arrive at least 45 minutes prior to when I want to begin my shopping. I take every shopping cart and run through the parking lot with them. When I find the perfect one, I spray down all the wheels with WD-40. After that, it's on! If someone tries to get around me, I ram them into the wall. Yesterday was my best day ever, I took out 6 old ladies, 5 little kids and a dog.

:roflmao: You are so twisted. I :love: you


cattitude said:
It would be nice to have my husband actually go to the grocery store with me...and he could hog the cart if he wanted to. :yay:
Just tell him you won't get him any Cheeze-its if he doesn' go with you. :lol:
residentofcre said:
This man was leaning on a cart pushing it around the store,

This is a pet peeve of mine. I can't stand when people lean on the cart to push it. It just screams lazy.

Crow Bait

New Member
The only good part about grocery shopping is riding the cart through the parking lot on the way to the car and the cart return.


All Up In Your Grill
High EGT said:
Wow. You got all that from just watching a guy pushing a cart. Thats incredible. :shocking:

:yeahthat: and in the short amount of it would take to run in and get a bag of frozen peas and a bag of shredded cheese. :lmao:

NannyPam said:
Do ya'll think it could have been nomo, dressed as a man? :confused:

You know how she feels about her shopping cart :lol:

OMG! :lmao:


Crow Bait said:
The only good part about grocery shopping is riding the cart through the parking lot on the way to the car and the cart return.
no....leaving it in the middle of an empty parking space is the best part, which brings me to a idea for a new game.....shopping cart soccer, (using your automobile)


Speedy70 said:
This is a pet peeve of mine. I can't stand when people lean on the cart to push it. It just screams lazy.

Thats why when I push a cart its at arms length, elbows slightly bent. Straight posture. Right and left hands perfectly placed 3 inches from either end. Thats the only correct way to push a cart.


All Up In Your Grill
(((echo))) said:
no....leaving it in the middle of an empty parking space is the best part, which brings me to a idea for a new game.....shopping cart soccer, (using your automobile)

:nono: Not the hummer.


All Up In Your Grill
nomoney said:
Thats why when I push a cart its at arms length, elbows slightly bent. Straight posture. Right and left hands perfectly placed 3 inches from either end. Thats the only correct way to push a cart.

Hey hunny, I just heard that D&G got some new accessories to pimp out your cart. :huggy:


Salt Life
cattitude said:
It would be nice to have my husband actually go to the grocery store with me...and he could hog the cart if he wanted to. :yay:
Day knows that if he doesn't go w/me to the grocery store, the cart is filled with stuff that I want; not him. :smile: