Football addict
Under that premise, then why have any laws at all?Bustem' Down said:Yeah, but laws won't stop criminals. They just stop people who obey the law.

Under that premise, then why have any laws at all?Bustem' Down said:Yeah, but laws won't stop criminals. They just stop people who obey the law.
Spoiled said:You are right, give some gangs fully automatic weapons and tell me gang wars wont be more bloody... Im not arguing that its the people who do it, but the guns do control the effiency
its not as easy to spray with a semi auto as it is with an auto
I totally agree. What I don't agree with is "Gun's don't kill people, people do." I believe it is a combination of the two. You have to admit that a gun certainly makes it a helluvalot easier to kill.Vince said:And these guns laws are going to stop the gangs from getting these automatic weapons and using them? If that's you're thinking, then re-evaluate your train of thought. That IS the thinking of most people who don't own, use or like guns. They say "get rid of them all and we won't have any trouble." Well, after you take the guns away from all the hunters, trap shooters, target shooters, competition shooters, etc. (honest law abiding citizens) guess who will still have them. You're right, the criminals.
Spoiled said:You are right, give some gangs fully automatic weapons and tell me gang wars wont be more bloody... Im not arguing that its the people who do it, but the guns do control the effiency
its not as easy to spray with a semi auto as it is with an auto
BuddyLee said:I totally agree. What I don't agree with is "Gun's don't kill people, people do." I believe it is a combination of the two. You have to admit that a gun certainly makes it a helluvalot easier to kill.
Cars are meant to be driven. McDonalds is meant to be eaten. Guns are meant to Kill. Get it? Got it? Good!Cletus_Vandam said:Cars get you up and down the road a lot more effeciently than a horse. BAN THE CARS!!!!!
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than any of the guns in my house....
I'll bet anyone, if you put a gun on the table and no one ever touches it, it will never hurt anyone.
Yeah, sure, "guns kill". And those tobacco companies forced you smoke those five packs a day. And McDonalds twisted your arm so hard you just had to Super Size....
Cletus_Vandam said:Cars get you up and down the road a lot more effeciently than a horse. BAN THE CARS!!!!!
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than any of the guns in my house....
I'll bet anyone, if you put a gun on the table and no one ever touches it, it will never hurt anyone.
Yeah, sure, "guns kill". And those tobacco companies forced you smoke those five packs a day. And McDonalds twisted your arm so hard you just had to Super Size....
Why are you banging your head? You're the one that keeps bringing up fully automatic weapons when this thread has nothing to do with them.Spoiled said:![]()
I know this, I was talking about fully automatic weapons here... 2a and various other posters ensured everyone knew this when it was still a hot topic in the news...
Do you realize that a sporter AK-47 or a AR-15 are not assault weapons? An assault weapon is fully automatic capable (select fire for some). No weapons that are available to the public are assault weapon unless they obtain a separate class 3 permit which takes longer to get and has a more intrusive background check that a secret clearance.Bustem' Down said:First I'm neither for nor against the ban that was in place. I don't see how laws will prevent someone who breaks the law from obtaining weaponry. My question is why would anyone really need an assault rifle?
Do you read posts or just come back with your point of view?Spoiled said:You are right, give some gangs fully automatic weapons and tell me gang wars wont be more bloody... Im not arguing that its the people who do it, but the guns do control the effiency
its not as easy to spray with a semi auto as it is with an auto
I am sure the Founders, most of them, would tell you we have far too many laws. Their idea of the proper amount of law was that the common man would be able to read and understand all of them in one days reading with no ambiguity. I don't think you could catalog all the law volumes in one day much less read and understand them.BuddyLee said:Under that premise, then why have any laws at all?![]()
A Scandinavian country, forget which one, outlawed all private ownership of guns. The murder rate did not go down at all the following year. Great Britian and Australia have virtually outlawed private ownership of guns. Thei violent crime rates have increased. On the other hand, every state (41 of them) that have concealed or open carry have lower crime rates. The city with the most restrictive gun laws in the world, Washington, D.C. is also the murder capital of the world.BuddyLee said:I totally agree. What I don't agree with is "Gun's don't kill people, people do." I believe it is a combination of the two. You have to admit that a gun certainly makes it a helluvalot easier to kill.
I KNOW WHAT AN ASSUALT RIFLE IS. I know the AR-15 is made by Armorlite company. I'm looking for disscusion on why someone would need one.2ndAmendment said:Do you realize that a sporter AK-47 or a AR-15 are not assault weapons? An assault weapon is fully automatic capable (select fire for some). No weapons that are available to the public are assault weapon unless they obtain a separate class 3 permit which takes longer to get and has a more intrusive background check that a secret clearance.
AR does not stand for assault rifle. It stands for Armorlite Rifle which invented the design.
Your question shows the typical lack of knowledge and downright lies promulgated by the media and liberal politicians that are more interested in keep the citizens from standing up to the government.
Agreed.2ndAmendment said:I am sure the Founders, most of them, would tell you we have far too many laws. Their idea of the proper amount of law was that the common man would be able to read and understand all of them in one days reading with no ambiguity. I don't think you could catalog all the law volumes in one day much less read and understand them.
A better question is why not? Why does anyone need a car capable of speeds over 200 mph when the highest speed limit in MD is 65 mph? I sure you have plenty of things that someone else would say "why would you need ?????"Bustem' Down said:I KNOW WHAT AN ASSUALT RIFLE IS. I know the AR-15 is made by Armorlite company. I'm looking for disscusion on why someone would need one.
BuddyLee said:Cars are meant to be driven.
Bustem' Down said:I'm not questioning anyone. I'm just curious as to answers. Damn, I want one myself actually, but and antique, not a modern one.
Cletus_Vandam said:I agree with that portion of your post. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice
ffice" /><o
You seem to have a propensity to divert attention away from the gun issue at hand and throw it about in other areas such as auto crashes, drunk drivers, tobacco and even Mcdonalds. What do these have to do with the gun issue at hand? Sure people die because of idiotic mistakes, such is life. I will agree that people get what they deserve. However, you cannot refute that guns are an exceptional tool like no other which has manifested intent to do harm. It is too easy to pull a trigger. <oCletus_Vandam said:<o></o
However, when a person drinks all night at a bar. Then decides to drive home, wrecks his car into oncoming traffic and kills a family of four, he's labeled as "drunk" and is sentenced to prision (maybe). The "car" that did the actual damage never comes into any fault with the crime.
Agreed.<oYet, when a career criminal uses a gun to kill, rape, or commit any other violent crime, he goes to jail (maybe). Then all of the media, the uninformed, the left, and just about everyone in California all sit back and talk about how bad it is to have guns in this Country. But it's not sooo bad to have the career criminal who will get sentenced to three years and be back out on the streets doing the same thing after doing his time.
They certainly do. However, what was and still is it's main intent of use?<oGuns have numerous other uses other than killing.
<oIf one continued your logic of thought, gun powder, knives, arrows, and even a stone attached to stick should be outlawed.... <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" oreferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v
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