JPC said:

Because both of my hands are injured (Dupuytren's Contractures) but with power stearring I could fake it but my attitude does not like lies.
Plus driving and cars period are expensive and my attitude wants to put the crooks out of office so
I use my little money for my campaign and not for gasoline.
There are some other attitude reasons but I hope that suffices.
You aren't using your little money, you are using my money. My taxes pay for your pathetic existence. We paid to feed you and clothe you when you couldn't live within the law. We paid to raise your child, because you wouldn't.
Let me tell you about the people you are taking money away from. My wife and I are raising two young children. We give up some things like fancy dinners out so we can make ends meet. I wish we could have given my son more presents today, his fourth birthday. It's hard enough to make ends meet without paying taxes, but I usually do so willingly because it is my obligation as a member of society.
Freeloaders like you make me rethink my willingness. When I see losers like you sponging off of me, I resent every tax cent I spend. You are using assets and labor paid for by my taxes to run your psycho "campaign". Meanwhile, you are breaking the equipment and manipulating assets that could be used by deserving, disadvantaged children to make sure they are smarter than you.
You keep hiding behind your self-induced physical problem. The truth is that you are a middle aged loser sponging off of the tax payers. You could work if you wanted to, you just choose not to. My older brother has Cerebral Palsy, but he has worked since he was 18. Compare that with your lame problem.
Let's suppose you were elected. They actually expect you to show up for work. We know that you have no experience doing that, so how long would it take for you to give up the whole "work" thing and leave the area unrepresented?
Nobody here believes you will get more than one vote in the primary, assuming you can get to the polls. Our anger is not based on the theory that you stand a chance, rather we are angry at you. You are a worthless, arrogant freeloader. You insult every parent that cares for their children. You propose that the tax payers should pay when you don't. Then you propose that the very tax payers who support you should lose their jobs to satisfy your twisted sense of reality.