Spoiled Rotten Brat Men



residentofcre said:
I tried to do that.... he moved his cart!!!! I mean this was a total jerk!!!!! :lmao:

Apparently there are at least 3 total jerks on Southern Maryland On Line... I didn't get that much red karma the whole time I was running for Commissioner. I haven't ever seen that much explitive $%^^&*() used in my karma space...... :lmao:

so there are more spoiled rotten brat men out there hhhmmm..... :lmao:


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:
And what is it with men who get the grocery carts... put a cube of sodas and a loaf of bread in them... go to the express lane... pay for their stuff and then leave them in the way for the next person to move out of the way so they can get to the register.... that 's happened to me twice in the last couple of weeks.... what is so hard about a man taking his cart out of the way when he's leaving????

Yeah, I've NEVER seen a woman leave a cart in the way or do ANYTHING inconsiderate of others. Such angels, those women are. :bigwhoop:


New Member
residentofcre said:
Apparently there are at least 3 total jerks on Southern Maryland On Line... I didn't get that much red karma the whole time I was running for Commissioner. I haven't ever seen that much explitive $%^^&*() used in my karma space...... :lmao:

so there are more spoiled rotten brat men out there hhhmmm..... :lmao:

I still think you were punk'd. Maybe on Iraqi TV though. :lol:


All Up In Your Grill
bohman said:
Yeah, I've NEVER seen a woman leave a cart in the way or do ANYTHING inconsiderate of others. Such angels, those women are. :bigwhoop:

Thank you for being one of the few men who realize this. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
There are no rules of conduct listed on the door to the Grocery store. If there are no rules posted your can act crazy and no one should get mad at you because you are not breaking any rules.


Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
Thank you for being one of the few men who realize this. :huggy:

Hmph. Well, I'll take the hug, but now I'm wondering if there is some way I could have enlarged the :bigwhoop: smiley in my previous post.


Active Member
smoothmarine187 said:
I love the ones that have the front wheels that go all over the place, that way I can go grocery shopping while I'm drunk and no one will ever notice. :lol:

:killingme That's the first time I literally laughed out loud when reading a message board post.


All Up In Your Grill
kalmd said:
:killingme That's the first time I literally laughed out loud when reading a message board post.

And it only took 52 tries. Dayum. YOu better go buy some depends to keep at your desk. :yay: You'll be wetting yourself by the time you hit 500.

Crow Bait

New Member
Speaking of Which...

What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?

Nothing... You already told her twice! :lmao:

(This is just a joke folks...)


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Dear RCE,

America is a "melting pot" of different cultures. It's one of things that makes this country great. I was the man in question and the two women were paid volunteers. It was an experiment, using a federal grant, to see whether or not americans are truly tolerant of other cultures. You failed miserably.

Your middle eastern friend,


P.S. Seeing as how you desire to be a politician, you should appreciate the irony of this.



Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
YOu better go buy some depends to keep at your desk. :yay: You'll be wetting yourself by the time you hit 500.

I wet my self all the time when I am on the internet. Howeever it isn't pee that gets in my pants.


Toxick said:

What's that look like?

Actually... He kind'o' looked like pingrr's avatar.... :killingme

Ok... so next time I go in the grocery store and spoiled rotten brat man is there.... I'm supposed to get a cart with wobbly front wheels say "excuse me" ram him really hard so I knock him out of my way and then go around the other way to get to where I need to go.... and then run like crazy cause I'm really a chicken at heart right?.....:killingme :killingme :killingme

I still love talking will all y'all on SOMD.com.... you are the coolest... :coffee: