St. Mary's teachers want to "work to rule"


New Member
I'm feelin a lot of love from you...

Is this how you normally respond (you're quite touchy aren't you)? And you want people to think your opinion matters?

If you wanna kiss and make up that's fine, but I'm NOT gonna kiss any other part of your anatomy.:love:



I love Texas Road House
WTF, it seems the're off more then they work. I say if you don't like your job or salary then get another one. I'm sure there is someone out there who needs a job and would be appreciative to have one.

hey you better watch that salty language.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
what took you so long to join the party ? we've been waiting on some of your usually stupid comments.

Wasn't any more filled the thread up already.:howdy:

I'll just sit back and read....chuckling quietly once in a while. I don't have a dog in this fight anyway.

Still haven't had that 'Shift' key replaced yet either, I see...:killingme


New Member
Oh my yes. I can't tell you how much it means to be 'validated' by you on here.

No..really..I can't tell you. It would be mostly #####'s.


so you just couldnt keep your pie hole shut after all...... figures.

leave it to mr. gilliturd to ruin another good thread.



Resident PIA
Just caught up on all the respnses (aka nonsense)

Random thoughs for people to ponder:

For every good teacher, the one that puts in the extra time, there are those that don't. I have witnessed first hand (at the "best" middle school( teachers trotting from the parking lot in the moring to beat students to the classroom. In the afternoon i have seen the reverese, teachers exiting the building hot on the heals of the little vermin. I've tried to schedule meetings with teachers, and staff, with the only time being during their day. But I also know of the opposite, teachers that stay late to work with students or meet with working parents.

I know of several teachers who were not prepared for class, who were more disorganized than the students. One teacher would give an assingment, then read the paper and fall asleep. Students would sneak in and out of the room while they slept.

In short, there are those who behave professionally and those that don't. Those that don't are protected by tenure. If an employee in the private or government sector can be evaluated than so should teachers and administrators.

Generally speaking we (in St. Mary's Co.) don't pay the teachers very well. It's a crime that a veteran teacher with a family of 4 is eligible for food stamps. Embarresing when their kids are eligible for free or reduced lunches. Worse, the administrators are paid so much more. I call BS when a principal is making twice what a veteran teacher is making. Compensation is out of line.

Also, don't pretent every teacher that stays late for an after school activity is there out of love. There is compensation for these activities and unfortunately for some teachers it's that little extra money that gets them through. Don't just assume it's "good will".

But before we start paying people more, maybe we should concentrate on basics, like having schools not falling down in disrepair, having books for every student.

Maybe the county should spend more, the problem is the BOCC has to juggle roads with reading. Report in the paper yesterday on the poor condition of Rt 4. County government, citizens and indepent assessments say yes, SHA says no. So who funds the repairs and upgrades. Without infastructure the jobs will leave. Like I've said before, take everything the BOE says with a grain of salt (okay a pound maybe) At the end of the day they can play on your emotions for more money, but when your taxes go up and the roads aren't fixed it's not their name you will be taking in vain.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people are so upset about the teachers wanting to "work to the rule" as a show of protest. I personally don't think the teachers should do ANYTHING outside of their contractual obligations. It's no different with any of the people complaining. I wonder how they would feel if their employer told them they had to work additional hours, or perform duties which are outside of what they were hired for?


Resident PIA
I don't understand why people are so upset about the teachers wanting to "work to the rule" as a show of protest. I personally don't think the teachers should do ANYTHING outside of their contractual obligations. It's no different with any of the people complaining. I wonder how they would feel if their employer told them they had to work additional hours, or perform duties which are outside of what they were hired for?

It's certainly their option and I think they are entitled to do it.
But as a professional, if my employer asks me to take on an assignment outside my normal responsibilities I would do it. I'd do it for a number of reasons (experience, good of the company). If it became an everyday thing, I'd evaluate how I felt about my compensation. If I felt I deserved more, I would present my case to my employer. If we could not come to a satisfactory settlement I would look to move on.
I would also offer that salary is not the only form of compensation, time off, medical and retirement benefits along with job stability. The beauty in America is that it's your choice, as of today the government does not tell you who you will work for and what your occupation will be.


Well-Known Member
in many industries, the scenario you describe is viable. In St. Mary's for example, if you don't feel the contractor you work for is compensating you adequately, you can send your resume out to any number of other contractors within a 10-15 mile radius to find better compensation.

It is slightly more difficult when you talk about teaching though as changing employers for a teacher would typically require moving to a different county or possibly state. Given that teachers are often not the only/ primary wage earner in a household, moving isn't necessarily an option.

as for the medical and retirement benefits, I can only speak from my own experience when I say that the mdeical benefits afforded me as a teacher were not anywhere near the same caliber as what my husband has as a contractor. retirement benefits are approximately the same. granted, I'm not in the public school system so I don't know what their medical/ retirement compares


Well-Known Member
It's certainly their option and I think they are entitled to do it.
But as a professional, if my employer asks me to take on an assignment outside my normal responsibilities I would do it. I'd do it for a number of reasons (experience, good of the company). If it became an everyday thing, I'd evaluate how I felt about my compensation. If I felt I deserved more, I would present my case to my employer. If we could not come to a satisfactory settlement I would look to move on.
I would also offer that salary is not the only form of compensation, time off, medical and retirement benefits along with job stability. The beauty in America is that it's your choice, as of today the government does not tell you who you will work for and what your occupation will be.

The beauty of America is you are not forced into servitude of anyone. If you are hired to do a job, you do your job. The “extra’s” that the employer wants them to do is their choice. It’s not for the good of the organization. The organization is going to thrive no matter what because there is limited choice for the consumer in that organization. The children who go to that school are still going to go to that school.

The teachers doing the extras are making the politicians look good because they are doing a service for free because they understand there is a limited supply of money that government can offer. If you want to pay based on the extra’s then let them raise your taxes. If you don’t want your taxes raised, then let them protest. That’s another beauty of America, the right to protest!

Southern Belle

New Member
This kind of shallow response is exactly why the public needs to be educated on what teachers actually do. I defy anyone who thinks teachers "are off more than they work" to spend ONE day in a classroom and be responsible for 25 kids for 45 minutes. It is not an easy job. To blithely say "they should just find another job" is an indication of your lack of understanding of what teachers actually do.

As for defy anyone who thinks teachers are off more than they work, lets look at the school calendar. They only work 9 months out of the year, off 2 weeks for winter break, 1 week for spring break, holidays in between, and OMG lets not forget it might snow. As for finding another job, teachers have a college degree so they can go find a job elsewhere. I'm thankful for the teachers who have taught my kids and there are some damm good ones. It's sad because the bad teachers are giving the good teachers a bad rep. As for a shallow response and blithely say, I understand more than you think, I'm a sub and i've seen it and heard it all. I only do this to help out the school system, not because I need the work. I have a great job that I love.


Well-Known Member
Good point. They're a union. Part of The AFL-CIO.

Google "association vs union" and see where that gets you. Hint: most of the links that pop up will be in other countries.

This link is from a Q and A session with a Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Association member. It's a little long-winded, and pretty specific to his craft, but a quick scan suggests he does a pretty good job of explaining the difference between a trade association, and a trade union. The short version is that they are very similar in some respects, but sometimes vastly different in others.

Eight Questions For the Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Association (MMAFA)


They call me ... Sarcasmo
As for defy anyone who thinks teachers are off more than they work, lets look at the school calendar. They only work 9 months out of the year, off 2 weeks for winter break, 1 week for spring break, holidays in between, and OMG lets not forget it might snow. As for finding another job, teachers have a college degree so they can go find a job elsewhere. I'm thankful for the teachers who have taught my kids and there are some damm good ones. It's sad because the bad teachers are giving the good teachers a bad rep. As for a shallow response and blithely say, I understand more than you think, I'm a sub and i've seen it and heard it all. I only do this to help out the school system, not because I need the work. I have a great job that I love.


Well that just settles it. I didn't realize we were reading posts from an expert!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Oh for pity's sake.... :blahblah: about teachers being off... Teachers are contracted to work for 190 days a year. Whine about snow days all you want, but they have to be made up and kids get out plenty of days teacher don't, but the contract is for 190 days. Their salary is based on that 190 days. The agreement made between the teachers and the school board is for 190 days of work. Whine all you want about how they get off so much time and how they are getting over on the system, but everyone who signed that contract knew it was for 190 days of work.

Now does anyone know a teacher who grades papers on the weekend or in the evening? If you don't, you live in a cave and never went to school. They all do. I know a teacher who took the family on a camping trip that they'd been looking forward to for months and spent time grading papers in front of the tent, while the rest of the family went off and had fun. I know a teacher who used his personal vehicle hauling mulch for a school fundraiser all weekend a couple of weeks ago. Not only did he do 2 days of physical labor for free, it cost him $100 in gas and the money from the fundraiser was earmarked for a program that had nothing to do with his department and his classroom wouldn't benefit from.

So those of you who want to ##### about teachers taking too much time off, follow a teacher around for a while and see what you think.