Stat Tracking

Will you put Nonno on Ignore?

  • I already have

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • I will

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I will not, I like paying him for his intelligent posts

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • I never read his crap anyway

    Votes: 27 64.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
So, forumite Nonno finally got on my last nerve yesterday. Yes, yes, I know he's been on some of yours for a while, but I finally had enough. In the process of becoming feed-up, the lightbulb went on. I guess some of you have already had that lightbulb moment.

It is my humble opinion, that everytime, you click a link in one of Nonno's posts, you are actually paying him. This is called stat tracking and you can do some searching on it for yourself. Basically, some idiot is paying him, everytime his links get clicked. That makes the clickees idiots as well.

I searched the forum rules, and there doesn't seem to be an actual rule against it. The closest I can find is
"Please do not advertise or solicit for your business in our forums. If you would like to advertise on Southern Maryland Online, please contact our sales team by using the Feedback Form."

So since I learn from my mistakes, I will be putting Nonno on ignore. I encourage you to do the same and to stop clicking his links. Perhaps, we can hurt his bottom line and he'll go elsewhere.

I checked a bunch of his links and only one looks like it could even possibly be stat tracking. The rest all go dirctly to the referenced link without any additional code.

To track stats, the link would have a "user ID" embed it it somewhere.


In My Opinion
And we discuss, debate, banter and argue over his posts. Just because he doesn't participate in them...who cares? We don't need him to have a good time. :party:

So he is like the pizza boy?
he drops off the pie, gets a tip, turns and moves on to his next drop off as we all eat and discuss the qualities of the pie he dropped off in the first place?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Waiting for Gilligan's list.

List of what?

I'm just sitting back and immensely enjoying all the other forum poster's comments....a delicious read, especially after remembering your recent whiny question concerning who I spoke for on here..or not.:killingme

Your worked hard to achieve your current level of popularity; who am I to spoil the moment for ya?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I voted for #4. :killingme

LMAO. With the caveat "intelligent" in there, you aren't collecting enough coin from your posts to even set off a metal detector.

Heck, even I will pay you for intelligent posts. (I say that knowing full well my fortune is quite safe)
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Habari Na Mijeldi
List of what? I'm just sitting back and immensely enjoying all the other forum poster's comments....a delicious read, especially after remembering your recent whiny question concerning who I spoke for on here..or not. Your worked hard to achieve your current level of popularity; who am I to spoil the moment for ya?

No list forthcoming? OK.


Methodically disorganized
What I find interesting is that EmptyTimCup comes through on a regular basis creating threads where he inserts a couple smilies, a story link and perhaps one or two short comments, yet no one complains about his link dropping.

Granted, he is not nearly as active as Nonuts, nor are his behavior or comments as incendiary, but to me, he is doing the same thing. The big difference is that the majority of Nonuts's links are from the Left and Tim's are from the Right.

Nonuts's threads also get a lot more comments, so I think the people who have said they ignore him are either lying or the people who do respond have not been commenting here.


I do not follow his links .......

I read his drivel and whats others have said ...

It is like a bloody car wreck .....

I know it is left wing Socialist crap .....

...... but it is almost Pavlovian I cannot stop ...... :cds:


if is convoent how he comes back around before an election ... Obamanation got elected *POOF* NoNuts was gone ......

.... until about 6 months before the mid Term then him and Annoying Boy showed back up .... I think there might be a couple others .....



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
What I find interesting is that EmptyTimCup comes through on a regular basis creating threads where he inserts a couple smilies, a story link and perhaps one or two short comments, yet no one complains about his link dropping.

Granted, he is not nearly as active as Nonuts, nor are his behavior or comments as incendiary, but to me, he is doing the same thing. The big difference is that the majority of Nonuts's links are from the Left and Tim's are from the Right.

Nonuts's threads also get a lot more comments, so I think the people who have said they ignore him are either lying or the people who do respond have not been commenting here.

Nonno never ever engages..not even the tiniest little bit. That is what gives rise to all the well-deserved derision and ridicule. If you are going to push an opinion or a point, you can never,ever do so without also being prepared to defend and debate it.

That goes for anyone anywhere, IMO, left, right or middle. You can't aim the gun..don't be pulling the trigger.


What I find interesting is that EmptyTimCup comes through on a regular basis creating threads where he inserts a couple smilies, a story link and perhaps one or two short comments, yet no one complains about his link dropping.


I at least follow up with discussion ....

I post things I think others should know about, share a common Interest in ....

I personally know 3 Forumites .... and their general political leanings ... sometimes I just PM stuff to others ....


Oh and I do not get paid ....... :buddies:

I know some days it seems like I carpet bomb the Political Section .... :shrug: what can I say, some days are better news days then other days ....



A Salute to all on Watch
He's been posting a lot lately, must be trying to scrape up some cash for Christmas gifts.

Actually, I would believe it is raising money for Assange, Pvt. Manning, Ahmadinejad and NAMBLA.... but not necessarily in that order


Habari Na Mijeldi
Poo. I can't tell if Nonno went away from this thread mad..or just went away.:popcorn:

Nonno the Magnificent is still here. I, "quite actually" have been busy voting for #4 using my numerous MPDs. " Rather amusing", wouldn't you say? :killingme