Beware if you go to Solomons Island. Across from the marine museum, there is a speed camera enforced sign and a display of how fast you are going. The speed limit on the island is now 15MPH.
The four times I have been recently, I entered going 16 MPH and the display was flashing at me. Waiting for my tickets...
FYI - A couple corrections needed here:
Solomons Island Road South (otherwise known as Main Street) switches from
35 to
25 at the Marine Museum. One the way out, it goes back to
35 at the Verizon Bldg (Lore Rd).
All side roads in Solomons/Avondale are now
15. With the fresh pavement, all the Italian freaks are flying to La Vela at well over the posted speed limit on C Street (I keep a boat down there, and often ride my bicycle in the Solomons area). There were issues with speed in other areas too, so the speed limit was lowered before all the construction started (only by
5 MPH on MainStreet, it was
30 forever, and from
25 to
15 elsewhere). The flashy sign is a friendly reminder that the County put in. Even as a resident, I get the thing yelling at me once in a while when I am not paying attention.
Unrelated to Solomons, but a total error on my part getting caught by surprise..I was up in the Dorf a few months ago driving my wife to an outpatient procedure, and it was still Covid-Land enough I was not allowed into the facility, so off I went hunting for Internet access to do some work. I got caught by a speed camera somewhere apparently near a crosswalk that some kids might cross. I don't even recall the location..I got a picture of my car and a ticket for doing 12-ish??? over and that was that. .Sure, it is an excuse for a money cops, no crossing guard as far as the eye can see....just a camera in a convenient spot making a few bucks for ChuckCo...
If you want to meet a nice officer and get a handwritten ticket, come south down Rt 2/4 on almost any weekend morning and rush to the bridge..they are waiting for may get lucky if you had an extra Starbucks in your cup holder!