St. Mary's teachers want to "work to rule"


good for the teachers. i hope their stand makes a difference. in fact, i hope they move to a work to rule for the duration of the school year. for decades teachers have been crapped on my parents, BOE, students, principals etc.... even in todays age they continued to get the short end of the stick. the public needs to realize that these people devote more then the standard work day to educate our children. teachers are the very group that mold our children into productive adults.

treat our teachers with respect, pay them what they are worth, honor your contracts with them. after all, they deserve it. anyone who thinks they dont should try and teach a third grade class of heathens for a day......

Your teacher should be punched in the neck for not teachng you what the shift key is for.


The biggest challenge that a teacher probably faces is the values a child brings into the classroom from their home environment/parents and how much attention the parent's pay to their kids education.


Stop making sense you moron. It causes a shift in earths axis.


Main Streeter
The county government wrote the contract so why isn't it a "government rule"? Besides even bat#### crazy people like Clem are right sometimes. Just because they are bat#### crazy doesn't mean everything they say is wrong or bad.

Actually, the teachers' association and the BOE wrote the contract, not the county govt.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I said the contract was between the teachers' association and the BOE. You backed up my statement by posting a link to the teachers' association Website. What's your point?

Semantics. Employee association and union are technically and legally the same. They negotiate contracts with employers and protect workers rights, ability to strike has nothing to do with it.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I said the contract was between the teachers' association and the BOE. You backed up my statement by posting a link to the teachers' association Website. What's your point?

I posted this with your "quote"

Go back and read your own post and you should get my "point".


Main Streeter
Semantics. Employee association and union are technically and legally the same. They negotiate contracts with employers and protect workers rights, ability to strike has nothing to do with it.
With regard to collective bargining, they are the same. With regards to strike actions, they are not legally the same. MD allows teachers associations for the purpose of collective bargining but they cannot legally strike. The most they can do is a work-to-rule action. My Mom taught in Martinsburg, WV where they have actual teachers unions who have actually gone on strike and clsoed the schools.


Main Streeter
I posted this with your "quote"

Go back and read your own post and you should get my "point".

You said it was a union. I said it was an assiciation. You posted a link to the association's Website which backed up my statement. I did call it the teachers' association but it's name is the Education Association so I stand corrected on that point.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
With regard to collective bargining, they are the same. With regards to strike actions, they are not legally the same. MD allows teachers associations for the purpose of collective bargining but they cannot legally strike. The most they can do is a work-to-rule action. My Mom taught in Martinsburg, WV where they have actual teachers unions who have actually gone on strike and clsoed the schools.

That has nothing to do with whether or not an association or union can strike. Maryland, by law, bars any state employee from striking. Next you'll tell me that AFSCME isn't a union in Maryland because they can't strike.


New Member
This kind of shallow response is exactly why the public needs to be educated on what teachers actually do. I defy anyone who thinks teachers "are off more than they work" to spend ONE day in a classroom and be responsible for 25 kids for 45 minutes. It is not an easy job. To blithely say "they should just find another job" is an indication of your lack of understanding of what teachers actually do.


Main Streeter
That has nothing to do with whether or not an association or union can strike. Maryland, by law, bars any state employee from striking. Next you'll tell me that AFSCME isn't a union in Maryland because they can't strike.

Good point. They're a union. Part of The AFL-CIO.


New Member
Union/Association Right/Wrong

Interesting arguments but I wonder what the net result of being declared winner will be. The point behind this Work To Rule appears to be to coerce the BOCC to find more funding for educational programs.

The District and the County appeared to have saved the 150 positions that were on the chopping block by sensibly re-aligning positions within the district and using attrition to save money rather than cutting Paraeducator positions.

What is not being discussed is there is still no more money to meet the demands of the teachers and the ___________________ to which they pay their dues. The county simply does not have the funding without taking it from some other services.

I volunteer and substitute in the schools in this district. I have also been a fulltime 5th grade educator. So I have firsthand knowledge of the problems these teachers face daily. Yes, the students are out of control. Yes, they often have nothing resembling home training or manners. Yes, you have a contract that states your responsibilities.

Here's my perspective. You have a college education. You are, by virtue of being a classroom instructor, used to working autonomously. If you tire of doing the job you applied for, get a new one. Just remember, tenure is not offered in the world outside the classroom. I hated dealing with my union and the parents. I left. I regret leaving the students but if I was miserable at my job, I questioned my effectiveness. If the paycheck is the only thing keeping you in the classroom, maybe it's time you questioned your reason for being there.


New Member
Here's my perspective. You have a college education. You are, by virtue of being a classroom instructor, used to working autonomously. If you tire of doing the job you applied for, get a new one. Just remember, tenure is not offered in the world outside the classroom. I hated dealing with my union and the parents. I left. I regret leaving the students but if I was miserable at my job, I questioned my effectiveness. If the paycheck is the only thing keeping you in the classroom, maybe it's time you questioned your reason for being there.

we appreciate your perspective and respect your comments. however, in this case, these individuals are not tired of their jobs. they are being layed off. big difference. these folks want to work, want to educate, want to make a difference in the lives of children that deserve the chance to have good teachers and a good education.
we appreciate your perspective and respect your comments. however, in this case, these individuals are not tired of their jobs. they are being layed off. big difference. these folks want to work, want to educate, want to make a difference in the lives of children that deserve the chance to have good teachers and a good education.

Evidently you didn't take the hint about the SHIFT key.


Well-Known Member
Teachers complaining about their pay, hmmmm. Wish I could get paid for sitting at home on snow days, get the summer off, winter & spring breaks, and paid holidays. WTF, it seems the're off more then they work. I say if you don't like your job or salary then get another one. I'm sure there is someone out there who needs a job and would be appreciative to have one.

Don't look now, but your ignorance is showing.


New Member
Evidently you didn't take the hint about the SHIFT key.

i guess you think im going to change the way i type because some drones on a forum dont like it ?? maybe you should take a hint and bite one.

or maybe you could SHIFT your lips enough to kiss my ARSE.

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i guess you think im going to change the way i type because some drones on a forum dont like it ?? maybe you should take a hint and bite one.

or maybe you could SHIFT your lips enough to kiss my ARSE.


I'm feelin a lot of love from you...

Is this how you normally respond (you're quite touchy aren't you)? And you want people to think your opinion matters?

If you wanna kiss and make up that's fine, but I'm NOT gonna kiss any other part of your anatomy.:love: