St. Mary's County $6 million School Deficit


New Member
Director of Diversity - needs to go.

I agree 100%. This "diversity" director will not talk about the economic diversity in St. Mary's County. This "diversity" director will not talk about "homosexuals". This "diversity" director will ONLY talk about African Americans and whites; no other races. Why do we need to notice race? I don't care if someone is black, white, green or purple. People are people.


Devil's Advocate
I agree 100%. This "diversity" director will not talk about the economic diversity in St. Mary's County. This "diversity" director will not talk about "homosexuals". This "diversity" director will ONLY talk about African Americans and whites; no other races. Why do we need to notice race? I don't care if someone is black, white, green or purple. People are people.

As I already said in a previous post , she's also responsible for tracking, renewing, and issuing teacher certifications for SMCPS staff members.

Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your information about what she discusses or doesn't discuss? She's responsible for the various diversity lessons/activities that go on throughout the school year. These lessons/activities address many different topics, notably how others should be treated regardless of race, creed, or religious affiliation.

Refusing to talk about racism, sexism, or any other -ism doesn't make it go away. I've actually had a parent tell me that they "don't want their kids in classes with those people". Clearly it's a discussion that we need to be having with students if those are the opinions/attitudes that they are being exposed to at home. Just my opinion.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Her position was created out of a knee jerk reaction. $100,000 + worth of knee jerk. We HAD to DO SOMETHING!! Think of the children!!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Her position was created out of a knee jerk reaction. $100,000 + worth of knee jerk. We HAD to DO SOMETHING!! Think of the children!!

That. Heck..the Diversity Industry is huge and practically a religion's even a new Navy command!....worship at their alter or you risk your career. What a mess.


New Member
Another budget waste...did you know there is a daycare center in Leonardtown High School, Chopticon High School and Great Mills High School? These daycares offer free daycare for student babies. There is a Director at each school. Plus each school has two Paraeducations. Between the three high schools they take care of four! student babies. The other 6 are babies of faculty members. This is ridiculous! Students can get free daycare from Social Services. The teachers do pay a small fee for this daycare. Why are we paying 3 huge director salaries? and 6 Paraeducators to take care of 10 babies? This is program is costing a lot of money!


Active Member
As I already said in a previous post , she's also responsible for tracking, renewing, and issuing teacher certifications for SMCPS staff members.

Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your information about what she discusses or doesn't discuss? She's responsible for the various diversity lessons/activities that go on throughout the school year. These lessons/activities address many different topics, notably how others should be treated regardless of race, creed, or religious affiliation.

Refusing to talk about racism, sexism, or any other -ism doesn't make it go away. I've actually had a parent tell me that they "don't want their kids in classes with those people". Clearly it's a discussion that we need to be having with students if those are the opinions/attitudes that they are being exposed to at home. Just my opinion.

Thank goodness for these lessons/activities throughout the year. My middle school daughter learned a valuable lesson from one of the worksheets. She got to have a lovely conversation with the principal and be accused of being a liar over one of these worksheets. The worksheet was covering the "N" word, The children were to read a paragraph describing a fake scenario. They were then supposed to explain how the "N" word was used and how it was not appropriate. Then they were supposed to come up with a way the situation could have been handled differently. The top of the paper was titled N _ _ _ _ _, She explained to the teacher she did not know what the "N" word they were referencing was so she was unsure of how to answer the rest of the questions. That is a word that we just do not use in our family and no one around us uses either. I did not get to see the paper or it may have clicked faster but when it took me a good 10-15 minutes of asking questions to figure out what the "N" word was I think the teacher finally realized my daughter was not just lying so she did not have to do the paper. My children are whiter than white but come from a multi-racial family and race has just not been something that has been used to identify who any of us are.


I am so very blessed
Has Martirano and any number of his high- to mid- level staff offered to take a pay cut to help offset the funding shortage?

Doesn't Martirano make in the neighborhood of $375,000 per year?

I don't know about you, but I consider that an absurd amount of money for someone running a small county school system.


New Member
Has Martirano and any number of his high- to mid- level staff offered to take a pay cut to help offset the funding shortage?

Doesn't Martirano make in the neighborhood of $375,000 per year?

I don't know about you, but I consider that an absurd amount of money for someone running a small county school system.

Don't forget that in addition to his salary, he gets 52 days of leave that he can turn in for cash. He get a SUV plus $15,000 for mileage per year. He gets his cell phone paid for (as do all the school principals, directors, etc.) along with their laptops and Ipads. As part of his contract, his health insurance is paid for for life. Yes, even after he is long gone from St. Mary's; hopefully sooner rather that later.


As I already said in a previous post , she's also responsible for tracking, renewing, and issuing teacher certifications for SMCPS staff members.


This is a secretarial function. A diversity director may be needed, but this doesn't seem to be a cogent justification.


Devil's Advocate
Thank goodness for these lessons/activities throughout the year. My middle school daughter learned a valuable lesson from one of the worksheets. She got to have a lovely conversation with the principal and be accused of being a liar over one of these worksheets. The worksheet was covering the "N" word, The children were to read a paragraph describing a fake scenario. They were then supposed to explain how the "N" word was used and how it was not appropriate. Then they were supposed to come up with a way the situation could have been handled differently. The top of the paper was titled N _ _ _ _ _, She explained to the teacher she did not know what the "N" word they were referencing was so she was unsure of how to answer the rest of the questions. That is a word that we just do not use in our family and no one around us uses either. I did not get to see the paper or it may have clicked faster but when it took me a good 10-15 minutes of asking questions to figure out what the "N" word was I think the teacher finally realized my daughter was not just lying so she did not have to do the paper. My children are whiter than white but come from a multi-racial family and race has just not been something that has been used to identify who any of us are.

I'm sorry to hear that your daughter had that experience. However, as far as I'm aware that was not a middle school diversity lesson that was district wide. If it was, then my middle school missed that memo. Is it possible it was something the teacher chose to do as an extension of one of the diversity lessons?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Just out of curiosity, in your browsing of the SMCPS website did you find someone with the position of Diversity Director? I see a Specialist but no director.

tomAto tomAHto either way it is still a $100,000+ a year position that makes MikeyMarty feel good because he "DID SOMETHING" and now YOU as well as my wife will now be taking a pay cut next year because of this debacle.


Devil's Advocate
tomAto tomAHto either way it is still a $100,000+ a year position that makes MikeyMarty feel good because he "DID SOMETHING" and now YOU as well as my wife will now be taking a pay cut next year because of this debacle.

True enough. Did she share that we'll also be paying a $400 insurance fee next year?


Teachers, teachers unions etc are always thumping the "fund education more" drum, I want to know where the outrage is when all of these extra over paid administrative positions are created is. Is there any? Are these BS admin positions really worth that much more than a teaching position?

One thing I always questioned at work is how we can keep hiring "support" and admin people but say we can't hire engineers and technicians that actually do the core work and I always get a dirty look for saying it.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Teachers, teachers unions etc are always thumping the "fund education more" drum, I want to know where the outrage is when all of these extra over paid administrative positions are created is. Is there any? Are these BS admin positions really worth that much more than a teaching position?

One thing I always questioned at work is how we can keep hiring "support" and admin people but say we can't hire engineers and technicians that actually do the core work and I always get a dirty look for saying it.
Some people are beating the "SMC Dead Last" drum when it comes to per pupil funding. Because all know that spending more money per pupil was so successful in Baltimore City and Washington, DC.