St. Mary's College


New Member
u couldnt take mikey if 20 guys held him down
/sigh if big mikey doesn't need a gun to take out 20 guys, then might I ask why mikey needs a gun? :bigwhoop:


New Member
Gwydion said:
Who is to deny anything? All valid points, IMO. And if your idiotic self didn't understand the post I made in the first place, your "glock" was unloaded, missing all the 10 large men raping you, and one of your bullets hit somebody in my family. Nice shooting there, ace. I'm glad your gun toting mind believes that even if you shot somebody in the process of "protecting yourself" you shouldn't be held responsible.

GG, now go crawl back to the trailer you came from.

Now if you didn't realize, we were done discussing the point.

And I am a coward for not toting a gun around? Sounds more like you are the coward if you need a handgun to protect yourself. I will use my massive manly muscles that you apparently lack to protect myself.
:killingme Lemmee guess, you're a comedy / fiction writer? :killingme

We're done when I say we're done. :buttkick: You see, I don't miss what I shoot at and I have the military medals back it up. :diva:

You're a coward for not signing your karma and a coward who's afraid of guns. I feel sorry for your family.

Hey, I can tell stories too.....

the 10 thugs rape your wife & daughter while you watch. Too bad you weren't carrying. :jet:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
:killingme Lemmee guess, you're a comedy / fiction writer? :killingme

We're done when I say we're done. :buttkick: You see, I don't miss what I shoot at and I have the military medals back it up. :diva:

You're a coward for not signing your karma and a coward who's afraid of guns. I feel sorry for your family.

Hey, I can tell stories too.....

the 10 thugs rape your wife & daughter while you watch. Too bad you weren't carrying. :jet:
Aww thats cute, the big bad military boy has medals. You don't miss what you shoot at? Yea, I'm sure. No military person ever does that. That would be illogical.

Afraid of guns? Do you have the slightest idea how to read? Please, re-read my posts and come back and try to talk. And my wife and daughter get raped by 10 thugs? /sigh Once again, go re-read what I wrote. Me thinks you may have gotten a little too close to your big bad guns when you were firing them and it screwed with your head. :yay:

Haha, you double posted. Nice trigger finger there, Mikey.

And nice deletion too. It is rather unfortunate you can't delete your second bullet. GG
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"Typical White Person"
Gwydion said:
Do you honestly believe that? That is one example. Out of the countless "Gun point robberies" that occur every day in the US. They got away alright. Fine, the criminal got away in those circumstances as well. But put yourself in the criminal's shoes. He is standing there pointing a gun at your head asking for your money. He looks down and see's you withdrawing a gun from your pocket.

Do you think he is gonna say, "Oh, ok, I see what your doing there. Have a nice day" and walk away? Hell no, hes gonna frantically unload a few shots before he sprints off. I think in your mind people are inately cued to kill other people. If a person puts a gun to your wife's head, and says "Wallet now" do you really think they have any intention of actually shooting your wife assuming things go to plan and you don't pull a gun out of your pocket?

Sure, pull that gun out. He'll use your wifes body as a meat shield as he unloads a few rounds in you and takes off.

And if those 3 people had guns, do you really think they would have lived? How many people lined them up and shot them? How were they rounded up? Alright, so it might not have been death in an assasination pose, but they still would have been shot. they might have got a bad guy in the resulting gun fight. Neat, 3 people dead, one bad guy dead, and bullet holes rittled across a neighborhood, a town, a school.

Until we all become robots and can fire a perfect shot from any range and have the ability to pull out a gun and have it fire within a millisecond, I think its BS.

Your right. I doubt the bad guy is gonna give you a chance. thats the point. If you were given a chance to say "NO" or get away, then they probably wouldn't be very good at what they are doing. Regardless, I would much rather have some cop that has dealed with this #### before go chase down a car, or go knock on some houses, then have a person riled up with their blood racing and their hands shaking unload a gun. Anywhere except at their own house.


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AK-74me said:
Could expect nothing less from the username you carry. :coffee:

Oh, and BTW Mikey, if I am a coward for not signing karma, you are rolling with some cowardice people. :yay:


Happy Camper
Gwydion said:
St. marys is too chill of a campus to need anything like guns. Alright, so there was a crime today. Last big crime was when some idiots from....UMCP came down and stabbed one of their own people on our campus. Then somebody from off campus came and broke into about 10 cars and stole all the radios at night while it was raining. Before that it was a "pipe bomb" that turned out to be a torn down light fixture. (I still don't believe that crock of BS but whatever).

The fact is there is no need for guns on the campus. People feel safe at all times. they're all hippies just trying to get a degree. Peace and love man, peace and love.

When I went to SMC (many moons ago), there was no such thing as violence there! The worst that could happen to you was being thrown in the pond or the river on your birthday! :lmao: Great memories!!!!


New Member
belvak said:
When I went to SMC (many moons ago), there was no such thing as violence there! The worst that could happen to you was being thrown in the pond or the river on your birthday! :lmao: Great memories!!!!

Precisely. The only violence there was brought on by other people. There were the occasional drunken fights, but those were generally solved 5 minutes later by a beer being brought to each person. A gun was not needed at all on the campus, and it would not have aided in the crime that occurred today (which was the point of this whole thread).


"Typical White Person"
Gwydion said:
Precisely. The only violence there was brought on by other people. There were the occasional drunken fights, but those were generally solved 5 minutes later by a beer being brought to each person. A gun was not needed at all on the campus, and it would not have aided in the crime that occurred today (which was the point of this whole thread).

Maybe, maybe not. I think the bigger point is "Gun Free Zones" of any type Scream "Come here to commit your crimes"


New Member
AK-74me said:
Maybe, maybe not. I think the bigger point is "Gun Free Zones" of any type Scream "Come here to commit your crimes"

Understood. But given SMCM's violence background, I don't exactly see this as a valid point for said school.

and you are already successful?
Please, form logical insults when attempting to post karma. The post that this pointed to had nothing about being successful. But, I am a successful person. Thanks for spending your time to learn more about me. And, apparently you are a coward for not signing your karma either. :lmao:
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"Typical White Person"
Gwydion said:
Understood. But given SMCM's violence background, I don't exactly see this as a valid point for said school.

and you are already successful?
Please, form logical insults when attempting to post karma. The post that this pointed to had nothing about being successful. But, I am a successful person. Thanks for spending your time to learn more about me. And, apparently you are a coward for not signing your karma either. :lmao:

What if today would of turned into St.Mary's, V. Tech? Would it be valid then?

It only takes one time.

BTW- I have left you no karma one way or the other yet.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
St. marys is too chill of a campus to need anything like guns. Alright, so there was a crime today. Last big crime was when some idiots from....UMCP came down and stabbed one of their own people on our campus. Then somebody from off campus came and broke into about 10 cars and stole all the radios at night while it was raining. Before that it was a "pipe bomb" that turned out to be a torn down light fixture. (I still don't believe that crock of BS but whatever).

The fact is there is no need for guns on the campus. People feel safe at all times. they're all hippies just trying to get a degree. Peace and love man, peace and love.

Uh I am a St Marys Alum and I am most certainly not a hippy. Grrrrrrr On top of that I always kept a firearm in my car (ruger 10/22) and one in my bag while on campus (ruger P85 9mm). Of course this was back in 1990 and I was living in the Queen Ann Park apartments in the Park.

But nonetheless, I see nothing wrong with someone trained in firearms exercising their rights on campus.


Active Member
itsbob said:
Why do you assume everyone in college is 20 or younger?

Can off duty cops attend college?

Retired military? Prior service (10 or less years) in the military?

Not all college kids are silly drunkards that don't have the maturity to handle a firearm..

Yup when I was at St Marys I had already done several years active duty in the Army. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to live on campus despite my girlfriend living there.

I knew of at least 10 other guys on campus who had the same background as me. It's not all 20 year olds.


Active Member
Gwydion said:
Out of curiosity, when a crime is about to go down with a person with a gun, do they go up to you and ask, "Hey bud, you got a gun?" Or do they just run up and put the gun in your back?

I can understand if all bad guys came up to me, asked politely if I had a gun, I pulled it out, they said thank you and carried about their business, but methinks it doesn't work like that.

And if somebody came up and grabbed your wife, put a gun to her head and said, "Wallet now" would you really pull out a gun and be a hero?

You are absolutely correct. I would hand over my wallet and whatever else they wanted. Then when they let my wife go and turned to run I would pull out my gun and put two in the back of their head.


New Member
AK-74me said:
BTW- I have left you no karma one way or the other yet.
Apologies for that. I added that karma thing as an edit, never meant to imply that it was you. I think the whole karma thing is kinda dumb. I just use it as a PM. /shrug

What if today would of turned into St.Mary's, V. Tech? Would it be valid then?

As sad as that was, I still do not think that guns should be carried by students on campus. In my mind, there has to be another solution, as I don't even see that as a solution.

Uh I am a St Marys Alum and I am most certainly not a hippy. Grrrrrrr On top of that I always kept a firearm in my car (ruger 10/22) and one in my bag while on campus (ruger P85 9mm). Of course this was back in 1990 and I was living in the Queen Ann Park apartments in the Park.

That was an attempt of mine to prevent this thread into turning into what it had become, a huge argument over gun rights. (Which has been done over and over again, resulting in the same people providing the same answers). I am unaware of where the QA park apartments are. Are you referencing QA on campus? That would imply that you are female, unless the housing rules have changed in the past 17 years. May I inquire upon the reasoning to carry it? Did you not feel safe walking around campus, or is it just that 200 yard stint from the split in the path from the pond to QA?

You are absolutely correct. I would hand over my wallet and whatever else they wanted. Then when they let my wife go and turned to run I would pull out my gun and put two in the back of their head.
So you and your wife are out of harms way, and you opt to shoot at a moving target running away from you? How is your accuracy at something like that? Who are you to judge this man? A petty crime like that does not get the death penalty in this state. And even if it are clearly not the person to inject his death.


New Member
Gwydion said:
Precisely. The only violence there was brought on by other people. There were the occasional drunken fights, but those were generally solved 5 minutes later by a beer being brought to each person. A gun was not needed at all on the campus, and it would not have aided in the crime that occurred today (which was the point of this whole thread).
Wow how profound! I think that is the whole point of this thread :whistle: :killingme