Stat Tracking

Will you put Nonno on Ignore?

  • I already have

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • I will

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I will not, I like paying him for his intelligent posts

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • I never read his crap anyway

    Votes: 27 64.3%

  • Total voters


Granted, he is not nearly as active as Nonuts, nor are his behavior or comments as incendiary, but to me, he is doing the same thing. The big difference is that the majority of Nonuts's links are from the Left and Tim's are from the Right.

I think you'll find that most objections to Nono's behavior focuses not on the fact that he posts a lot, posts things that are contrary to the general mindset of the forum collective, or that he post incendiary comments.

The primary complaint is on the fact that he comes in, drops a cut & paste bomb like a fecal coil, and then bails out. He does not back up what he's posted, and ANY commentary beyond the original link/clip is invariably a personal barb with exactly no substance.

Not even attempting to back up one's assertions paints one as a gutless turd that's about as useful as a box of hair.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The primary complaint is on the fact that he comes in, drops a cut & paste bomb like a fecal coil, and then bails out. He does not back up what he's posted, and ANY commentary beyond the original link/clip is invariably a personal barb with exactly no substance.

Not even attempting to back up one's assertions paints one as a gutless turd that's about as useful as a box of hair.

:killingme:killingme Now THAT is amusing!


Lovin' being Texican
And we discuss, debate, banter and argue over his posts. Just because he doesn't participate in them...who cares? We don't need him to have a good time. :party:

And that is good for your business, right? As long as we get spun up and remark and argue about Nono's drivel, SOMD.COM gets paid. IF Nono's stuff goes away, the forum activity settles down to levels like those respites when he's idle.

Heck, Nono may really be on your staff.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Before I forget, I want to wish you all the very best wishes for a happy holiday season!


Habari Na Mijeldi
And that is good for your business, right? As long as we get spun up and remark and argue about Nono's drivel, SOMD.COM gets paid. IF Nono's stuff goes away, the forum activity settles down to levels like those respites when he's idle. Heck, Nono may really be on your staff.

You need to go here to find the answer to that statement. >>>>>kleek:killingme


New Member
I'm okay with that. They're typically articles of interest - not always, but mostly - and we'd click on them anyway. If he can make a few cents off of it, good for him. I don't really consider that spamming or advertising.

We'll note that he also posts a lot of stupid articles that get absolutely no attention, which he obviously wouldn't get paid for because nobody cares enough to click.

Are Nonno, NHBoy and a few other constant news posters in any way affiliated with SOMD (organization MPD's) to purposely post all this dribble in the forums and keep people reading, arguing, and the Google ads flowing?



Well-Known Member
I hate the thought of nonno being unemployed. :elaine:

Somehow, I doubt that whatever income he/she/it derives from this is reported anywhere. I imagine that the taxpayer supports his/her/its lazy azz already.


New Member
Why doesn't that surprise me?

So, nonothing, why DO you speed post, and only rarely offer any any defense to your inane posts.

We already explained it to you if you read the thread.

He posts anything and everything to give you content to comment on, argue about (playing the Dems against the Republicans etc.) to make the forums looks busier than they really are.

And every new page created triggers more Google ads and adds more search words for those Google ads to be displayed when someone searches for something on the web or within the site.



Lem Putt
What I find interesting is that EmptyTimCup comes through on a regular basis creating threads where he inserts a couple smilies, a story link and perhaps one or two short comments, yet no one complains about his link dropping.

Granted, he is not nearly as active as Nonuts, nor are his behavior or comments as incendiary, but to me, he is doing the same thing. The big difference is that the majority of Nonuts's links are from the Left and Tim's are from the Right.

Nonuts's threads also get a lot more comments, so I think the people who have said they ignore him are either lying or the people who do respond have not been commenting here.

I did when Tim started, but it was just as pointless as it is to argue with Nonno. A blind idealogue, unable to do anything more than :yeahthat: to whatever slants his way.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Nonno the Magnificent is back from vacation, you forum clowns may recommence your conspiracy theories..... :dye:


Nonno the Magnificent is back from vacation, you forum clowns may recommence your conspiracy theories..... :dye:

Nonno the Magnificent?

Dear Bleeding Christ.

My mental image of you has been modified. I now see you sitting in your basement playing dungeons and dragons.

In full regalia, gesturing at the other players with your faux-scepter and flourishing your cloak.

And whenever you defeat one of your oppenents you refer to them as your "prey". Speaking with a horizontal lisp (think "Sid the Sloth" from Ice Age, or Neil Goldman in Family Guy) and feigning a mighty laugh, you drink Flavoraid from a recycled 2 litre coke bottle and refer to it as your "celebratory stein of meade".


Habari Na Mijeldi
Nonno the Magnificent? Dear Bleeding Christ. My mental image of you has been modified. I now see you sitting in your basement playing dungeons and dragons. In full regalia, gesturing at the other players with your faux-scepter and flourishing your cloak. And whenever you defeat one of your oppenents you refer to them as your "prey". Speaking with a horizontal lisp (think "Sid the Sloth" from Ice Age, or Neil Goldman in Family Guy) and feigning a mighty laugh, you drink Flavoraid from a recycled 2 litre coke bottle and refer to it as your "celebratory stein of meade".

Toxick my friend, you of all should know that a penthouse has no basement. May I suggest you cleanse your thoughts and try again? :killingme


Toxick my friend, you of all should know that a penthouse has no basement.

Penthouse? Mkay.

I now modify my mental image even further, changing "your basement" to "your mom's basement".... which you do, in fact, refer to as your "penthouse".