St. Mary's College


New Member
Thor said:
Well there's the rub I guess. We will have to agree to disagree. But in the end the life I save may be yours.

You can thank me later. :razz:

And a fair way to end. I never presume that discussions over the internet will ever get anywhere, and this one has drawn to an end. 6 hours of discussion and we all just run in circles. You will keep carrying your gun, Mike and AK will as well. Not a thing I can do to stop them. I do thank you for actually attempting to have a conversation though. It gets a little old being called a "pussy" "coward" or "gay" by somebody on "teh internetz."

Have a good night Thor, and Ak, that last comment goes out to you as well. I think its about time to watch some TV and get some rest.

And maybe, if we still feel like arguing tomorow, we can bring up abortion. :lmao:


New Member
Thor said:
Okay sparky I'll get to the range again this week and work on that for you.
I would love to go to a range sometime. Last time I was at one I was back in Scouts. Me thinks that when you see how well I shoot, you will be glad I don't have the right to carry a weapon. :)


I'm Rick James #####!
Thor said:
Well there's the rub I guess. We will have to agree to disagree. But in the end the life I save may be yours.

You can thank me later. :razz:

The amusing thing here is that (because of your mindset) even UNARMED you're likely to lend aid to Gwydion if you witnessed him being assaulted where as Gwydion (because of his mindset) is more likely to run the opposite direction (toward a phone of course) if he witnessed YOU being assaulted.


New Member
Lugnut said:
The amusing thing here is that (because of your mindset) even UNARMED you're likely to lend aid to Gwydion if you witnessed him being assaulted where as Gwydion (because of his mindset) is more likely to run the opposite direction (toward a phone of course) if he witnessed YOU being assaulted.
We are discussing guns here. If I saw a person with a gun to their head and I was unarmed, what good could I do? I have ran to the aid of people during fist fights and brawls. I have broken up my fair share of fights. Regardless of how I felt towards somebody I would do what I thought was best to aid any person in peril.

If a gun was involved, yes your right, I would pray to god they would be ok as I got myself to a phone and dialed the police. I am not a soldier. I am not a superhero and I don't walk around with a bullet proof vest on. I would let people who have been through training deal with the situation.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
I would love to go to a range sometime. Last time I was at one I was back in Scouts. Me thinks that when you see how well I shoot, you will be glad I don't have the right to carry a weapon. :)

That's because you have not been trained properly.

Send me a PM and I'll arrange some range time for us.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
I am not a superhero and I don't walk around with a bullet proof vest on. I would let people who have been through training deal with the situation.

I don't think I am a superhero either but if I found myself in a position to "bonk" a gunman on the head and I might take a bullet in the process I would do it. So long as I thought "in my head" I may be able to bring this guy down and put him in a position where someone else could disarm him. Gun or not this is what I would do.

Well wait a tick that is not necessarily true. If I had my wife and daughter with me I would first turn and run to a safe place to protect them (this is assuming I was unarmed). Unfortunately by doing that I would have probably taken myself out of "Bonking" position.


"Typical White Person"
Gwydion said:
And a fair way to end. I never presume that discussions over the internet will ever get anywhere, and this one has drawn to an end. 6 hours of discussion and we all just run in circles. You will keep carrying your gun, Mike and AK will as well. Not a thing I can do to stop them. I do thank you for actually attempting to have a conversation though. It gets a little old being called a "pussy" "coward" or "gay" by somebody on "teh internetz."

Have a good night Thor, and Ak, that last comment goes out to you as well. I think its about time to watch some TV and get some rest.

And maybe, if we still feel like arguing tomorow, we can bring up abortion. :lmao:

I carry a gun because it is part of my job. Would I carry illeagal? No not unless TSHTF in one way or another.

In Thor's example he gave of shooting a man in the back, which people have the misconception that is always wrong, he may not be, depends on the situation and if he can justify it.

In general there are 3 rules for using deadly force in MD, one of them addresses the exact situation that Thor describes. Now in this state any "lawful" shoot is going to be looked at under a huge microscope no matter what. But under the law he could very well be justified to shoot that "fleeing felon" that he has a "resonable belief could kill or cause serious bodily harm to another"


New Member
Gwydion said:
Aww thats cute, the big bad military boy has medals. You don't miss what you shoot at? Yea, I'm sure. No military person ever does that. That would be illogical.

Afraid of guns? Do you have the slightest idea how to read? Please, re-read my posts and come back and try to talk. And my wife and daughter get raped by 10 thugs? /sigh Once again, go re-read what I wrote. Me thinks you may have gotten a little too close to your big bad guns when you were firing them and it screwed with your head. :yay:

Haha, you double posted. Nice trigger finger there, Mikey.

And nice deletion too. It is rather unfortunate you can't delete your second bullet. GG

You have no reading comprehension do you? :duh:

The double post was the VB malfunctioning dolt. :smack:

I've been a little hard on you. I shouldn't have. I'm trying to be kindler and gentler but when people of your low intellegence pop in and want to take away my constitutional rights, I get a lil frayed. Now I will dumb it down for you again then I am done....

Sum Ting Wong, the kid at VT was able to take 30+ lives when just one person legally carrying a weapon could have stopped him dead in his tracks as soon as he fired the 1st shot.

Now lets get creative... Since you like to make up stories, I will too.

You, your wife and lets say you have an 8 year old daughter and a 6 year old son are in a classroom at St. Mary's with Midnightrider & 2 others.. Sum Ting Wong (STW) walks in & blows away the other 2 occupants.

Since you don't believe decent, law abiding citizens should be carrying, you're unarmed. Well STW looks at you & your family and decides to have his way with your wife. You watch as he violates her several different ways.

When done with mommy, he puts a bullet between her eyes. As she hits the floor, STW hears the kids crying. He proceeds to take your daughter and gives a repeat performance on her. His next bullet enters her ear just above the lobe.

His gaze wanders over to midnight..... Um, on your knees Middy, it's your turn. :killingme

Guess what? Now it's the boys turn..... yep, STW is a queer that likes lil boys too.

Well as the young one is screaming in pain, you notice that while STW was having his way with Middy and your family, he wasn't even paying attention to you. You think to yourself, "Hmmmm....if I had a gun, I could blow this ilk away when his eyes roll back into his head as he climaxes into my son."

Now I'm not sure how to end this story, maybe STW shoots the boy or lets him live to deal with for the rest of his life what just occured. Same goes for you. You should pray he shoots you both!!

I am done with you and Midnight now Gwiddy ole boy.

Read this story over & over then pray that some good person has a weapon and prevents this from happening.

As someone's siggy line of the General from Iraq says, "I'll wink at your wife knowing she's married to a coward ass pussy."

And that's my story!! :diva:
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New Member
Ok, Mike, AK, Thor, and anybody else who holds your thoughts. I gave this some more thinking last night. I see your arguments, I really do. And I do agree that having citizens carrying guns would be a large deterrent for crime and in some circumstances, a citizen carrying a gun could prevent some of the heinous crimes that have occured recently.

What I do not agree with is the idea that every person should have the right to carry a gun, regardless of if they took a class or if they passed some exam. When drugs and alcohol are eliminated (not that I wish for that), then I might agree. I just see too many issues from drunk or tripping people with guns. Would I trust Thor to make the correct choice while wielding a gun? Well, he sounds like a logical enough person. I just don't want somebody stumble out of a bar and see a person getting jumped start unloading a mag into the general direction of the "bad guy." I don't want somebody to try and be a hero by attempting to shoot at a guy robbing a person from 100 yards away in the downtown streets. For crimes such as that, I don't see a reason firearms should be introduced into the situation, and, although I dare to put words in your mouths, I bet you will agree that that is not proper gun usage.

But you can't deny that somebody *might* just do that. Would I be ever thankful if one of you was at the VA campus when that guy came through the door? Hell yes, i would march in your parade. But I don't agree that guns should be legalized across the board.

Thor mentioned CCW, which I could only decipher to be something about concealed weapons, and what i presume to be civilians carrying them. Not a bad idea, put CCWs through extensive training, through extensive background checks, through extensive watches, and put them out on the streets. That might deter crime (are you robbing a CCW or not?) and they could be numerous enough to prevent some of the heinous crimes that are occurring.

If guns became legalized, I would get one. I would carry it around. I can promise you, with whatever training it takes to go to the gun range and do whatever it takes to legally get the gun, you still don't want me taking aim anywhere in your general direction to take out a criminal that is harming you or your family.


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:
Uh huh...

Me - Guns would have helped
You - Guns would not have helped

You sarcastically call me Kreskin, because I don't know the future, and therefore would not know whether they would have helped the situation or not, yes?

I'll go out on a limb here and assume that you can't tell the future either. You can see where this is going right? Pot... Meet kettle...

Midnightrider, on this topic you are an asshat.
See, the difference is i was talking about a personal experience, where i know more guns would not have helped, and you are talking out of your azz.
so who is the asshat?


Gwydion said:
What I do not agree with is the idea that every person should have the right to carry a gun, regardless of if they took a class or if they passed some exam. When drugs and alcohol are eliminated (not that I wish for that), then I might agree. I just see too many issues from drunk or tripping people with guns. Would I trust Thor to make the correct choice while wielding a gun? Well, he sounds like a logical enough person. I just don't want somebody stumble out of a bar and see a person getting jumped start unloading a mag into the general direction of the "bad guy." I don't want somebody to try and be a hero by attempting to shoot at a guy robbing a person from 100 yards away in the downtown streets. For crimes such as that, I don't see a reason firearms should be introduced into the situation, and, although I dare to put words in your mouths, I bet you will agree that that is not proper gun usage.

But you can't deny that somebody *might* just do that.

Gwydion, These are the scenerios that most Anti's cry about when The People want to allow CCW laws passed in their state. They scream that there will be blood on the streets and shoot outs between motorists who suffer from road rage. But you know what? It NEVER happens. Look at states like Florida, West Virginia, Texas, and the other 40+ states that allow Concealed Carry now and NOT ONE CCW permit holder has went balistic and shot someone in a drunken rage or over a percieved insult on the road. These people are THE MOST law abiding people in the state!

There are CCWers who get there permits yanked for breaking laws, but they are very few and far between, and it is usually not related to CCW carrying.

In Florida after CCW laws were passed, crime dropped dramatically (see FBI website for actual percentages). Some college campuses, such as in Nevada already allow their students with CCW permits to carry, there has never been an incident on any of their campuses of a student with a CCW using their firearm unlawfully.

Please educate yourself on the actual numbers and statistics in states that trust their citizens to conceal carry before your throw out your vitriolic fear of law-abiding citizens carrying a concealed handgun anywhere.

And I too will take you to our local range to shoot a variety of weapons if you so choose, just PM me.


I'm Rick James #####!
Midnightrider said:
See, the difference is i was talking about a personal experience, where i know more guns would not have helped, and you are talking out of your azz.
so who is the asshat?

Lugnut said:
The event in my life WOULD have turned out better had "more guns been involved."

And I was talking about a personal experience where I know more guns would have helped...

This is just like your Kreskin crack.

You - Guns would not have helped
Me - Guns would have helped

You - I'm talking about a personal experience
Me - I'm talking about a personal experience

Are you retarded? This is an apples to apples comparison, WHAT "difference" Asshat?!


New Member
Pushrod said:
Gwydion, These are the scenerios that most Anti's cry about when The People want to allow CCW laws passed in their state. They scream that there will be blood on the streets and shoot outs between motorists who suffer from road rage. But you know what? It NEVER happens. Look at states like Florida, West Virginia, Texas, and the other 40+ states that allow Concealed Carry now and NOT ONE CCW permit holder has went balistic and shot someone in a drunken rage or over a percieved insult on the road. These people are THE MOST law abiding people in the state!

There are CCWers who get there permits yanked for breaking laws, but they are very few and far between, and it is usually not related to CCW carrying.

In Florida after CCW laws were passed, crime dropped dramatically (see FBI website for actual percentages). Some college campuses, such as in Nevada already allow their students with CCW permits to carry, there has never been an incident on any of their campuses of a student with a CCW using their firearm unlawfully.

Please educate yourself on the actual numbers and statistics in states that trust their citizens to conceal carry before your throw out your vitriolic fear of law-abiding citizens carrying a concealed handgun anywhere.

And I too will take you to our local range to shoot a variety of weapons if you so choose, just PM me.

Understood. Unfortunately your quotes didn't catch the last portion of that post:

Thor mentioned CCW, which I could only decipher to be something about concealed weapons, and what i presume to be civilians carrying them. Not a bad idea, put CCWs through extensive training, through extensive background checks, through extensive watches, and put them out on the streets. That might deter crime (are you robbing a CCW or not?) and they could be numerous enough to prevent some of the heinous crimes that are occurring.

It seems that our ideas coincide with the usage of CCWs. Thank your for your offer on a gun range trial. possibly I will PM you later next week. I have way too much going on for that at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:
And I was talking about a personal experience where I know more guns would have helped...

This is just like your Kreskin crack.

You - Guns would not have helped
Me - Guns would have helped

You - I'm talking about a personal experience
Me - I'm talking about a personal experience

Are you retarded? This is an apples to apples comparison, WHAT "difference" Asshat?!

I obviously am retarded, as i missed the part where you said you had a personal experience. I went back and just saw it, so maybe i am a little retarded, but you are still the asshat :razz:


I'm Rick James #####!
Midnightrider said:
I obviously am retarded, as i missed the part where you said you had a personal experience. I went back and just saw it, so maybe i am a little retarded, but you are still the asshat :razz:

I win!! :larry:

Nah, I'm just ONE of the asshats. :lmao:

No sweat bub. :yay:


New Member
vegmom said:
And I got 2 more red karmas for complaining about red karma? Sheesh folks are petty :smack: .
Like I said in the green karma I sent you...I got red karma one time for saying congrats to a person that just got a dog.

I have about 2 pages of red karma from this. /shrug they kept me busy for a good 15 minutes while I read all of them. Anything to make the day go by faster.

Oh and BTW, you and I can both expect another 2-3 reddies for these two posts. :coffee:


Bookseller Lady
mv_princess said:
And if you keep complaining you will get more.

yes, I got called a "whiny vegtable eater" and "stoopid tofu eating biatch".

Well ain't that mature??? :larry:

I'm getting red karma for being vegan more than the content of my posts.

Because, of course, I'm a biased and whiny liberal. At least I can spell and construct a proper sentance.
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