Spoiled Rotten Brat Men


residentofcre said:
Someone has got to tell these spoiled rotten brat men that this type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.... there should be a law that allows us to reach us and bop them in the head!

So why didn't you? :coffee:


I hate taking my husband with me. I like to go, get what I need and leave. He likes to look at everything. The total is always double when he goes. We can never use a mini cart when he tags along :killingme

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Give em a break

This man was leaning on a cart pushing it around the store, blocking traffic with two women walking 6 steps behind him. They looked miserable. It was as if the Talaban was alive and living well in the Food Lion in Lusby.
Give JPC a break. I mean the guy has to come out of the his house sometime.


Well-Known Member
That man pushing the cart wasn't spoiled he is just a spinless coward. He should not be shopping anyways. That is the womans job to do all of the grocery shopping while the man sits home playing Halo and drinks beer..


All Up In Your Grill
pingrr said:
That man pushing the cart wasn't spoiled he is just a spinless coward. He should not be shopping anyways. That is the womans job to do all of the grocery shopping while the man sits home playing Halo and drinks beer..

And just how do you know he doesn't spin? :confused: Are you the cart warrior the original poster is referring to?


Soul Probe
Good question Dondi

residentofcre said:
Someone has got to tell these spoiled rotten brat men that this type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.... there should be a law that allows us to reach us and bop them in the head! :coffee:

Dondi said:
So why didn't you? :coffee:

My guess is she didn't do it because that type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.

Errr....unless you're on the SoMD forums. :biggrin:

Seriously residentofcre, I assume if that woman could manage to hold on to her sodas she could have managed to obtain a cart for herself? More imporantly, why did you choose to be miserable instead of taking an alternative route to the freezer and dairy section? It's a grocery store with a lot of aisles, there are plenty of ways to get where you need to go. :smack: <---- I love irony! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
And just how do you know he doesn't spin? :confused: Are you the cart warrior the original poster is referring to?

I am not the cart warrior. I am the Ninja Warrior.

I don't go shopping I just give my mom a list of things that I want from the store then she brings them home for me and cooks me dinner.

Nanny Pam

residentofcre said:
I was in the grocery store the other morning and I wanted to bop a spoiled rotten brat man in the head and tell him to grow up ad behave!

This man was leaning on a cart pushing it around the store, blocking traffic with two women walking 6 steps behind him. They looked miserable. It was as if the Talaban was alive and living well in the Food Lion in Lusby.

One of the women was obviously the man's wife. The other must have been this man's mother or mother-in-law. She was lugging a 24 pack of sodas.... She couldn't put the sodas in the cart because he was guarding his mostly empty cart. You've all seen this type of behavior before....

You know the type... you see them all the time... "this is my cart... I'm the boss of my cart... come near it and I'll throw a temper tantrum right here in the store and you will all be even more miserable... and when I get home I will get even with these women if you do anything and these women better do everything I say or I'll be even more miserable"....

I could not get past this spoiled rotten brat of a man... All I went in the store for was a bag of frozen peas and a bag of shredded cheese but I couldn't get around him! And the more I tried the more miserable those women looked. I really wanted to bop him in the head.

I got to thinking on the way home.... I bet when this guy saw the Talaban men and women... men ruling women.... women have no rights.... men rule.... I bet this spoiled rotten brat guy... this type of man in particular... I bet he thought to himself "these Talaban guys have the right idea"....

Someone has got to tell these spoiled rotten brat men that this type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.... there should be a law that allows us to reach us and bop them in the head! :coffee:

You just should have kicked him is the balls and told him to get the F%&# out of your way. :shrug:


All Up In Your Grill
Nanny Pam said:
You just should have kicked him is the balls and told him to get the F%&# out of your way. :shrug:

That sounds like something I'd do. :lmao:

Unless I'm being my usual polite self. Then I just put my shoulder down in linebacker fashion and start sprinting, until I've plowed through the lot of them like a bowling ball through the pins. Then I resume my typical non-chalant shopping form.


Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
That sounds like something I'd do. :lmao:

Unless I'm being my usual polite self. Then I just put my shoulder down in linebacker fashion and start sprinting, until I've plowed through the lot of them like a bowling ball through the pins. Then I resume my typical non-chalant shopping form.

:lmao: That would be hot to see you do that!


Soul Probe
nachomama said:
That sounds like something I'd do. :lmao:

Unless I'm being my usual polite self. Then I just put my shoulder down in linebacker fashion and start sprinting, until I've plowed through the lot of them like a bowling ball through the pins. Then I resume my typical non-chalant shopping form.


nachomama said:
We are defined not by the obstacles in our lives, but how we choose to overcome them...


I know nothing
this type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican

Well maybe he isnt american....

And if he is, there is nothing in the constitution that says men cant treat women like sh!t.

If the women choose to allow him to walk all over them, then thats thier fault.

Hell look at the odds. Its 2 against 1. The one lady should have cracked him in the back of the head with the case of soda, and the other should have ran him over with the cart.

Then they could have sought out a lawyer and took half his house and goats.
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Nanny Pam said:
You just should have kicked him is the balls and told him to get the F%&# out of your way. :shrug:

I thought about it....


LordStanley said:
Well maybe he isnt american....

And if he is, there is nothing in the constitution that says men cant treat women like sh!t.

If the women choose to allow him to walk all over them, then thats thier fault.

Hell look at the odds. Its 2 against 1. The one lady should have cracked him in the back of the head with the case of soda, and the other should have ran him over with the cart.

Then they could have sought out a lawyer and took half his house and goats.

He looked like the type that would black their eyes and cut their throats... that's not the point tho....

What ever happened to acting like ladies and gentlemen?

This brat needed a spanking.... I mean I have seen 3 year olds behaving better in the grocery store and I see grown "men" doing this all the time!

And what is it with men who get the grocery carts... put a cube of sodas and a loaf of bread in them... go to the express lane... pay for their stuff and then leave them in the way for the next person to move out of the way so they can get to the register.... that 's happened to me twice in the last couple of weeks.... what is so hard about a man taking his cart out of the way when he's leaving????

That's another spoiled rotten brat man type I'd like to bop in the head too....

Being mean to women is unamerican.... being inconsiderate is just stupid... :coffee:


Radiant1 said:
My guess is she didn't do it because that type of behaviour is not accepable and it is unamerican.

Errr....unless you're on the SoMD forums. :biggrin:

Seriously residentofcre, I assume if that woman could manage to hold on to her sodas she could have managed to obtain a cart for herself? More imporantly, why did you choose to be miserable instead of taking an alternative route to the freezer and dairy section? It's a grocery store with a lot of aisles, there are plenty of ways to get where you need to go. :smack: <---- I love irony! :lmao:

I tried to do that.... he moved his cart!!!! I mean this was a total jerk!!!!! :lmao:


Crow Bait said:
I bet she was blabbing on her cell phone the whole time too.

Not me... I tried that once... couldn't do it.... lol :lmao:

Those people get me too.... but not nearly as bad as this guy did... I have no idea why he thought he should be doing that .... he had to know somewhere in that spoiled rotten bratty brain of his that he was being extremely rude.....


New Member
residentofcre said:
Not me... I tried that once... couldn't do it.... lol :lmao:

Those people get me too.... but not nearly as bad as this guy did... I have no idea why he thought he should be doing that .... he had to know somewhere in that spoiled rotten bratty brain of his that he was being extremely rude.....

So, did you ever politely say "excuse me"?

And after he made it obvious to move the cart in my way to keep me from passing, it would have been ON! Cart would be going down the isle by itself with one lazy SOB on the floor in pain.

But just in case...watch the bloopers, practical jokes and candid camera type shows. You may have been set up. Maybe Punk'd. :lol:
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Ponytail said:
So, did you ever politely say "excuse me"?

And after he made it obvious to move the cart in my way to keep me from passing, it would have been ON! Cart would be going down the isle by itself with one lazy SOB on the floor in pain.

But just in case...watch the bloopers, practical jokes and candid camera type shows. You may have been set up. Maybe Punk'd. :lol:

OMG.... :lmao: Don't I have to sign a release? :lmao:

Can I get paid for that? :lmao:

Oh what a great way to spin my mean ol' thoughts!.... :flowers:

Sometimes I can take my life just too seriously! :smack:

What time does my candid camera show come on.... I wanna watch :popcorn: :lmao: