Gwydion said:
Aww thats cute, the big bad military boy has medals. You don't miss what you shoot at? Yea, I'm sure. No military person ever does that. That would be illogical.
Afraid of guns? Do you have the slightest idea how to read? Please, re-read my posts and come back and try to talk. And my wife and daughter get raped by 10 thugs? /sigh Once again, go re-read what I wrote. Me thinks you may have gotten a little too close to your big bad guns when you were firing them and it screwed with your head.
Haha, you double posted. Nice trigger finger there, Mikey.
And nice deletion too. It is rather unfortunate you can't delete your second bullet. GG
You have no reading comprehension do you?
The double post was the VB malfunctioning dolt.
I've been a little hard on you. I shouldn't have. I'm trying to be kindler and gentler but when people of your low intellegence pop in and want to take away my constitutional rights, I get a lil frayed. Now I will dumb it down for you again then I am done....
Sum Ting Wong, the kid at VT was able to take 30+ lives when just one person legally carrying a weapon could have stopped him dead in his tracks as soon as he fired the 1st shot.
Now lets get creative... Since you like to make up stories, I will too.
You, your wife and lets say you have an 8 year old daughter and a 6 year old son are in a classroom at St. Mary's with Midnightrider & 2 others.. Sum Ting Wong (STW) walks in & blows away the other 2 occupants.
Since you don't believe decent, law abiding citizens should be carrying, you're unarmed. Well STW looks at you & your family and decides to have his way with your wife. You watch as he violates her several different ways.
When done with mommy, he puts a bullet between her eyes. As she hits the floor, STW hears the kids crying. He proceeds to take your daughter and gives a repeat performance on her. His next bullet enters her ear just above the lobe.
His gaze wanders over to midnight..... Um, on your knees Middy, it's your turn.
Guess what? Now it's the boys turn..... yep, STW is a queer that likes lil boys too.
Well as the young one is screaming in pain, you notice that while STW was having his way with Middy and your family, he wasn't even paying attention to you. You think to yourself,
"Hmmmm....if I had a gun, I could blow this ilk away when his eyes roll back into his head as he climaxes into my son."
Now I'm not sure how to end this story, maybe STW shoots the boy or lets him live to deal with for the rest of his life what just occured. Same goes for you. You should pray he shoots you both!!
I am done with you and Midnight now Gwiddy ole boy.
Read this story over & over then pray that some good person has a weapon and prevents this from happening.
As someone's siggy line of the General from Iraq says, "I'll wink at your wife knowing she's married to a coward ass pussy."
And that's my story!!