Apparently, you have blinders on too. You need to read the ENTIRE Bible because your statement is dead wrong.
We can't know everyone's eternal destiny, I agree, but we can know about some by what they tell us and their actions. A God & Jesus different than the Bible's God & Jesus means they're not gonna make it. Look at how Jesus chastized the Jews. They believed in the "God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob" but not in Jesus. He said they would NOT make it to Heaven because of that. Can I not assume this about others for the same reason? OK?
Now there are 2 meanings for "judging". One is wrong in God's eyes and one isn't. Read up on them in the Gospels. As for me, I WILL be sure to challenge people about who their God & Jesus are. It's that important.
I can't see how anyone wouldn't want to share their salvation experience with everyone who asks. It's when they don't that I'd be willing to bet they have a different God & Jesus. This is what worries me about Pixiegirl when she refused me earlier.
How would you like to meet your friends on Judgment Day and they say to you (right before they're cast into Hell): "if you knew that I believed in a different Jesus why didn't you confront me about it??? Some friend"! Think about that before you mention judging. I prefer to think that I'm trying to get the truth out or "clarify it" rather than judge. Once I hear what they believe, then I watch for the "fruit".
I often confront people on this issue just because there are so many lying, false teachers masquerading as truth teachers today who teach a different Jesus.
I led a Mormon girl out of the Mormon church many years ago just by challenging her beliefs about Jesus. Imagine if I had assumed she was saved because she said so.
So, you go ahead and be passive & non-judgmental and take everyone who says they're going to Heaven at their word. I'll continue doing what I do.
You can assume in your mind, but to assert to (or on) others is a judgment not for you. Your job is to spread the Gospel. Your job is to advise them that if they do not accept Christ they certainly will go to hell. Your job is NOT to tell them they ARE going to hell. Again, that decision is reserved for God. They either accept your testimony or you shake the dust off your shoes and move on. Jesus was in a unique position to know peoples’ hearts. We are not.
Even this Mormon girl telling you she accepted Christ (in that you changed her mind) you have no idea whether she will go to heaven or not. So what I am trying to say is I do not stand in front of someone that refuses to accept Christ and point my finger in their face and tell them they are going to hell. I do not tell someone that stated they have accepted Christ that they are going to heaven. I don't know that. I don't know what's in their heart.