St. Mary's Square



Well i just talked to my best friend which was ken's g/f. I know they have caught him and he still had the weapon on him.. I will keep everyone posted as I receive info. There is nothing posted yet, but im sure it will be later on today or Monday.


Dancing Up A Storm
Glad to see the law enforcement guys and gals apprehended these 3 thugs!

I see the 19 yr old is the one charged with murder, along with attempted robbery. Maybe they can tie in the other 2 as accessories to the same crime?

And the state of Maryland wants to ban the death penalty????


Yeah...they should def. be charged somehow with the murder...if 1 is guilty then they all should be guilty with conspiracy...I am so glad they found them, it is some closure..but not really. At least I might be able to sleep tonight.


Lobster Land
With first names like Cruiten, Terrel and Johntonna Euron I'm not that surprised. These guys have lived a hell of a life already just because of their names. PS, I'm far from being racist but it just doesn't make any sense to me to give your kid a name most people can't pronounce. Frederick Douglas, Martin L. King, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rosa Parks and God knows how many other black people had names we could all relate to. I'll probably get some red for this but I just do not understand.


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
:huggy: I'm so sorry for every ones loss. But I am so happy that they caught these boys. Where are the parents of these kids? Why does this keep happening? So sad :ohwell:


loving life
Glad to know they are off the streets. Don't care what type of names they have, just happy they were caught. Do the crime Do the time.


I agree, hopefully they won't get least im praying that they wont..And i hope we don't have to wait for a year for a trial.


Dancing Up A Storm
The article states that all 3 were charged with the robbery at the Tackle Box - stolen guns, etc., so maybe they packed together as a trio.

If so, then it's a good bet the police investigators just might be able to tie all 3
as a bunch and charge them all with murder.

If that's the case, we won't be seeing them around for a while. :yay:


New Member
Penn said:
Glad to see the law enforcement guys and gals apprehended these 3 thugs!

I see the 19 yr old is the one charged with murder, along with attempted robbery. Maybe they can tie in the other 2 as accessories to the same crime?

And the state of Maryland wants to ban the death penalty????

With Baltimore, PG, Waldorf and Lexington Park put together Maryland has enough reasons to NEVER ban the the death penalty.


New Member
Penn said:
The article states that all 3 were charged with the robbery at the Tackle Box - stolen guns, etc., so maybe they packed together as a trio.

If so, then it's a good bet the police investigators just might be able to tie all 3
as a bunch and charge them all with murder.

If that's the case, we won't be seeing them around for a while. :yay:

I don't think Lexington Park is that big that people didn't realize that their children or family members were the ones responsible for these crimes. I'm sure most of the people in the black community have seen or know or know of these houlighans and hopefully the ones considering that lifestyle are taking notes that it WILL catch up to them.


Methodically disorganized
vannawhite said:
With Baltimore, PG, Waldorf and Lexington Park put together Maryland has enough reasons to NEVER ban the the death penalty.
Fascinating then that the man that used to oversee Baltimore now oversees all the above listed... and wants to ban the DP.


My 401K is now a 201K
Penn said:
The article states that all 3 were charged with the robbery at the Tackle Box - stolen guns, etc., so maybe they packed together as a trio.

If so, then it's a good bet the police investigators just might be able to tie all 3
as a bunch and charge them all with murder.

If that's the case, we won't be seeing them around for a while. :yay:

I surely hope so, I don't personally know the young man killed, but I do know his girlfriend and from what I understand he was a good man, who tried to live an honest, good life.

These friggin' punks that took his life should rot in hell.......


New Member
hvp05 said:
Fascinating then that the man that used to oversee Baltimore now oversees all the above listed... and wants to ban the DP.

PG is a given but Waldorf's bad areas are pretty much like Baltimore's and it seems Lexington Park is on it's way but that's all I will say about that.


Dancing Up A Storm
vannawhite said:
I don't think Lexington Park is that big that people didn't realize that their children or family members were the ones responsible for these crimes. I'm sure most of the people in the black community have seen or know or know of these houlighans and hopefully the ones considering that lifestyle are taking notes that it WILL catch up to them.

I cannot dispute what you've said, not in the least. From what I DO know it is a brotherhood, and it is very likely that talk in the 'hood has gotten around to most thugs of that caliber.

Can't say if they'll learn anything from this incident, however it turns out, but it will definitely be sticking in someone's mind. :eyebrow: