Example of both parents making 50,000.00
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Son 01/15/2006
Mother Father Combined
1. MONTHLY ACTUAL INCOME (Before taxes) $ 5000 $ 5000
a. Minus preexisting child support payment actually paid -0 -0
b. Minus health insurance premium (if child included) -0 -0
c. Minus alimony actually paid -0 -0
d. Plus/minus alimony awarded in this case +/-0 +/-0
2. MONTHLY ADJUSTED ACTUAL INCOME $ 5000 $ 5000 $ 10000
3. PERCENTAGE SHARE OF INCOME (Line 2. Each parent's income divided by Combined income) 50.00 % 50.00 %
4. BASIC CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION (Apply line 2 Combined to Child Support Schedule) $ 1040
a. Work-Related Child Care Expenses Code, FL,
§12-204 (g) + 0
b. Extraordinary Medical Expenses Code, FL,
§12-204 (h) + 0
c. Additional Expenses, FL, §12-204 (i) + 0
5. TOTAL CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION (Add lines 4, 4a, 4b, and 4c.) $ 1040.00
6. EACH PARENT'S CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION (multiply line 3 times line 5 for each parent) $ 520.00 $ 520.00
7. RECOMMENDED CHILD SUPPORT ORDER (Bring down amount from line 6 for the non-custodial parent only. Leave custodial parent column blank. $ 0 $ 520.00
Comments, calculations, or rebuttals to schedule or adjustments if non-custodial parent directly pays extraordinary expenses:
Deduct from the recommended child support order amount (Line 7) any third party benefits paid to or for a child (e.g. SSA Disability, retirement or other third party dependency benefit).