St. Mary's College


New Member
Gwydion said:
If you are going to reply to threads, please go back and reread the relevant posts. :whistle: :killingme
Whoops sorry I didn't realize I violated the forum rules. So sorry!
P.s. I am sorry you didn't understand sarcasm, next time I will post the idiot icon.


New Member
PrepH4U said:
Whoops sorry I didn't realize I violated the forum rules. So sorry!
P.s. I am sorry you didn't understand sarcasm, next time I will post the idiot icon.
I caught the sarcasm, and it was directed at me. Hence, I offered a suggestion to make yourself not appear as the idiot.

Nobody mentioned forum rules. Its your option to appear the fool.

(And yes, sarcasm was understood in your post. Insults as well.)

Not directed at you PrepH:
karma whiner! I don't whine about karma. I offer karma writers some advice. Oh, and your a coward for not signing yours.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
So you and your wife are out of harms way, and you opt to shoot at a moving target running away from you? How is your accuracy at something like that? Who are you to judge this man? A petty crime like that does not get the death penalty in this state. And even if it are clearly not the person to inject his death.

Okay first off I hit what I shoot at. Second not only am I a prior Army paratrooper but I am also a former DC police officer.

Let me ask you this question and then perhaps you'll understand the rules for shooting someone. It's 1:30pm and you have just been robbed, the man had a gun, he took off running in the direction of a school across a busy street. Shoot or no shoot?


Active Member
Gwydion said:
I am unaware of where the QA park apartments are. Are you referencing QA on campus? That would imply that you are female, unless the housing rules have changed in the past 17 years. May I inquire upon the reasoning to carry it? Did you not feel safe walking around campus, or is it just that 200 yard stint from the split in the path from the pond to QA?

Queen Ann Park Apartments are located in Lexington Park next to Rosie's. My girlfriend lived in the QA dorm though so I can see your confusion. When I did live on campus it was in Dorchester.

I carried because I could, and I knew the threats. At that time it was not threats from the students or anything like that it was from the locals. But nonetheless I always carried.


New Member
I love this "I hit what I shoot at" crap. No, you really don't. I don't care how much training you have. If you hit everything you shot at, get your ass over to Iraq and end this freaking war.

he took off running in the direction of a school across a busy street. Shoot or no shoot?
No, I do not shoot. I'm sorry that I don't believe that you hit everything you shoot at. I have seen shoot-outs. If this was true, the criminals would have been dead in one shot, and stores and streets wouldn't be shot up.

No. You don't shoot. But, I am assuming you want the answer to be yes. So, lets say you shoot. You, by an act of god, miss your target. You hit somebody driving a car along the "busy street" causing her to drop dead and cause a 10 car pile-up, killing 4 other people. The man runs straight by the school. With no other option left, you call the police. The police do a bit of research, arrest your ass for murdering somebody, and they go and catch the robber, who doesn't even put up a gun fight.

I carried because I could

It was legal to carry guns on campus in the 90's? or you had the strength to carry an illegal item on campus?


Active Member
Gwydion said:
No, I do not shoot. I'm sorry that I don't believe that you hit everything you shoot at. I have seen shoot-outs. If this was true, the criminals would have been dead in one shot, and stores and streets wouldn't be shot up.

Welp I have news for you the police would shoot, and any CCW could and should shoot. You have an armed man with a proven propensity toward violence running toward a crowded street and a school with a gun.

Ask any police academy in this state what the answer is . . . you shoot, especially if they are not obeying verbal commands.

SMCOP I am sure will back me up on this.


New Member
Neat. I am not a cop or a CCW. You are not a cop. Therefore, I should not shoot. And a person that is a CCW (does this imply concealed weapon rights?) if they have the right to, go for it.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
It was legal to carry guns on campus in the 90's? or you had the strength to carry an illegal item on campus?

I carried illegally, got a problem with that?

I was there for four years and no one ever knew I was carrying. I wasn't doing it to show off I wasn't doing it because I felt manly. I did it because I am not a sheep, and I refuse to be food.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
Neat. I am not a cop or a CCW. Nor are you. Therefore you have no right to do so, nor do I.

I don't have the right to defend my life? I don't have the right to defend my wifes life? I don't have the right to defend someone on the streets life? I don't have the right to defend a school child's life?

You need to check your facts and read some law there partner.


New Member
Thor said:
I carried illegally, got a problem with that?

I was there for four years and no one ever knew I was carrying. I wasn't doing it to show off I wasn't doing it because I felt manly. I did it because I am not a sheep, and I refuse to be food.

Yea, I kinda do have a problem with it. It is ILLEGAL. A kid carries a gun to high school. If somebody sees him with it, should they report him or let him go about his way?

So if you do it for the sole purpose of disobeying the law, what else do you do to make sure you aren't a sheep?


New Member
Thor said:
I don't have the right to defend my life? I don't have the right to defend my wifes life? I don't have the right to defend someone on the streets life? I don't have the right to defend a school child's life?

You need to check your facts and read some law there partner.

Haha, he is running away from you. You haven't the slightest idea what his next intention is. Last thing I want is some pissed off guy shooting towards a busy street in the direction of a school. You aren't protecting your wife or your life. You aren't protecting a child's life nor a pedestrians life. You are making presumptions that will result in a deadly weapon being fired. And seeing as you are not a cop, you are going against the law by making your presumption.


New Member
Gwydion said:
I love this "I hit what I shoot at" crap. No, you really don't. I don't care how much training you have. If you hit everything you shot at, get your ass over to Iraq and end this freaking war.

No, I do not shoot. I'm sorry that I don't believe that you hit everything you shoot at. I have seen shoot-outs. If this was true, the criminals would have been dead in one shot, and stores and streets wouldn't be shot up.

No. You don't shoot. But, I am assuming you want the answer to be yes. So, lets say you shoot. You, by an act of god, miss your target. You hit somebody driving a car along the "busy street" causing her to drop dead and cause a 10 car pile-up, killing 4 other people. The man runs straight by the school. With no other option left, you call the police. The police do a bit of research, arrest your ass for murdering somebody, and they go and catch the robber, who doesn't even put up a gun fight.

It was legal to carry guns on campus in the 90's? or you had the strength to carry an illegal item on campus?
Now who is looking like the idiot? :killingme :killingme


New Member
PrepH4U said:
Now who is looking like the idiot? :killingme :killingme

In whose eyes? I would assume that no soldier has 100% accuracy. If this guy does, I want him on the front lines so we can get this #### over with.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
Haha, he is running away from you. You haven't the slightest idea what his next intention is. Last thing I want is some pissed off guy shooting towards a busy street in the direction of a school. You aren't protecting your wife or your life. You aren't protecting a child's life nor a pedestrians life. You are making presumptions that will result in a deadly weapon being fired. And seeing as you are not a cop, you are going against the law by making your presumption.

Exactly, thank you for making my point.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
In whose eyes? I would assume that no soldier has 100% accuracy. If this guy does, I want him on the front lines so we can get this #### over with.

100%? nope not me . . . give me a rifle and I might do 100%. With a handgun under stress I'll probably do about 85-90%


New Member
Thor said:
Exactly, thank you for making my point.

And hence why we will never agree. You are a pessimist. You believe people are innately evil and will attempt to cause as much chaos as possible.

I on the other hand believe that after he got what he wanted from you is going to get out of the area and hide as quick as possible.

If you are correct, you risk shooting passerbys and possibly shoot the criminal. Saving whatever he was about to do. Whether it be run into that school and shooting half the place up, or sticking to what he knows and robbing another person without firing off a shot.

With mine, I don't risk the lives of any passerbys, the criminal goes off and hides, I call the cops and hope he tracks him down.
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New Member
Thor said:
100%? nope not me . . . give me a rifle and I might do 100%. With a handgun under stress I'll probably do about 85-90%
But I thought you never missed? You need to work on percentages, darling.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
And hence why we will never agree. You are a pessimist. You believe people are innately evil and will attempt to cause as much chaos as possible.

I on the other hand believe that after he got what he wanted from you is going to get out of the area and hide as quick as possible.

If you are correct, you risk shooting passerbys and possibly shoot a person. Saving whatever he was about to do. Whether it be run into that school and shooting half the place up, or sticking to what he knows and robbing another person without firing off a shot.

With mine, I don't risk the lives of any passerbys, the criminal goes off and hides, I call the cops and hope he tracks him down.

Well there's the rub I guess. We will have to agree to disagree. But in the end the life I save may be yours.

You can thank me later. :razz:


Active Member
Gwydion said:
But I thought you never missed? You need to work on percentages, darling.

Okay sparky I'll get to the range again this week and work on that for you.