Because parents do take care of their own children as they did since Adam and Eve and long before Child Support was ever invented. The State Child Support laws are oppressive and unjust and so that is abuse by the State.

The Court order might be valid but it is unreasonable and it is unjust and the Courts are turning parents that do try to comply into criminals and we have dead broke parents in our modern debtor's prisons with the Courts and the State waiting for the prisoner's families to cough up the ransom. The law is tyranical and therefore the law is wrong.

No, I consider unjust that the Courts knowingly demand fixed set amounts in defiance of the Federal laws to protect the Country's citizens from collection abuse.

I think our difference is that you approve of deeming the separated parent as guilty with out giving them a real defense, and that you approve of the State and the Courts abuse of separated parents because you believe the slanderous lie that they are all "deadbeats".

I think it is time people take the courage to look at the truth.